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 @9FKPVZCLiberalfrom Alberta  disagreed…1yr1Y

I believe that tightening the restrictions on purchasing guns could really help to lessen the gun violence/school shootings in the country.

 @9FTWLZJfrom Alberta  agreed…1yr1Y

Hunting for recreational purposes is already hard enough due to posted land,and many rules like that, and gun control laws would only make it so much more difficult for families just trying to have fun hunting like mine, to have that option. It's what I grew up with but now hunting is almost a miserable time because it's so difficult not to break a law.

 @9FGZNQYfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

Stricter gun purchase restrictions are not about undermining the Second Amendment but about finding a balance to enhance public safety. Comprehensive background checks, waiting periods, and improved training can help prevent misuse and protect our communities.

 @9FFSJNVfrom Alberta  disagreed…1yr1Y

There should be gun control because if everyone is allowed to own a gun then no one is safe because anyone can shoot anyone at any given time.

 @9FFFH7Kfrom British Columbia  disagreed…1yr1Y

Statistically, firearms are the most commonly used weapon in homicides, and restricting or banning guns has been shown in multiple countries and states to decrease crime rates.

 @9FFDMXFfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

In my opinion any normal person should not be allowed to have a gun at all, rather it should only be for any government or states person, police, army, etc.
I say this because there are so many shootings happening and I think that most people who want it to be easier to buy guns, are the bigger threats.
For regular people there criminal records should be checked if they want to buy a gun and also check what they do for a living to better understand the reliability of that person.

 @9F8TLK9from British Columbia  disagreed…1yr1Y

without any gun control, Canada will soon turn to be like the US school shooting, random assaults and overall more deaths

 @9F8VWSZfrom Alberta  disagreed…1yr1Y

If I remember correctly the question was if we should increase gun regulations. Our current system works well at keeping gun deaths very low and as such shouldn't be changed

 @9H23R6Zfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

If we allow our Gun Control Laws to be like America's we will end up with more shootings and gun based crime then we already have

 @9FSX2DDfrom Ontario  agreed…1yr1Y

as soon as you start to control the sale of guns, it only stops the people who use guns for self-defense or hunting to buy them. criminals will always obtain them weather its legal or not

 @9FNN4XQfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

In my opinion, the best argument for gun control is that people should not have guns with them and at home, and only police and military personnel should be allowed to carry firearms, because if anyone has a firearm, the country will become an unsafe place.

 @9FFM5Y5from Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

In this generation, it is more important than ever to support stricter gun control measures. Personally, I think we have to consider the upsetting amount of gun related incidents and mass shootings that are taking place, stricter gun regulations can help keep guns out of reach from certain people who could be a threat to society. I'm not saying take away the rights of gun owners who are responsibly handling them, what I'm saying is by creating measures such as background checks can potentially make our communities and innocent people a lot safer. The safety of individuals in a community should always be a priority, and stricter gun control is a great step in order to protect the lives of innocent individuals.

 @9FKQTPHfrom British Columbia  disagreed…1yr1Y

Statistically, firearms are the most commonly used weapon in homicides, and restricting or banning guns has been shown in multiple countries and states to decrease crime rates.

 @9FB5B2RLiberalfrom Manitoba  disagreed…1yr1Y

You can't drive a car without a license and training, why should you be able to operate a firearm without one?

 @9F7RJ2Rfrom Ontario  agreed…1yr1Y

take me for example i use a gun to hunt deer, turkeys etc, I have taken all the safety courses and know the limits and rules. but for somebody to not know thats what ruins it so everyone should know basic gun rules and if they have mental problems not be allowed to fire one

 @9GCRH8Zfrom Newfoundland  disagreed…1yr1Y


 @B3H2PHQfrom Alberta  disagreed…1wk1W

I believe that tightening the restrictions on purchasing guns could really help to lessen the gun violence/school shootings in the country.

