Try the political quiz

209 Replies


Do you think a free-market economy is the fairest system for everyone, and why or why not?

 @9H6D7LFfrom Ontario answered…11mos11MO

 @9H6D52XConservativefrom Ontario answered…11mos11MO

Yes, on most things, but on people's basic needs, there should be rules and regulations.


How do you think a balance can be achieved between national pride and unity, and respect for diversity and inclusion?

 @9KZS5ZXfrom Ontario answered…7mos7MO

Community is what is felt by those that share a common space, values and goals. Without us feeling respect towards our fellow community members, we lack cohesion and unity to achieve a mutual Canadian dream, that is a fabric of cultures.

We need stricter immigration with a strong citizenship test, so that Canadians feel that those coming into Canada, share their values and do not wish to degrade other Canadians quality of life, through poor housing situations.

Without addressing the fact that quality of life is decreasing in Canada, there will be an increasing amount of hatred and division, as resources become scarce between Canadians.


Do you think there's a fair balance between the wealthy and the poor in your society, and why?

 @9HG8FTLfrom Ontario answered…10mos10MO

I think the balance will get there one day but right now it's still uneven.


Recall a time when a public issue was solved by individuals or communities rather than the government, how did it work out?

 @9HFZTXLfrom Nova Scotia commented…10mos10MO

One example of a public issue being addressed by individuals and communities in India is the lack of sanitation. This is a major problem in the country, with about 700 million people having no access to toilets at home, leading to open defecation and the spread of diseases. In response to this issue, various initiatives have been undertaken by non-governmental organizations, community groups, and social entrepreneurs to provide access to clean toilets and promote hygiene practices. For example, the Sulabh International Social Service Organization has installed "Sulabh Shauchalayas"…  Read more


How do you think your life would be different if the government played an even smaller role than it does now?


Can you describe a situation where embracing a new cultural or social change made a positive impact in your personal life or community?


In moments of national or local crisis, what role do you think individual citizens should play versus waiting for governmental action?


Have you ever had to defend a tradition in your family or community that others saw as outdated, and what was that like for you?


How would you feel if a new policy significantly increased your personal freedoms but possibly at the expense of community safety?


In an age where information is at our fingertips, how do you navigate the abundance of perspectives on national security versus privacy rights to form your own opinion?


How would you feel if a new law greatly benefited you personally but had negative repercussions for your community, and why?


Considering the balance between national interests and globalization, share your perspective on how this balance impacts your personal or local community's economic opportunities.


Reflecting on your own experiences, discuss a time when you felt government intervention was either crucially supportive or overly intrusive in personal or economic matters.


How does prioritizing individual freedoms shape your vision of an ideal society, and in what ways do you think this approach benefits or challenges community cohesion?


Can limiting some aspects of free speech be justified, and under what circumstances?


Being part of a global community, what measures do you take to ensure the products you use are ethically sourced, and how does that conflict with economic beliefs?


Do you think the education you’re receiving adequately prepares you to participate in and shape the future economy?


How do your friends' and peers' attitudes towards social welfare systems inform your own opinions?


What's your view on the debate over national interests versus global humanitarian commitments?


Can you share a personal anecdote about self-reliance and how it has impacted your lifestyle or choices?


How do you balance the need for security with human compassion in the context of refugee crises?


What has been your experience with government support systems, and how have they influenced your perspective on such programs?


What's your take on how current immigration policies reflect the values of your country?


How would you handle societal pressure to conform when it conflicts with your personal values?


What does 'personal freedom' mean to you in the context of following laws and respecting others' rights?


When deciding on a purchase, do you prioritize 'made in your country' products, and if so, what drives this preference?


What personal actions do you take to ensure that your freedoms do not impede on the rights of others?


Have you ever felt that a government policy intruded on your personal life, and what was your response or feeling about that?


How would you argue the benefits or drawbacks of a free-market system based on your own or your family's experiences?


How do you navigate conflicts between personal liberties and community well-being in situations like a pandemic?


What kind of society do you envision if there was a perfect balance between personal freedom and government regulation?


How should a society decide when it's necessary to restrict individual freedoms for the sake of public health or safety?


Why might some people view a powerful central government as a threat to individual liberties?


How do you perceive the role of mandatory public service (like military or civic service) in shaping national character?


In an era of rapid technological changes, how should traditional industries and jobs be protected, if at all?


What responsibilities do you believe you have to your community and how do they impact your personal choices?


How can a community protect its cultural identity in the face of globalization without becoming isolationist?


In what ways do your friends and family impact your views on government involvement in daily life?


In a world that's pushing for inclusivity, how do you think traditional values should evolve?


What are your feelings towards the government monitoring personal communications in the name of national security?


Have you ever felt conflicted between supporting local businesses and choosing global brands, and what guided your decision?


How would society be impacted if everyone prioritized their own interests over communal needs?


What does 'individual achievement' mean to you in a society that emphasizes collective success?


How do you decide which personal or civic freedoms are most important to you, and why?


From your perspective, how does a society benefit from individuals prioritizing personal responsibility over reliance on government support?


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