In 2019 the European Union and U.S. Democratic Presidential Candidate Elizabeth Warren issued proposals that would regulate Facebook, Google and Amazon. Senator Warren proposed that the U.S. government should designate tech companies who have global revenue of over $25 billion as “platform utilities" and break them up into smaller companies. Senator Warren argues that the companies have “bulldozed competition, used our private information for profit, and tilted the playing field against everyone else.” Lawmakers in the European Union proposed a set of rules which incl…
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No, we shouldn’t penalize success. Only if the government can prove monopoly and anti competition violations.
No, just heavily regulate and heavily enforce taxation and environmental protection laws.
No, but there should be limitation of the overreach of these companies to ensure competition can also succeed and that users are not vulnerable
No, However the government should impose larger taxes on the owners and shareholders of these companies.
No, because those are American multinational countries that we have no control over. We cannot do it even if we wanted to.
No, but trustworthy representatives should overlook these companies to make sure they do not restrict speech and break privacy laws.
I don't think they should have been allowed to get to the point they are now. Little too late to backpedal. I think we should be focusing on things like Bell and Rogers as opposed to Amazon and Facebook
Yes, but I would prefer to Amazon,Facebook and Google that have been working against the people.
Yes, they should not be allowed to be everywhere
No, the government should nationalize any business that demonstrates a tendency to monopolize their industries
No, as long as they don't commit corporate fraud and evade taxes
No the government can't control how much a business owns
no they should implement more rules on privacy
i dont think canada can do that
No, but do not allow large corporations the ability collect and retain data on Canadians that isn't vital
make sure they pay taxes comparable to other companies and review them for anti trust/anti competition
Facebook should, but the others are fine
No, but make sure that corporations comply with the constitution
Limit those companies through other means as breaking up does not work for tech companies. Limit growth, or increase taxes.
I do not necessarily see the harm in Google, they contribute lots to our economy and have provided us with some of the most groundbreaking software as of late in the computer science field. Facebook seems a little sketchy but they are the smallest company on this list so if you don't break up Google and Amazon first then you can't breakup Facebook. I believe Amazon being the largest company on this list should have its powers limited. Right now Amazon Web Services controls almost half of the infrastructure-as-a-service sector and can control significantly who gets to use the internet. If they keep growing and taking more market share then they could become the gatekeeper to the internet.
Yes, they have become far to powerful especially when it comes to there ability to control freedom of speech on the internet
Yes, corporations are the biggest threat to the future in all regards.
No, but make them pay their fair share in taxes, and make them increase wages for workers.
They should put more strict privacy laws in place but shouldn’t break up the corporations.
no not until they get too powerful and the government needs to step in which is usually extremely rare but more possible as time goes on.
No, but reduce their power over corporations and society as a whole.
Yes, I think the government should crackdown on monopolies.
Yes, and strengthen antitrust laws for all businesses operating in Canada.
@8PPRN77New Democratic4yrs4Y
Not quite sure if this will have a big impact on anything.
These corporations should be required to pay taxes for the services they offer Canadians in Canada.
@aaliyahvNew Democratic4yrs4Y
No, but heavily enforce taxation and enforce proper environmental protection.
No, but these giant corporations should have to have much of their practices open to the government while being regulated.
They are too big of a monopoly but the governement should NOT be involved
No, let users of the companies and the free market decide
We should stop relying and stand up to big tech corporations.
Increase privacy and data protection and ensure they do not interfere with political issues
I don't think this is possible, but they should be regulated a lot more than they currently are, to prevent violations of workers' rights, union busting and to impose limitations on what they can censor, and what information they can sell to advertisers.
No but end the censorship of Anything Conservative
No, however penalize businesses that are determined to be unfairly controlling a monopoly.
There is no need for government envolvement here
Only to control their lies and corruption
No but they should be subject to extreme penalties for politically biased censorship.
Yes, and regulate businesses stronger internationally to prevent monopolies.
No but they should have more restrictions on how they manage their platforms as media has control on information.
Limit their ability to censor free speech in a democratic society.
Hard question & all 3 are entirely different in purpose and nature
They need to stop discrimination based on opinions on all social media platforms
@8KLCJ9TNew Democratic4yrs4Y
Yes, but it should be stated that this is the responsibility of the US Government, and Canada has no control over whether large tech companies are broken up. In the meantime, Canada should pursue installing a Digital Bill of Rights.
They should break up only Amazon
These companies represent three entities which are completely different from one and other.
google and facebook sure but amazon no
Government regulations, heavy taxation
Just Eliminate the problems they have.
No, but but place lots of regulations in personal data and create room for competitors
How the hell would we go about doing that? They're multinationals based in the US!
They should make sure it does not over take, but they have the right to have the company and grow it.
Why are they dating and what does the government have to do with social platforms?
Government should have no involvement in this
No, instead, collectivise them, and give the shares to the people who do the work.
I dont understand the question
@8ZMG2VVNew Democratic3yrs3Y
The government should create their own search engine and online supply network to compete with these private companies.
No, but they should monitor their ethical practices based on employment, carbon emissions, etc
I think they are a monopoly. I think there needs to be better regulations for workers. Maybe when a company has “x” percentage of profits it should be required to re-invested in employee initiatives and aid, health insurance, pension plans. I think employees are not just numbers for profits. I think people should be paid well and employee health should matter. But the man/woman on the top of the organization should definitely make more than the bottom line worker. But the top man shouldn’t be making so much, that it effects the health of the bottom employer, that gets “squeezed” financial and physically to reach targets. That’s not right.
No, but they should get a cut of the profits.
When they ban freedom of speech then yes
No, but they should intervene and make sure the corporations are not overstepping their boundaries.
yes, and immediately ban any company that shows political bias, contrary to its claims as a platform.
No, But monitor them closely
Don't have to break them up, however they should be taxed by each country they operate in according to that countries user base.
No, I love those companies and so do millions of others, next question
no but should be appropriately taxed
Not completely terminate, but adjust.
No, make the data they use public for any startup to access.
Yes, if these companies attain market monopolies
Government should not be involved in any social or private businesses..
No, but Make them pay their taxes, and punish them for illegal and immoral acts
No, but serious monitoring must be put in place to prevent technocratic meddling in politics.
Yes companies like Amazon and WalMart kill our small businesses and make Canadians spend our money in other countries
Break up monopolies, foster an environment of growth and competitiveness for small businesses
No, but do not allow censorship
Canada has little authority to do this, larger countries like the United States will likely lead the way on this policy and we should work with other countries to determine issues of monopolies in the social media space. Faceboook should not be allowed to buy up every new start up
In the ways of selling personal information for content, yes
No, while Amazon, Facebook and Google are harmful, the government should not have this much control.
Break up monopolies and grow small businesses
No but tax them at twice the current rate
No, they should have high fines for bad business practices
No, but they should be held accountable for the censoring, throttling of information, or political meddling.
No, these companies need to be regulated to insure they are benefiting society, rather than focus on profits
Should eliminate the ability to censor others and sell misleading products
They shouldn't be broken up, but more heavily regulated.
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