 @B3H24XFfrom Alberta  disagreed…1wk1W

I don't feel as safe in Canada as I would in the country my family lived before moving in here. In my country, I didn't face lockdown practices at school. Meanwhile, in Canada, I get to experience them once in two months.

 @B3FKS5Lfrom Ontario  disagreed…2wks2W

I'm my opinion any normal person should not be allowed to have a gun at all, rather it should only be for any government or states person, police, army, etc.
I say this because there are so many shootings happening and I think that most people who want it to be easier to buy guns, are the bigger threats.
For regular people there criminal records should be checked if they want to buy a gun and also check what they do for a living to better understand the reliability of that person.

 @B3DRJB3from Ontario  disagreed…2wks2W

There should always be a gun control everywhere, look at 3rd world countries or even our neighboring country, adults', teens, CHILDREN being killed because they fail to have a gun control in their countries. Our Country can NOT be turned into a **** show like that.

 @B3CTMW9from Ontario  disagreed…2wks2W

The process to get a legal firearm is extensive but there are no checks for years after you have the license(this should change) Criminals will use anything to harm if they want to so penalize regular people who follow the laws is not fair

 @B3935FYLiberalfrom Ontario  disagreed…2wks2W

By introducing and loosening gun control laws, the public is more at risk because access to guns will be more widely available.

 @B38Z37Mfrom Ontario  disagreed…2wks2W

Guns simply do not work. We can see it with our Neighbours to the south. You can run away from a knife, you can’t run from a bullet.

 @B35FMYRfrom Ontario  agreed…3wks3W

there should be less restrictions being fairly exspaensive to own a gun and having to renew every 5 years

 @B2FYGHSfrom Ontario  disagreed…2mos2MO

implementing gun control measures is essential for reducing gun violence and saving lives. Countries like Australia and the UK have seen significant drops in gun-related deaths and mass shootings after enacting stricter laws. Background checks and waiting periods can prevent dangerous individuals from obtaining firearms, and states with universal background checks have fewer homicides and mass shootings. Most Americans, including gun owners, support common-sense measures like background checks and assault weapon bans. Gun violence also has a huge economic cost, from healthcare to law enforcement expenses. While the Second Amendment protects the right to bear arms, reasonable regulations can balance individual rights with public safety, much like how free speech is regulated to prevent harm.

 @B2F9F3NConservativefrom Quebec  agreed…2mos2MO

Legal Gun owners in canada are mostly hunters or the odd sports shooter. Not criminals, they get illegal guns.. That's the main issue, it's always been the main issue with guns. No laws will change that!

 @B247BW8from Alberta  disagreed…3mos3MO

This doesnt mean taking away guns at all, this means allowing for more control on deadlier weapons such as automatic weapons designed to kill alot within a short amount of time.

 @B22TTV7from Indiana  agreed…3mos3MO

If someone, and I'm just saying this out of the blue, if some nut job from far away attacks our country, then we need police officers and law enforcement to counter the attack.

 @9ZYTXVMfrom Ontario  agreed…3mos3MO

Gun control is only a bandaid fix to the mental health crisis and violence.

 @9ZXKX69from Ontario  agreed…3mos3MO

To make a compelling case against gun control, one might consider several arguments, including constitutional, practical, and historical perspectives

 @9ZXDTJ4from Ontario  disagreed…3mos3MO

You want people to think they gangsta and shoot each other? :skul: doubt that more people will be willing to rob with a knife than with a gun, no gun = less problems since not everyone buying a gun is a responsible individual who likes to hunt deer or wants to be safe at home.

 @9ZPXQCSLiberalfrom Quebec  disagreed…4mos4MO

look at the US due to lack of gun control, so many mass shootings especially in schools. It's heartbreaking. It is way too easy to purchase a gun in America.

 @9ZN8B9XGreenfrom Ontario  disagreed…4mos4MO

We need control if we allow the public to have guns it causes more violence. Look at America there is school shootings on the regular.

