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Electoral District (2011):
There should be a balance
Yes, but they need to use the vast wealth our country could have from our resources to develop and become a world leader in renewable energy.
Allow the free market to decide
im in between due to the fact you still mine rescuorces for batteries like how you mine for coal.
Yes, but only a small percentage of the peoples taxes should be used. Though only if the current taxes do not get raised.
Nuclear is the only way.
NO, if someone's own energy the government should not be controlling that and how much energy people use it's none of the government's business.
I think that the renewable energy sources are something to be used on a small scale not a large one, so I wouldn't mind some funding but not a pile of money
To a certain degree. Renewable energy is good but we shouldn't completely move away from fossil fuels. I believe Nuclear is also a very clean energy source.
yes but they should also lower regulation on the production and consumption for large corporations and other companies sso that our country can take advantage of our vast resources however it should be reasonable
No, because there is no adequate renewable energy source that will sufficiently supply the country as well as oil and gas.
energy is generally the concern of provinces, so no. the federal government is overreaching with their current policy and should only be stepping in due to the event of catastrophic failures/shortages. provincial governments need to do better and should be the ones incentivizing energy companies.
They should subsidize innovation and production of Canadian made green tech They should penalize the production and consumption of dirty energy if there is an alternative. Green washing should be discouraged. All essential services such as power production in provinces need to be owned by the people or run on the future guardian model (Patrick DeFlufy) all profit needs to be reinvested in efficiency and innovation there is no room left for share holder payouts and ceo bonuses anymore. The system can't take having the top creamed off we need to make Canada a better place for future generations
The government should subsidize the production only as that way the product will naturally be cheaper
Many so-called "renewable" energy sources are not very good. The government should subsidize the use of rooftop solar panels for homeowners.
I believe that renewable energies would be a good thing if they weren't so expensive and our government would need to spend money it doesn't have on renewable energy sources
Yes we should invest in other forms of energy as long as it doesn’t pass a huge burden onto the tax payer. We shouldn’t be phasing out fossil fuels until we have infrastructure in place to do so or at least cut down the use of wasting our non renewables as energy. Oil is a very important commodity and it is not infinite.
Having electric cars means having to dig up more of the battery sources and that is destroying the earth and the gas we use for our cars is less destructive and we have no other use for it where the battery for cars can be used for other things.
NO! The government should not favor any industry over another or any sector of a particular industry over another. Let free markets dictate what form or forms of transportation anyone uses. The carbon tax must be eliminated immediately. Vehicles and heavy equipment already have substantial pollution controls.
Yes however the current sources of energy such as fossil fuel must not be disregarded. Instead of heavily relying on fossil fuels, the aim for energy consumption should be at least 40% renewable energy
No, the government doesn’t have the understanding required to assess the impacts of “renewables”. It will also make the industry reliant on subsidies
@9KBFTYW 1yr1Y
No, if the companies are private they should be allowed to succumb to the same economic factors that influence the rest of the economy. Energy production for individual consumers should be low cost for citizens since it is produced with our country's resources. Buildings for corporations should be required to produce or contribute to the production of energy through environmentally sustainable means.
I believe renewable energy sources are a good idea, except for the the fact that producing them has an impact on the environment when the government says it’s a big enough issue already
Yes only if the the gouvernement takes in consideration the amount of pollution the business is producing and their intentions.
they should start making it mandatory that if a certain company's carbon emmisions are too high they need to start using more renewable sources of energy
So basically if Opposite Day then renewable is not renewable and then whole energy sphincter will to boom like big bang
keep oil alive and make me money. the government should invest in renewable sources but also keep the oil industry alive as alot of countries still use oil to function
The federal government should use revenue from carbon taxes and related to invest in R&D and efficiency improvements to hydro and energy storage systems
Not entirely. Some investment should be made, but companies should be provided incentives to become increasingly eco-friendly, especially on an international scale with regulations.
No, producers of non-renewable energy sources should be taxed to incentivize them to transition to the production of renewable energy sources.
