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100 Replies

 @9TYZTWFfrom British Columbia  answered…6mos6MO

The UN must be transformed into another entity with Russia in the first place expelled. All other totalitarian states like China or Iran must be excluded, as well.


In a world where countries have unequal power, how can we make sure smaller nations get a fair say in global decisions?

 @9TM3BMBfrom Ontario  answered…6mos6MO

 @9T6GQ6Ffrom New York  answered…6mos6MO

The U.N. is, as Lenin termed it, a "thieves' kitchen" for the world's oppressors to negotiate the carving up of oppression against workers. Instead, Canada, once liberated by workers under the guidance of the workers' equivalent, the Fourth International, should assist workers everywhere in taking power

 @9PLH7DZPeople’sfrom Ontario  answered…9mos9MO

Yes, but we must put our country first and not be pushed into supporting policies that may not be of our best interest

 @9K6M454from Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

No, completely remove every existance of trace and take off our money from the world banks from there, they only serve issues and troubles, also, take us down from NATO and china immediately.

 @9JLF2GLfrom British Columbia  answered…1yr1Y

the UN doesn't do anything it's just a check in on your neighbors and say hi party the UN should be stripped of all of its power and remain a neutral ground for nations to communicate in.

 @9JC6BKVfrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

Yes, and propose increases in UN power to help create a true global government to align humanity and eliminate war and poverty.

 @9HQ6D4Jfrom Saskatchewan  answered…1yr1Y

if they continue, they need to actually keep human safety in mind while voting and using their voice.

 @9HDTNDDConservativefrom Alberta  answered…1yr1Y

joe biden would forget canadas presence so we would just be losing by trying to keep a presense in america

 @9GNXXXTfrom British Columbia  answered…1yr1Y

Canada was one of the founding members of the UN, and we need to keep being there and have our influence to advance important causes throughout the world.

 @9GH2KFFfrom Alberta  answered…1yr1Y

No. The United Nations is weakening our Country and our presence has allowed the world to leech off of us and hinder our progress.

 @9FHB5XKfrom Alberta  answered…1yr1Y

 @9F5KMPVfrom Alberta  answered…1yr1Y

Canada should be involved in the UN, their peace keeping efforts help all of humanity.

 @9MY8CRVfrom Saskatchewan  answered…10mos10MO

Yes until we create a new united western organization that is in line with only democratic nations. Adversaries shouldn’t be able to use our institutions against us.

 @9LVZMSHfrom North Carolina  answered…11mos11MO

The united nations would be pointless is my perfect world. I don't like countries and I don't like borders.

 @9LV366XConservativefrom British Columbia  answered…11mos11MO

Reconfiguring to comply with the needs of democratic countries and leave if participation is contrary to Canadian sovereignty and interests.

 @8PJLV9Vfrom Alberta  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8KLHHQYfrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

No, abolish the United Nations and imprison all it's workers for interfering with national sovereignty, as they want One World Government. Globalism is bad and goes against everything God and Man want.

 @8DT8JKKfrom British Columbia  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but the U.N. should be reformed to be more democratic and to not favor the wealthiest and richest countries.

 @95WMMMTfrom Quebec  answered…2yrs2Y

 @8ZNN269from Alberta  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8Z7DWC9from Ontario  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8XZ2LKVfrom Ontario  answered…3yrs3Y

no the last time international law was followed properly was yhe nerinburg trials

 @8XXXYKSfrom Ontario  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8XCDZYTfrom Ontario  answered…3yrs3Y

No, abolish the United Nations. It is supportive of one-world government.

 @8WGCNHYfrom Quebec  answered…3yrs3Y

The U.N. Is a usless organization of people who are so disconnected from the reality of the real world. That over the years have seen to prolonging wars, and genocide and famine. Without ever raising a finger to help. What makes it worse when they do sent aid it usually aids the persecutors and not the victims.

