Canadian officers say women warriors proved as effective as men in front-line combat roles in Ottawa's most recent big military engagement, in Afghanistan from 2002 to 2011. But Canada has struggled to fill combat jobs with women, and those who do join can feel isolated as a result. And like Cpl. Moman, many of the women who volunteered for these jobs got the impression that their senior officers used them only sparingly in combat. Proponents argue that it will help the military retain more women, who tend to leave the services permanently when they have children. Opponents argue that allowing women to serve in these roles would limit the military's ability to fight in combat situations.
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How would you feel if someone close to you wanted to join the military and serve in a combat role?
I would support their decision, all citizens of legal age should be able to serve if they choose to as long as they can meet the physical and mental requirements.
I believe that anyone stupid enough to want to go into combat roles should have the right to do so.
I'd worry for them, but ultimately it's their choice to make.
I think war is unforgiven, I think there can be a lot of roles in a military that can support female roles. I think the ones that require you to be able to carry a 180 pound man are the roles you either need to adapt or comply with. You have to be able to do it or not. But like i said in large complex military there are likely lots of combat roles that don't require that or support the women in that position with a team around her that creates scenarios where that situation is highly unlikely to happen. Canadian Military desperate need folks more then ever now.
men and women in a group = couples
Yes, women are able to be as strong as men. There should be a promotion in the target audience for women to serve. There should be sexual assault provention programs and other programs to help women in the force.
If men can decide to take up arms whether for their own personal economic reasons or their beliefs than women must be allowed and have the duty to take up arms as well. If women are allowed to vote they must be conscripted at the same rate as men. If a woman's ability on the battlefield in combat may make her more vulnerable than a man, and even a liability as well, this needs to be reflected in conscription at a higher rate of woman than men to compensate.
women serve is Israel...look to them for information on how to utilize women in the armed forces
Not if they are mothers and have small children at home, it is in my believe that a child needs his or her mother to raise them. They actually need both but most importantly the mother for nurturing them.
Let us look at the damage combat has done to men both physically and mentally. It destroyed them for any future civilian life. Our women do not deserve this, even if they might perform well under constant bombardment.
Yes, if women are trained and prepared appropriately and have the strength, endurance and capacity to do the job involved in combat. It is a personal choice and also the ability to do the job. If an assault does occur it should be supported regardless if it happens to men or women.
Not allowing women to serve is discrimination, but the military right now is rife with sexual violence and that is a more pressing concern
I think that women should have the option, but just like everyone, they need to understand the risks and be prepared to be treated the same when it comes to serving our country
i believe with the right amount of training a women should be allowed to serve in combat
Yes, but we shouldn't get ourselves involved in anything that would result in combat situations taking place.
No, unless that involve piloting robotic unmanned devices where women would be more likely suited than men for the task require for such position.
Yes, as long as they're worthy and qualified.
A person of any gender should be allowed to join the military if they want. Not hiring based on gender is discrimination.
Yes, they already do and have done for decades.
@96CJFM3New Democratic2yrs2Y
Gender should be irrelevant, and only the measurement of physical aptitude should be used.
There should be more effort put into ensuring there are fewer combat rolls. This being said, women should be allowed to serve in combat rolls. Increased prevention of sexual assault should be put in place.
That decision should depend on the individual and their commanding officer. Those who know the situation at hand
Yes, as long as they can pass the same physical tests as men and because not giving woman a chance is being discriminative
no send them back to the kitchen
I do not care what they do. their life not mine.
No because no one should be in the military
Yes, combat roles should be judged based on performance and ability, not gender.
If they are as competent as the men
We do not need a military for combat
Yes, as long as they can pass the same physical tests as men and that she is informed of the risk that it represent for her (Rape, Injury, Etc.). (the male must be punished if they touch in an inappropriate way and after kick out of the military).
If they are well qualified for the job, why not
Women and children should be protected.
I served with women who I trusted because they earned that right. If earned, YES
@8V23N8YNew Democratic4yrs4Y
I don't agree with military in general.
No, no one should serve in the military
F the person that wrote some of these options, it's disgusting. Of course, they should be allowed. "Higher risk for sexual assault" only means "more rapists"
No, it's dishonorable to hide behind a woman.
Yes, and stop sexism and sexual harassment
no i don’t support the military
Yes, as long as they can pass any test/evaluation needed in order to serve
@8TQTW27New Democratic4yrs4Y
Yes, but with the acknowledgement of the sad reality that women in combat roles will face dangers that men often don't
No, women should be in the kitchen.
they shouldn't have roles like infantry because the military had to lower their expectations 3 times for women to be in the military
Yes but there should be a unisex standard of fitness
Experience and skills are more important then sex.
Yes, as long as they can do the job as they should
Yes, as long as they can pass the same physical tests as men but there should be programs in place that will protect them from sexual assault.
Yes as long as the can complete the required training to the same standard as everyone else.
Preventing them from filling those roles is discriminatory, also women greatly benefit military operations.
No, but men shouldn't be allowed either
No I believe we shouldn’t even have the military.
Yes, otherwise it would be discrimination. However, sexual assault is a real issue that needs to be given attention.
Yes, if they choose to and have the training to do so, also put programs in place protect them from sexual assault from their coworkers
Yes, as long as they pass the required physical tests for the strength of the woman and/or tests to be able to complete the job task given
yes, and more should be done about the high risk of sexual assault for them
As long as they can capably complete the missions and they agree to the risks
@8CM5QDJNew Democratic4yrs4Y
Yes, but there should be regulations to protect women from sexual assault, on top of awareness for men to not risk the success to protect a women from danger either and vice versa...
Yes, as long as they can pass the same physical and psychological tests as men. Also make these tests more difficult.
I do not care about the military
Depends on the what the woman wants
The military needs to be disbanded and restructured
Abolish the military and replace it with a people's army
Yes if a woman insists on it, and knows the special risks. Women are best in treating wounded, and doing a million other supportive tasks, also intelligence,as they can be super smart.
They could, because they’re equal to men. But realistically who in their right mind would want to serve a combat purpose period?!
i dont support the military in general
Yes, as long as they pass all the requirements
Yes as long as the test examines a man’s fitness
Yes, but sexual assault is a big thing that needs to be stopped.
Nobody should serve in a combat role. It is time to end all war!!!
@8V3TFD4New Democratic4yrs4Y
No, I don’t care about having more female war criminals
We don’t need an armed forces
In non-spec ops roles, sure
Yes, everyone has the right and ability to live out die for their country.
Women should be required to serve in combat roles equally to Men.
There shouldn't be any military in general
Yes, as long as ability is proven. For any gender.
War is stupid and no man or woman should have to go into combat because our political leaders can not find a diplomatic solution.
@8VMXKNFNew Democratic3yrs3Y
Get rid of the military and use the funds for something actually meaningful.
If they want to they should be allowed. The choice should be their own - no one else's
No, a nation should not risk women's lives in combat
It’s not something I have an opinion on.
Yes, only if they chose to.
yes, women are as good as men
No, we should be defunding and scaling back the military, starting with combat roles.
Yes, but slowly abolish the military altogether
Yes, if they can pass the same physical tests as men, and the tests should be made tuffer
No unless they can pass the same physical tests as men
Yes, preventing women from serving in combat roles is discriminatory, but they should still have to meet the same requirements, and should not be drafted into combat roles. They should also be offered free birth control to prevent problems from rape by enemies.
No because that just means the American Empire will have more soldiers
Yes, as long as they can pass the same physical tests as men because preventing women from serving in combat roles is discriminatory
Yes as long as they’re not married.
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