Try the political quiz

215 Replies


Have you ever changed your mind about a social issue after hearing someone else's personal story?

 @9L4Q8WQfrom Saskatchewan answered…7mos7MO

I have thought about it and sometimes I will change my mind but most of the time I don’t


What's one instance where you felt your freedom was protected or challenged?

 @9KC497R from Ontario answered…8mos8MO

Our freedom was challenged when i attended the Freedom Convoy and the Trudeau government unconstitutionally activated the Emergencies Act and also froze bank accounts of people who attended the peaceful protest and also took organizers and advocates and unofficially labeled them as political prisoners.


Have you or someone you know ever been unfairly disadvantaged, and how could that have been prevented?

 @9JDWGQ9from Ontario answered…9mos9MO

the promotion of social liberalism involves not only addressing instances of unfair disadvantage reactively but also proactively building a society that values and safeguards the dignity and rights of every individual, regardless of their background or identity.


How does the environmental movement relate to social liberalism in terms of government regulation?

 @9HP9J48 from Ontario answered…10mos10MO

It relates because it is trying to please both parties, social and political


In what ways has your community shaped your perspective on collective responsibility?

 @9LCJGPHNew Democraticfrom Ontario answered…6mos6MO

I haven't interacted with my community enough for them to shape my perspective on collective responsibility.


What's the most compelling argument you've heard against social liberalism, and what's your take on it?


In a world that's increasingly automated, should everyone be guaranteed a basic income?


How do you perceive the relationship between creative arts funding and social growth?


When has a global event led you to reappraise the role of your national government in the world?


Share a story of a time when you saw community action lead to positive change.


How does the concept of caring for the elderly reflect in your culture, and what role should the government have?


Reflect on a time when you or someone you know needed help; how did it change your view of social welfare?


How might a community's mental health be affected if more social support programs were in place?


How do you think your access to technology has affected your educational and social opportunities?


How would you describe the idea of economic fairness in a diverse classroom setting?


Imagine a society where all basic needs are met; how would that influence your ambitions and career choices?


Have you ever been in a situation where you felt your voice was unheard, and how could it have been different?


What role should schools play in preparing students to be not only career-ready but also socially responsible citizens?


Which do you think should be given more weight in decision making: traditional values or societal progress?


If you could experience life in a society drastically different from yours, what are you most curious to observe and understand?


Imagine your future career is impacted by a sudden economic downturn; how would you want the government to assist?


What would you do if you saw someone being excluded from a group or activity due to their background?


If a friend from a less privileged background confided in you about their struggles, how would that affect your political beliefs?


How would your day-to-day school life change if it actively incorporated more inclusive practices?


What's one act of kindness you've witnessed that made you believe in the importance of a compassionate society?


What are your thoughts on the relationship between taxes and the quality of public services?


How have your views on welfare and government support evolved over time?


How do you reconcile the need for both personal success and contributing to the community?


How has access to public services like libraries or parks influenced your education or leisure?


What does the term 'social justice' mean to you in your daily life?


Have you ever taken advantage of a public facility like a community center or sports complex, and how did it impact you?


What's an example of a privilege you have that others might not, and what does that mean to you?


How important is it for governments to address climate change as part of social responsibility?


In what ways could your local community be more inclusive to everyone?


How can young people make the biggest impact on current social issues?


How would you describe a perfect balance between individual rights and societal needs?


What are your thoughts on how much influence companies should have in politics?


How do you feel about the interplay between personal privacy and public security?


Have you noticed any actions by your government that you feel enhance your personal freedoms?


How would the availability of free higher education change your future plans?


If you could create a law to improve people’s lives, what would it focus on?


How does the idea of a government ensuring fairness affect your sense of security?


When has someone's support made a pivotal difference in your life?


What makes you feel truly equal to others in your community or school?


How would you feel if a social program made a significant difference in the life of someone you care about?