 @9YM4YHWConservativefrom Ontario  agreed…4mos4MO

The law abiding citizens with firearms are not the indivuals committing firearm related crime and shouldn't be punished by anecdotal evidence.

 @9TYLKPXfrom Northwest Territories  disagreed…6mos6MO

It is extremely dangerous, and we have seen that in the number of public and school shootings in the past 5 years, to give anyone of legal age the right to a gun.

 @9TW7FFGIndependentfrom Ontario  disagreed…6mos6MO

Look at America, a society can have bad mental health or guns, not both. We have poor mental health that needs addressed before we can ever have more guns

 @9TGDVKNIndependentfrom Alberta  disagreed…6mos6MO

yes, a gun is a lethal weapon it can either be used as a hobby a way to hurt people or a use for self-defence, but if the situation isn't extreme why take someone's life? there should be background checks to purchasing a gun to make sure the person isn't ill and has taken proper training on handling a gun. those who disagree don't like the extra safety when it comes to purchasing a lethal weapon. shootings are more likely to happen, as an example The United States Second Amendment allows them to "bear arms" which is exactly why they're on an all-time high when it comes to firearm homicides. it's either safety or the inconvenience of those who don't have the patience nor the ability to take proper responsibility for owning a firearm.

 @9NQG3HVfrom Alberta  disagreed…9mos9MO

Guns are just really dangerous weapons that require a lot of responsibility and discipline to use. Not many people have either of those, and use a gun for violence against people under the banner of "self defence" even if it is often times just really unnecessary.

 @9MG9NBCfrom Manitoba  agreed…10mos10MO

I am Native, I am from the Cree nation. My people have used bows and arrow to hunt, are they going to ban our culture too? Think about it.

 @9MFVHCRfrom Ontario  disagreed…10mos10MO

Gun control means making rules about who can have guns and how they can be used. It's not about taking away everyone's guns, but about making sure people are safe. We want to prevent bad things like shootings and accidents. By having rules like background checks and waiting periods, we can stop guns from getting into the wrong hands. This helps protect everyone, especially kids and people in dangerous situations like domestic violence. It's also important to remember that most people support these rules because they want to feel safe. So, gun control is about finding a balance between keeping our rights and keeping everyone safe.

 @9MBPTTBfrom Ontario  disagreed…10mos10MO

Control on guns is very crucial as even young children from 12-20 are getting access to guns. Many crimes have occured as a result and has been out of control everywhere.

 @9M2QCF6from Ontario  disagreed…10mos10MO

There should be more restrictions on weapons and weapon use. Individuals carry unregistered items which increases crime and death rates.

 @9M25595from Ontario  agreed…10mos10MO

in switzerland people have acces to gus just they need strict background checks before they can buy them and there are much less shootings there than the US showing that its the people killing the people not the gus

 @9LZBD6GConservativefrom Ontario  agreed…10mos10MO

There will not be less violence in the streets if guns are banned because people will just get them illegally.

 @9LZBBMHfrom Ontario  disagreed…10mos10MO

To anyone who supports the No position on Gun Control, I would just like to ask for what reason would additional gun restrictions be bad in any way. The possession of firearms isn't just the cause of death, but the birth of fear. Anyone with good intentions would not have any issues progression through Gun Control. Tell me how not having additional gun restrictions would benefit anyone in anyway.

 @9LYFNVMfrom Ontario  disagreed…10mos10MO

Guns should be allowed but only for your own use, but not to harm others they should be used at gun ranges and in forests on bottles but never on a person unless it's an extreme circumstance.

 @9LVZGJYfrom Saskatchewan  agreed…11mos11MO

if someone is being robbed or threatened, they should have the right to carry a firearm to protect themselves instead of having nothing to defend themselves with. if the carrier of the firearm is using it in a way it shouldn't be, it should be illegal and the person should be taken to court.

