Prison overcrowding is a social phenomenon occurring when the demand for space in prisons in a jurisdiction exceeds the capacity for prisoners.The issues associated with prison overcrowding are not new, and have been brewing for many years. During the United States’ War on Drugs, the states were left responsible for solving the prison overcrowding issue with a limited amount of money. Moreover, federal prison populations may increase if states adhere to federal policies, such as mandatory minimum sentences. On the other hand, the Justice Department provides billions of dollars a year…
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Yes, but rehabilitation and community programs should be given to create a seamless transition for prisoners into the every day life.
@B3K9X786 days6D
If they are properly evaluated to be non-violent and are willing to protect people in society, then they should be released to benefit both themselves and society whilst ensuring they're going to be working with the government under strict obligations to follow.
Yes, but instil curfews, check ins with parole officers, or use of ankle monitors (depending on the crime and risk of reoffending while on conditional release). As well, individuals should be required to complete community service or attend prevention programs where applicable
Yes, but there needs to be more rehabilitation and reintegration programs to avoid them from reoffending and helping them be part of society in a safe and just manner.
Maybe if they have proven stability mentally. Also putting them on house arrest might not be too bad.
Yes, but ensure they are monitored regularly until trust is proven. And also increase skill building and education services for prisoners as well as recently released prisoners
No, they should be transferred to an available prison with room available, and there should be an increased funding to offer education and skill building services for prisoners
Both should have a community service reputation and a bracelet so that they know where they are, but you can tell that they are doing something helpful for the community.
I don't believe we have the same problems with prisons that the US does, and this question should be changed to match a more canadian context.
Yes, after a serious and in depth psychological evaluation to confirm that they are no longer a threat.
It depends on the seriousness of the offense. We should be lenient, but not to those who commit serious nonviolent crimes. Such as fraud, cyber crimes, nonviolent drug or human trafficking, etc. Prisons should Keep the most serious offenders and release the ones with lighter sentences.
No non-violent prisoners should not be released early because, At the end of the day they are a criminal no matter how nice or how chill they may seem they still were in prison for a reason so i don't think non-violent prisoners should be released
Any still serving time for crimes that no longer exist (such as possession of marijuana) should have their sentences commuted. The rest should be required to complete whatever required rahabilitation process they were sentenced with. The whole point of prison isn't just to keep them from the outside world, it's also to keep it from them.
Yes but create workforce they will work in until they graduate as a successful reintegrated individuals back into society
Yes, and provide more opportunities for rehabilitation of prisoners, taking things on a case by case basis.
Yes, depending on the crime. There should also be a program for those coming out of prison, so they are not left to fend on their own. Classes, skill building etc.
Yes, I believe non-violent prisoners should be released from jail to reduce overcrowding and be provided with education and skill-building services, but if their sentence is not complete by the time they are released, they must be under house arrest for the rest of said sentence. However, if said prisoner has committed a crime such as rape (they are a sex offender), murder, attempted murder, assault (resulting in disfigurement and/or life-changing injuries), or human trafficking ( as well as the possession of child pornography), they should be transferred to another less crowded prison.
It matters. As it could be a huge robbery that the criminal did, then no. If they prisinor did something little and minor, he would be able to get otu
I think that, based on the crime committed, prisoners should be released from jail and given probation or house arrest for the sole purpose of reserving prison space for those that must be contained to ensure public safety.
Depending on the type of crime example: free the thieves or let them on house arrest but keep the rapists and murderers in jail
Rape should be treated as a violent crime akin to 2nd degree murder. People who swindle someone out of their life savings should be treated as a violent offender. "White collar crimes" should apply to things done to businesses, not people - if a person is a victim, penalties should be harsher.
Increase skill building and ensure they are psychologically stable so they can be reinstated into the workforce
Yes and there should never be an overcrowding problem. Remove the systemic racism that puts innocent people in prisons.
If the prisoner has not yet finished his sentence, I'd suggest to send them to a prison that isn't crowded.
Yes, but only if you can see they are genuenly sorry for the crime they comminted and will never do it again as long as they live.
