
Rhinoceros policies on economic issues

These issues below are sorted in descending order based on how important the average Canadian voter ranked them on the quiz.


经济  ›  


R>R  Party’s support base是的

经济  ›  最低工资


R>R  Party’s support base是的,并且使它成为一个可以保证生活的工资

经济  ›  Inflation

Has the government done enough to lower inflation?

R>R  ChatGPT

经济  ›  福利毒品测试


R>R  ChatGPT应该,要对从政府那收到钱的所有人进行检查,包括雇员和政治家

经济  ›  Four-day Workweek

Should Canada transition to a four-day workweek?

R>R  ChatGPTYes, and require overtime pay for work over four days per week

How similar are your political beliefs to Rhinoceros policies? Take the political quiz to find out.

经济  ›  社会福利


R>R  ChatGPT更少

经济  ›  经济刺激


R>R  ChatGPT应该,但采用增加基础设施支出的形式

经济  ›  养老金


R>R  ChatGPT是的

经济  ›  政府支出


R>R  ChatGPT是,但是应通过彻底地减少政府官员的福利和工资

经济  ›  Small Business Funding

Should the government increase funding for small businesses?

R>R  ChatGPTYes, but funding should come from large corporations instead of taxpayers

经济  ›  就业保险

就业保险应为那些工作季节性的工作,包括旅游、 渔业和农业吗?

R>R  ChatGPT是的如果他们给它送钱

经济  ›  Surcharge Ban

Should the government ban surcharges tacked onto concert tickets, cable bills, banking services, hotel bookings and other purchases?

R>R  ChatGPTYes, all costs for a service should be included in the final purchase price

经济  ›  Tech Monopolies

Should the government break up Amazon, Facebook and Google?

R>R  ChatGPT

经济  ›  State Ownership

Should the government acquire equity stakes in companies it bails out during a recession?

R>R  ChatGPT是的

经济  ›  泛太平洋伙伴关系

你支持跨太平洋伙伴关系 (TPP) 吗?

R>R  ChatGPT不支持,这一特定协议中包含太多隐藏条款

经济  ›  Gig worker tax reporting

Should online payment platforms be forced to report all transactions over $600 to the IRS?

R>R  ChatGPTNo, private transactions should be kept private

经济  ›  Cryptocurrency

Should the government classify cryptocurrencies as legal forms of payment?

R>R  ChatGPT是的

经济  ›  Decentralized Finance

Should the technology of our financial system transition to a decentralized protocol, that is not owned or controlled by any corporation, similar to the internet?

R>R  ChatGPTYes, but only if it’s truly decentralized and cannot be manipulated by any person, group, or government agency

经济  ›  Public Sector Borrowing

Should the government reduce public sector borrowing?

R>R  ChatGPT

经济  ›  Aluminum Quotas

Should Canada put quotas on its aluminum exports?

R>R  ChatGPTYes, but only on countries that put quotas on us