


How do you feel about the concept of a 'living wage' where the minimum wage is based on the cost of basic needs in your area versus a flat country-wide rate?


Do you believe that raising the minimum wage might affect the quality of service or products as businesses try to cut costs elsewhere?


How might a higher minimum wage impact your community, particularly in areas where many people work minimum wage jobs?


What are some of the challenges you think teenagers might face finding part-time jobs if employers had to pay a higher minimum wage?


If entry-level salaries were higher, do you think it would change your decision about going to college or choosing a particular career path?


Imagine if your favorite small business had to pay their workers more; do you think it would change the way they operate or the services they offer?


How do you think raising the minimum wage could affect the prices of things you buy regularly like food, clothes, or entertainment?


Can you share a personal experience where earning more would have substantially improved your or another's well-being and how it impacted you?


Have you ever felt that a job you or someone you know had was paying less than what the work was worth, and what would you consider a fair wage?


How would your life change if your first job paid you significantly more due to an increased minimum wage?