Yes if there crime wasn't severe like stealing or scamming, but pedophiles and rapists should never get parole even on good behavior
Yes, but they should be on some sort of house arrest to prevent them from committing a crime again. They should have a physch evaluation, and they should be interviewed by a professional to see if they are fit for the community or if the professional thinks they will commit a crime again. If they fail these tests, they should be kept in prison no matter the overcrowding.
No, a prisoner should not be released from prison until their sentence has been served. Overcrowding can be managed by moving prisoners to other prisons or creating more space.
Non violent offenders that are not a danger to society should be paroled and given the educational or other help they need to be a proper member of society. They are often in trouble because they had no other good choices.
If they are there for theft they should be released but if they killed or rapped someone they should stay.
Depending on backgroud, what are they in for, when was their most recent crime that they are in for id say yes but 6 months house arrest with the anklet
Yes if psychological evaluations concur with release. Rehabilitation programs should be put in place, offenders should perform monthly or weekly community services, and support services should be offered (work access support, AA/NA, community integration) to avoid relapses caused by social limitations regarding individuals with criminal records.
Yes provided there are programs in place to help them become positively contributing members of societty
Yes, but there must be a standard which they must live by, as well as programs they must attend such as therapy, community service, until their sentence is up, and then they can go into rehabilitative programs
Enforce rehabilitation programs, educational programs, reforming programs rather than putting criminals back on the streets only to reoffend and end up in our prison systems all over again wasting taxpayers dollars.
Yes, but we should be providing support and services to these offenders to help support rehabilitation and future success.
Depends what they did to end up in prison, and if they truly are non violent they should have very strict rules as to what they are and are not allowed to do in the outside world.
no they should build a bigger jail and have prisoners do community work to pay for things on their own
Yes, place them on house arrest with the ankle bracelet. And prisoners with marijuana related crimes should be pardoned
Yes, but make sure they are given the skills and knowledge they need to get back into society without the potential to regress into old habits.
Yes, But should perform community service, and reintroduction into work force and be provided with services so they do not re-offend.
No, if charged with a non violent crime, a remedial agreement between them and the crown should be made to make reparations for their wrongs.
Depending on the crime they comited yes. If it was somthing like murder, then no, but if it was somthing like robbery then Yes or place them under house arrest using an electronic bracelet.
yes but I think there should be some punishment like house arrest or build some less strict prisons were they get more rec time and outside time
More parameters for this question are required. Were they committed of a violent offence or did they go to jail for something like fraud or theft?
Only if they're full sentence has been served. Catch and release tactic is a joke and our criminal code is too weak to begin with
depending on what the prisoner is in for, if hes in for somwthing serious like murder. but if their in for crimes that arent bad they should be let out on house arrest
If the prisoner is sentenced due to crimes that are not as serious like robbing a bank and killing people etc. and have been behaving well in jail then they may go under another trial whether they should be released
Yes, and the government should offer opportunities to them to prevent the need to commit crimes in the future. Desperation begets crime.
No and yes. The individuals should have to serve their time with a parole option. But also they should have the opportunity to build skills or gain education whilst incarcerated
This question is too vague. It would very much depend on what the crime actually was. And should be judged on an individual basis
ABOLISH PRISON! IT’S NOT NEEDED! it should be like living a normal life, just without a huge amount of people around you all the time
If they have served 3/4 of their sentence and prove they are safe to the community and can be rehabilitated in a safe way, then they must serve parole and do community service for the rest of their sentence
It depends on what they're in for, if they were simply evading taxes then sure. But if they were a registered sex offender, keep them in there.
its dependant if they a proven that they aren't bad people and have been doing good in jail and haven't had anyproblems
Yes, but only if they've served a reasonable amount time for their crime + if the crime was not super serious.
@9ZJBV55New Democratic4mos4MO
If they had done a more harmless crime, than they should be released from jail. If they had committed a crime that put another person in danger, than they should not.
Yes, but only if they complete proper psychological evaluation and are proven to not be a danger to society.
Yes, but must attend community service, or attend class for skill building, and must wear a monitor at all times
No, we should institute corporal punishment and/or work camps for offenders.
Yes. And help them transition to life outside of prison with rehabilitation programs and volunteer work
They should be released, but who and how depends on the crime.