 @9LVCFCFfrom Alberta  agreed…11mos11MO

99% of the firearms used in crimes in Canada come from the United States and are stolen or bought there and smuggled into the country

 @9LV7TCQ from British Columbia  agreed…11mos11MO

We are law abiding citizens of this country and I have the right to hunt and provide for my family and no government is going to come take my guns. Period!!!

 @9LTS8SGfrom Ontario  disagreed…11mos11MO

A concise counterargument to the "No" position on gun control, which opposes stricter regulations on firearms, could focus on the need for sensible measures to prevent gun violence and protect public safety. By implementing reasonable gun control measures, such as background checks and restrictions on high-capacity magazines, we can reduce the risk of firearms falling into the wrong hands and mitigate the devastating impact of gun-related tragedies. These measures do not infringe on the rights of law-abiding citizens but rather ensure that gun ownership is accompanied by responsible safeguards, ultimately enhancing public safety for all.

 @9LSRPPTfrom Ontario  disagreed…11mos11MO

people are absolutely reckless and stupid, i joke about how some adults shouldnt be allowed to work in an office nevermind own a firearm. mental health is a big factor and age lemit and huge things.

 @9LSLZ24from Ontario  agreed…11mos11MO

Switzerland has very solid gun control and people can still own guns without it being politicized heavily

 @9LR7DFVfrom Ontario  disagreed…11mos11MO

I believe that being more strict on gun control can help lower the risk of crimes involving guns, like school shootings.

 @9LR75H2from Saskatchewan  agreed…11mos11MO

Just take a look on YouTube videos and their comments on some robberies in Canada or the United States, a gun can deter armed criminals.

 @9LQBT4Yfrom Alberta  agreed…11mos11MO

The vast majority of firearms used in crimes in Canada are stolen or bought in the USA and smuggled into Canada so the laws put in place restricting the ownership of firearms don't do anything to prevent these crimes.

 @9L2NKB8People’sfrom Ontario  disagreed…12mos12MO

Idk I think you shouldn’t have a gun because it’s dumb you don’t need to kill someone and with nobody owning a gun this allows people to go outside without fear of dying due to gun violence.

 @9KW36W5Liberalfrom Ontario  disagreed…12mos12MO

One counter argument to the "No" position on gun control, which typically opposes stricter regulations, could be:

While it's essential to protect individuals' rights to own firearms responsibly, implementing reasonable gun control measures doesn't necessarily infringe on those rights. Such measures can help address public safety concerns by reducing gun-related crimes, accidents, and fatalities. Regulations like background checks, waiting periods, and licensing requirements aim to ensure that firearms are only in the hands of law-abiding citizens who are mentally and emotionally fit to possess them. These measures can contribute to a safer society without significantly impeding the rights of responsible gun owners.

 @9KF3TWSfrom Ontario  agreed…1yr1Y

gun violence has only increased over the past 10 years despite the many new gun policies put into place. other then that there are many causes to gun violence that ARE NOT the guns themself. if we banned guns entirely people who want to commit mass murder would b left with more dangerous options, such as driving into crowd with a car or creating bombs and killing many many more people than they would with a gun.

 @9JY922Sfrom British Columbia  agreed…1yr1Y

Most gun crimes in Canada aren’t committed by registered gun owners but criminals who have gotten a gun illegally

 @9JXF34Zfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

There should be more restrictions when buying a gun, due to high amounts of school shootings and general gun violence we need to stop as many people from getting ahold of guns, some suggestions could be a hunting license being mandatory, simply abolish people having guns for no reason.

 @9JWFYYVfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

If we gotten all of the regulations for buying a firearm then how come someone could just buy one for their child?

 @9H37S5Ffrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

Stricter gun controls would help us greatly. We would see a SIGNIFICANT reduction in the number of deaths related to gun violence.

 @9H243W9Liberalfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

if there are no restrictions on purchasing a gun the country would fall apart due to the fact people who are unfit would be purchasing a gun and we would not know how it’s being used

 @9GWL57Sfrom Alberta  agreed…1yr1Y

Bill C-21 has been completely ineffective at lowering crime. In fact, gun crime has increased since the liberals were in power.

