Fracking is the process of extracting oil or natural gas from shale rock. Water, sand and chemicals are injected into the rock at high pressure which fractures the rock and allows the oil or gas to flow out to a well. While fracking has significantly boosted oil production, there are environmental concerns that the process is contaminating groundwater. Fracking has been widely used by petroleum in Canada since the 1960s. Critics of fracking say it pollutes underground water supplies with chemicals, releases methane gas into the atmosphere, and can cause seismic activity. Proponents of fracking say it will drop oil and gas prices in Spain and lead to energy independence.
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Don't like it. but! until we have more technology and infrastructure in place so we can move away from this, it is sadly a necessary evil.
Yes, but increase oversight, and continue research on more sustainable energy resources along with measuring the long term effects of fracking.
Yes, just away from populated areas, public water infrastructure and fresh water sources. we also need to ensure maintainence for those sights even if they get closed down to prevent the overflow of those contaminates from leaking into the ground.
For LNG, I would support fracking with limitations to the environmental damage. I prefer that we pursue more sustainable and renewable energy, also as long as it isn't in heavily populated areas.
Only with heavy oversight and in areas away from heavily populated areas. However we should try and move away from that.
Yes, but the companies that does the extraction should be liable for the environmental clean up. A fee should be charges per barrels/Litres extracted and that fee goes into a pool that will be invested in the clean up
Yes, ONLY if all chemicals used in the process can be recovered, stripped out of wastewater and the water used put back to potable conditions. If not, then this again is a market force that will either promote conservation, recovery, alternative fuel sources, methods or importation of fuels from elsewhere.
Yes, however it should be done with consideration of various factors such as human population, wild life and other life sustaining resources.
No, we should pursue more sustainable resource energy instead and study the long term effects fracking that was already inflicted on the land, particularly in relation to earthquakes.
yes but only if it does not disturbs the residents health
No, this is unsustainable and wrecks havoc on the environment We need clean energy.
i dont want their racking fluid in my drinking water and if the locals feel the same then they should have the right to kick them out
yes but no because they started it and they gave up on it
Yes, but different renewable energy resources should be explored and experimented with frequently in order to phase put fracking
as long as they are held acountable to the communities that are most effected
Yes but only temporarily to transition to renewables and more research is needed for its long term effects
Yes as long as the company is held accountable to the communities their harming the most
I would say Yes as long as the communities that are most harmed have the most say in weather to keep the pipeline project going. These projects have a poor history and they need to be held accountable to their actions if they are to improve as a company
Yes, but there needs to be an initiative to switch to sustainable energy sources, and there should be research on the effects of fracking.
Yes China and India are the worst polluters and weren’t at cop26
Yes, but only as a replacement to coal
No, we should pursue more sustainable and environmentally friendly energy resources instead
No comment-I need more research about this.
No, but allow existing operations to continue
Yes, but only until there are more sustainable options constitantly avaliable
Tsking lake size quantities of fresh water out of the hydrocycle for fracturing at practically zero cost to explorers is not s good idea when fresh water will become a scarce commofity. That goes for contamonating water sheds for export coal mining.
This would depend on the circumstances the country is facing. Only frack if there is no other option in your province. Leave this up to communities to decide.
Only if every part of the product can be used in some sort of consumption. Also committing to cut waste by 10 % /yr and contributing to clean alternatives
Don’t know enough about the issue
Yes, but we should be pursuing more sustainable energy sources instead
Use a more environmentally safe way of energy.
@8TYXSVHNew Democratic4yrs4Y
Yes, and nationalize the industry. However, this should only be used until we can efficiently power most of Canada with reliable and renewable energy sources.
Yes, but with the best technology available and in the safest manner possible
Yes, but the say should be the communities effected by the industries.
Yes - but the use of fracking should be faded over time.
Yes, but reduce and promote alternatives
Yes, increase oversight and nationalize the industry only after doing long-term research of effects of fracking.
Yes, and without significant government interference.
Neither yes nor no. Maintain status quo until further long- term empirical studies have been conducted to scientific standards.