We can certainly help with grants in the national interest, to expand renewable energy and make it more accessible for businesses.
No. If we run out of energy sources in the future it will be the job of the people in the future to figure out a solution.
the evolution of rewnable energy should not but governed by the federal goverment allowing more private companys to develop and receive benifits to develop new and effincent sources
for me its hard because we need for save the planet but the materials for this ones are hard to get and you have to mine for get the minerals for that
Yes, but only if they are reiably good long term solutions. Otherwise, fund research into green alternatives that actually make sense in canada.
Yes and No. Yes towards renewable energy sources that works and is the most cost-effective. No to energy sources that does not work.
no f***ing clue what this means in my almost non-existent brain
The government should have a division that examines the proposals and buys into the companies that look the best. No endless subsidies, they get a piece of the business for their investment.
Yes, if it includes nuclear energy.
I do not understand what this entails
i am satisfied with the current results for now
Yes, but only if it’s in our budget
No, but nuclear power development and current hydroelectric infrastructure should be supported
no we should try to make it easier to get
Yes, but not all over every peice of land
The government should be funding renewable and green energy. Sustainable energy is worth investigating time , effort and money into.
Support but continue to use fossil fuels as well
The government should help to support and incentivize companies in this field.
I am uneducated on this promt.
Provide more incentives for renewable energy production
Maybe as long as it’s nuclear.
Nuclear is good, solar is ok, but not wind
It should subsidize only to the extent that is reasonable both the parties.
If they haven’t already done this there is a problem. Bc why are we paying carbon tax. Problem is we aren’t large emitters of carbon. Other countries are. Yet we pay. And it basically goes to debt bc of mass spending.
It depends on the type of energy
No, but the provincial governments should, according to the economic needs of the province.
No, large businesses should be required to offset their emissions through the subsidy of renewable energy
This depends on if the renewable energy they are switching to is actually "green" or if we are just making problems for other areas. Eg. Solar panels using rare earth metals that need to be mined in other countries that destroy rain forests and use child labour to attain them.
Yes, but use the carbon tax as the primary or sole source of funding
Yes, subsidize the installation of local/individual solar/wind apparatus to reduce the dependance on current methods and pass the savings on to home owners/renters who participate.
@8SXWSLJNew Democratic4yrs4Y
Yes, the federal government subsidize the production and consumption of renewable energy sources for as long as it did non-renewable energy sources
This would be on a not for profit basis.
There must be a proportionate subsidies to prop up new technology
It should find more education on nuclear energy and more nuclear energy facilities
Yes, but also subsidize nuclear energy.
Once battery and renewable technology is better, yes
Yes, but the subsidies should not be extremally large. That money is better spent elsewhere, such as providing more funding for education and health care.
same answer as the previous 2
If the project works then yes.
It depends on the circumstance that the energy is being used for
Yes, but work up to the conclusion not just “go cold turkey”
only if the project is proven to be successful
Yes, but only to supply lower income families to reduce their cost of living through solar/wind/hydro. The wealthy can already choose to use renewable energy sources so why subsidize them?
It depends on the area some areas can't afford to get rid of these resources so get funding to give those areas alternatives then yes
i am uneducated on this issue.
Yes. But don’t totally cut out current energy resources. Transition takes time.
Develop a long term strategy that allows fossil fuels to be eliminated over time
Depends on the recourse cost to make said energy source
No, hybrid energies should be subsidized.
Yes, if the federal government has the budget for it.
Yes, but it should not need a great deal of money.
Yes, because electricity can't be created and everything that is run by electricity will be shut down.
Issue credits or tax breaks to end users of renewable
No. Subsidize nuclear and natural gas power sources.
Yes, to a certain extent.
subsidize production but not consumption
Yes, and become a leader for new energy sources showing initiative.
Should invest in nuclear rather than the renewable options
Yes, in ways of tax breaks for corporations that use renewable energy
switch completely to renewable
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