 @9GTQ229from Ontario  agreed…1yr1Y

People that plan to do illegal things with guns, I don’t believe they often obtain them legally. So putting restrictions will just reduce the amount of people that want to hunt. Hunting and sport shooting is an activity that brings people closer together.

 @9GTNSCSfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

Eliminating the risk of weapon misuse entirely and weapon crime offences can only be achieved by making it entirely illegal and impossible to acquire such weapons

 @9GTKZSVfrom British Columbia  disagreed…1yr1Y

Statistically, firearms are the most commonly used weapon in homicides, and restricting or banning guns has been shown in multiple countries and states to decrease crime rates.

 @9GSPHPSfrom Alberta  agreed…1yr1Y

If you really want to help stop violence with guns then make buildings such as schools or other open public places more secure with armed security or arm the citizens to take out threats. With armed citizens they can easily take out threats with their arms and not have to worry about more people getting killed.

 @9GP2TY7from Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

random people shouldnt be carrying a gun around we should use them for the sick and ill or disabled.

 @9FRK5MRfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

I believe that tightening the restrictions on purchasing guns could really help to lower the gun violence and school shootings in the country.

 @9FQNN23Liberalfrom Quebec  disagreed…1yr1Y

Guns lead to violence in hands of certain public, no guns in the hands of certain public would lead to less or no violence.

 @9FCFSCGConservativefrom Alberta  agreed…1yr1Y

Guns don’t kill peopl, people kill people. Look what is going on in the uk knife violence is higher than any other country

 @9FC8VQZfrom British Columbia  agreed…1yr1Y

I think that people should be allowed to own firearms because a firearm is a tool that is used for many things such as hunting for food , for protection and recreational use. It is unconstitutional to take this away peoples lively hoods from them. However background checks are important before purchasing a firearm but the federal government should not be allowed to do what they are doing

 @9QQ74FVfrom Ontario  disagreed…8mos8MO

Do you want someone who can make a fake ID buying guns and shooting up your school or your child's school?

 @9Q7R83Tfrom Ontario  disagreed…8mos8MO

Gun control would reduce the number of children playing with guns. Gun control would eliminate police officers from shooting innocent people. Gun control would prevent the harming of people and animals.

 @9LY34JDConservativefrom Ontario  disagreed…10mos10MO

There should be gun control because if everyone is allowed to own a gun then no one is safe because anyone can shoot anyone at any given time.

 @9H4MYZZfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

The only way to reduce gun violence and protect citizens is by making guns less accessible to everybody.

 @9GVK6XLfrom Alberta  disagreed…1yr1Y

I think having more restriction on gun control can help in having less violent acts and less school shootings

 @9FTRJ8Nfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

I think that my best counter argument to the no position on gun control is that it can help reduce gun related violence and promote public safety.

 @9FNYC69from Ontario  agreed…1yr1Y

the liberals have no idea what they are talking about because the guy who wrote the law has no idea about guns or hunting.

 @9FH6KQFfrom Alberta  agreed…1yr1Y

Most illegal activity with guns comes from people who illegally got their hands on them, by enforcing the laws on people in the right, you are barely making it any harder for people in the wrong.

 @9FDG47Wfrom Ontario  agreed…1yr1Y , shows states with gun laws that allow consumers to legally buy firearms have less gun deaths than the opposition.

 @9LNHF97from Ontario  disagreed…11mos11MO

I think Canada right now at this moment I think that we should keep it the way it is no guns but I do feel like when people brake in to ur house and u hit them or self defense canada doesn't care about that it just matter if u hit them or what and i feel like that is wrong .

 @9H3HC84Liberalfrom Alberta  disagreed…1yr1Y

If gun was to be given who are unable to take care of it, then corruption will happen in the country.