No, we should pursue more sustainable energy resources instead, and more research is needed to measure the long-term effects of fracking!
Yes, and nationalize this business
don't lnow what this means
yes until we move more towards renewable energy
Yes, but the increase in oversight is needed and not in heavily populated areas.
Yes, and nationalize the industry, drill, baby drill
I don't understand this question so I don't think I would have an accurate opinion.
Do not know enough about the subject matter to form an opinion
It’s bad for the environment but it would be a heavy loss of jobs. Oil is necessary currently until there is another alternative. Maybe for x amount of oil produced have x amount of trees replanted.
Yes, and nationalize this sector drill baby drill
Yes but there needs to be a higher level of environmental safety to the earth
Yes, until better energy sources are more effective at scale
Yes and Nationalize this industry
convert to nuclear energy instead
Yes, but only to reduce use of dirtier forms of fossil fuels.
Maintain current fracking of natural gas, but don't permit new fracking operations. This will serve as a temporary measure, as natural gas can serve as a (slightly) cleaner fuel in the short-term as we transition to nuclear and renewables.
Yes and nationalize this industry.
No new fracking, but don’t end current fracking, as it would increase our reliance on coal and be counter-intuitive.
Yes, we should nationalize this industry, drill, baby drill
We should continue current fracking to wean off of coal, but it shouldn’t be permanent and no new fracking should occur.
No new fracking, but don’t end current fracking.
Yes and nationalize this sector
No, because I heard it poisons ground water.
yes as long as those that undertake fracking are accountable for any environmental damage IF damage occurs
If the province wants to use fracking, then yes, considering the economic benefits
Yes, and nationalize the industry and drill baby drill.
Yes, and nationalize this industry. Drill, baby drill.
Yes with strict environmental controls
No, I like my non-burning water
No, fracking reduces oil quality
Yes, and nationalize this industry. Drill, baby drill!
Yes, drill baby drill. Nationalize the fracking industry.
Yes, on the condition that concurrent research and application occurs re sustainable energy sources occurs, with targets to phase out fracking.
Yes, and nationalize this business and drill baby drill
Yes, drill baby drill and Nationalize oil and natural gas resources.
I don’t know cause I don’t know what hydraulic freckling even is
Yes but with caution, oversight and consultation
yes, If we use more sustainable resources CO2 emissions will decrease
Oil should be kept in reserve for emergency uses, as it is a finite source of energy.
why the hell would i care
Not in heavily populated areas, some LNG only, and temporary until we find better sustainable renewables or incentivize for more sustainable renewables to pursue. More research is definitely needed, avoid oil as much as possible
Yes with increased oversight until we discover a better solution
Yes, but nationalize the energy sector and redistribute profits as dividends to all Canadian citizens. Canadian resources belong to all Canadians, not multinational corporations.
Mixed feelings on this aswell.
Yes but only temporarily to transition to renewables
Combination of both: we should pursue more sustainable energy resources instead and studying the long-term effects fracking that was already inflicted on the land, particularly in relation to earthquakes.
i think it should be used only as necessary, and we should switch to renewable energy soon
If we weren’t running out of oil, sure. But no one wants to talk about that. We just wanna shove a lie down everyone’s throat and then get mad when their inner knowing kicks in and asks questions! TELL THE TRUTH
Yes, but not at the current rates we have been
Yes, however, we should pursue more sustainable energy resources
Yes, but regulations and oversight should be put in place to make sure that the environment and wildlife are not harmed.
Yes. Fracking is a better alternative to coal
Yes, as long as it doesn't damage the environment or water supplies
Yes, but only to extract natural gas with increased oversight
Yes, but increase regulation and oversight, and provide more scientific research to measure the effects it has, short and long-term, on us and to the environment. However, if the problem keeps getting worse, then phase it out and move towards better energy sources, such as nuclear and renewable energy.
@B2CMT6Q 2mos2MO
Pursue more sustainable energy resource development/technology, but still allow use of non-sustainables if absolutely necessary.
No, we should use our resources to research sources of energy such as fusion
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