@9F5FC8S 1yr1Y
It truly depends on the crime, non-violent crimes can range in nature and one uniform answer wouldn’t be suitable for all. Anyone being released from prison to remedy overcrowding should be placed in appropriate programs and participating either in daily supervised community service initiatives or enrolment in the military. An applicable form of probation should exist in both scenarios and strict consequence must be in place for violations. However there needs to be a refresh and suitability audit of current probation officers, as many are corrupt and unsuited in their profession.
Depends on the crime and if they've proven to be good
Yes, under moderation and proper supervision
Yes, but only to rehabilitation/skill building centres
Prisons don't fix anything. If a crime is non violent some form of reparative justice should be put in place instead.
They should undergo a psychological evaluation and reintegration classes as well as skills training to hopefully avoid them reoffending
Maybe not fully released but placed in a low security rehabilitation centre/program with ample job and apprenticeship opportunities with local businesses willing to give people a second chance
there should be different levels of prisons and on good behaviour non violent prisoners are combined with others like them with non violent felonies
Yes, if they cn prove to behave and be a good behaving citizen, prison should be based off getting them better, not treating them inhumanely.
depending on the individual in question, after conducting heavy psychological tests in order to keep safety of the people or if prisoner has shown their phycological state has improved to the degree of being considered healthy by a judge and not warden, prior to heavy psychological testing.
Yes provided there are appropriate programs, supports and return to work programs for reintegration into society
Yes, as long as they don't pose a threat to people and they are given the opportunity to properly reintegrate
There should be rehabilitation help for them, and a psychological analysis to see if they would be safe to put back into society. Sometimes the non-violent ones are the most dangerous.
Yes but depending on the crime they have committed, if they are a threat to society do not let them out.
Yes, but strictly depending on the crimes they committed while adding some light punishment such as service and/or house arrest.
yes but they should be on parole and should do community service for 1 year or more depending on what they were in jail for.
One of the two - Build more prisons, or similarly to above, conduct a psychological test to ensure this person is safe to bring back out to society.
Yes, But they must have a psychiatric evaluation prior and throughout their life to ensure the safety of the community.
I don’t think it’s a bad idea but only under certain circumstances if the time that has been served seems justifiable for the crime that was committed then yes let them out under strict rules and a threat of going back to jail if the rules provided were broken
@B286ZK4New Democratic2mos2MO
Yes, but on a case by case basis to be evaluated by professionals and they must complete community service and counselling based on their crime.
This should be on a case per case basis, or there should be criteria that dictate which non violent prisoners qualify or do not.
yes with strict parole rules, a ankle monitor depending on the charge, need to do daily community services, and mandatory therapy.
Yes, but ensure appropriate parole time, and provide social/financial programs to support their re-integration into society.
I think we non violent prisoner should be sent for a hearing and then determine whether they can be released or what the best course of action would be
No, we should build more prisons, and make the prisoners work. They are rotting away put the animal to use. They will have to give back to society for what they took.
Yes, but there should rehabilitation programs and a probation period where they are required to check in.
@9YNQFHTNew Democratic4mos4MO
No, but we should increase funding to rehabilitation programs, social programs, education and skill building services to prevent non-violent crimes from occurring and continue to provide them to non-violent offenders to rehabilitate them.
I think they must do community service to prove they can be released early and under supervision of an officer
No, unless they have served their sentence and are commited to a crime-free remainder to their lives.
Yes, depending firstly on the offence like murder, attempted murder, rape, And paedophilia shouldn’t be released
Offer education and skill building programs, and rehabilitation services depending on the nature of the crime
Depends on the type of crime. White collar crime should not be forgiven, only crimes done for survival, out of desperation, or under duress should recieve leniency
Yes, and they should have to perform community service daily in the community most affected by their crimes to see their effect on people. (Assuming they are capable of empathy and remorse)
They should have to be on officer parol or be placed under a community service activity, for a few months.
depending on the crime if it is a life sentence for murder then no if it is a asult that was not sextual but a fight on t he street then yes
yes, if the crime is not as serious as long as they are put under house arrest for a fair amount of time, if the crime is still pretty serious then move them to a less crouded prison
Maybe instead of a full release create a community program for them to work towards reducing their sentence and time.
yes, but place them under house arrest using an e-bracelet and increase funding to offer education and skill building services for prisoners
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