 @9FN3GV9from British Columbia  disagreed…1yr1Y

If we do not have any position on gun control, other laws that can cause harm under civilian hands can also occur.

 @9F85SK5from British Columbia  disagreed…1yr1Y

yes there should be more restrictions on the current process of purchasing a gun. A gun is a military device, a weapon to be only equipped for trained professionals, or that you have a profession that deal with guns. The stricter the restrictions are, the safer it is for citizens and people.

 @9F7FKS6Conservativefrom Alberta  disagreed…1yr1Y

Without gun control, the security of a nations is inevitably more at risk if unqualified people are able to get a gun.

 @9F7M3WJfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

Do you want our Canada becomes US No. 2? Do you want worry our kids will have gun shots when they are studying at school? Do you want to fear people use guns to fight on the street? If our government doesn't restrict the gun control, we can see where our future ends up.

 @9ZDCKDQ from Ontario  agreed…4mos4MO

no one should be penalized for other peoples misuses of their firearm when most firearms obtained and used in crimes aren't acquired legally. As well as a weapon is only as dangerous as the person who handles it. Most people that want to use firearms for sport, hunting and etc go through proper training to safely handle weapons and that being said the average responsible individual is the only one who suffers from the gun control laws and stricter ones at that.

 @9LQPV4V from Ontario  disagreed…11mos11MO

People are going to do something stupid if we lower restrictions on guns. The death rate will go up and that's very bad. People are surprisingly stupid and evil and will commit murder. I don't trust anyone.

 @9LPV6HFLiberal from Ontario  disagreed…11mos11MO

I believe that tightening the restrictions on purchasing guns could really help to lessen the gun violence/school shootings in the country.

 @9GNKHMZfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

I believe that tightening the restrictions on purchasing guns could really help to lessen the gun violence/school shootings in the country.

 @9GFTFYYfrom Nova Scotia  disagreed…1yr1Y

I believe that tightening the restrictions on purchasing guns could really help to lessen the gun violence/school shootings in the country.

 @9GCWYVBfrom Nova Scotia  agreed…1yr1Y

If someone broke into my house, I would definitely want a gun to protect myself. In times like this, the police response time while good most likely isn't going to be fast enough and i'm not going to be intimidated in my own house. even with the freeze on handguns now, there are still shootings that happen with handguns. In years 2021-2022, 890 firearms were seized at the Canada border. That's only the ones they caught. The actual number of illegal firearms making it through the border would be way higher than that. By taking guns away from law-abiding citizens, it will just take away the ability for them to protect themselves which would inevitably lead to an increase in crime like we are currently seeing.

 @9GBVHDPfrom Nova Scotia  agreed…1yr1Y

When looking at gun crimes, you will see that the majority are committed by criminals, not by hunters, sport shooters, hobbyists, etc. A good example is the UK, which has gun violence even tho nearly all guns are banned there, aside from a few hunting rifles/shotguns.

 @9G9SPWJfrom Ontario  agreed…1yr1Y

No we shouldn't ban guns because criminals get guns illegally so the law of banning guns only affects that legal gun owners.

 @9G7NPBFConservativefrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

I believe that people should be legal age to buy a gun, proper ID, police clearance and a good explanation of why a gun is needed other than hunting. Protection of your household only if kept locked up in a safe.

 @9G7CGWVfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

The best counter-argument to the "no position" on gun control would be to emphasize the importance of implementing stricter gun control measures to ensure public safety and reduce gun-related violence. This could involve advocating for comprehensive background checks, limiting access to high-capacity firearms, and promoting responsible gun ownership. It's crucial to prioritize the well-being of individuals and communities by preventing unnecessary harm.

 @9G5ZKLRConservativefrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

The best counter argument would that it is good to take position on gun control because if the opposing person doesn't then they can be vulnerable to crime relating to the firearm.

 @9G4ZDDCLiberalfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

Guns are killers, people who have purchases guns have gone to schools and killed innocent kids and people... there should be a lot more gun control


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