 @8VXFCQLfrom Alberta  answered…3yrs3Y

No the u.n has shown to only have the interest of major economic powers.and if Canada wishes to shed our legacy of imperialism we must abandon imperialist organizations

 @8VRXLKWRhinocerosfrom British Columbia  answered…3yrs3Y

No, and dismantle the UN. It's a corrupt organization run by 5 countries for their own benefit.

 @8VR2LSSfrom British Columbia  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8VH2TZWConservativefrom Quebec  answered…3yrs3Y

China is taking over the world. What is the UN doing about it? They don't respect any carbon emission rules and even most basic human rights are often violated in China.

 @8VGQKJSLiberalfrom Alberta  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes however, we should maintain a stronger presence at the U.N in order to further democracy and first-world human rights.

 @8VGJ646from Alberta  answered…3yrs3Y

The idea of the U.N is great, and cooperation between nations is vital, but the U.N is corrupt and does not work

 @8VG3M5Wfrom Alberta  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8V95QN2from Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

No, abolish the United Nations, it is globalist propaganda and needs to be gotten rid of.

 @8V8LQD4New Democraticfrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes I think it’s important to show good faith and uphold civil relationships with countries that are apart of the UN as well.

 @8TQ845Bfrom Alberta  answered…4yrs4Y

The whole UN should be dissolved as it undermines a nation’s sovereignty

 @8TQ4VL5from Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

Canada should always be an example that is compared to other countries part of the UN

 @8T4D6TTfrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8T46F4Tfrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8T3RNG5from Manitoba  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8SRW9KHfrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

I think that America needs to get their stuff together to be honest. Canada can maintain as long as things get better than they are right now.

 @8SQWCRLfrom Saskatchewan  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8SHS6YWfrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

the last time international law was properly followed was the nuremberg trials

 @8SGP8V6Communistfrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

No because the values of the mission of the UN has become severley corrupted

 @8SDCDGVfrom Alberta  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8SD6CQJfrom Alberta  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but I also think that we need to improve our peacekeeping/peacekeepers and stay less involved in conflict.

 @8S73DY8from Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

the last time international law was properly enforced, it was the Nuremberg trials

 @8RZVYQ6from Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

No, since the U.N. has become almost defunct, and Canada's position in the U.N. is insignificant.

 @8RWBHS3from Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

No, abolish the UN it is globalist propaganda that wants one world government

 @8RR3K4Kfrom Alberta  answered…4yrs4Y

Canada needs to step it up and fund our military so its not a joke to the rest of the world

 @angiepinfrom British Columbia  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8RDRC96from Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8RCMXHKfrom British Columbia  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8RCFD7Kfrom Alberta  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8R5CKF3from Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8R4BV9Nfrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8QYBMZXfrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8QQKGSFfrom Alberta  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but we should maintain our independence as a souvenir nation and not beholden to UN majority policy decisions.

 @8QMYYKSfrom Alberta  answered…4yrs4Y

No. The UN is weak. It will never allow Canada its true glory and power. It will also never allow Canadians to make laws so that we're equal

 @8QGZHF2from Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, and scale up our involvement. We aren't doing enough internationally.

 @8QCHD32Conservativefrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

The U.N is a joke at this point but to keep up appearances and to reap the benefits sure.

 @8Q85WSSfrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, given that the U.N changes. The U.N should be a place for nations in need to speak up about their needs, not petty politics.

 @8Q6DSXRfrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8PQGYV5from Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

The United Nations is a waste of time and hasn't made a difference in the world.

 @8PKG2XWfrom Alberta  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8PKBMG3from Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but we shouldn’t be spending tax funds for a potential seat on select committees

 @8PK9ZJKfrom Quebec  answered…4yrs4Y

The UN is flawed and only benefits rich countries. It should be abolished.

 @8PK9XK4from Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

The UN is not helpful, instead time/efforts should be directed at helping people directly

 @8PF4DQ5from Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8P9CY8Qfrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

Only if the United Nations proposes laws that accept and endorse what Canadian values should be.

 @8P6K79Zfrom Manitoba  answered…4yrs4Y

Presently yes but review The United Nations is losing its validity and we should possibly elect our representative


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