In 2011 the Conservative government announced that due to privacy concerns the long form census would no longer be mandatory. It would be replaced by a short form census that would only collect basic demographic data.Opponents of the census include civil liberty advocates who argue that the long form census is too invasive and violates people’s privacy. Proponents of reinstating the census voluntary survey argue that without the mandatory long form census it’s harder to track trends in income inequality, immigrant outcomes in the jobs market, labour shortages and demographic shifts.
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It should be part of the income tax form
YES, but make it an online census and emailed to those email addresses given on their income tax submissions. If needed, offer paper format to those isolated areas.
I am for the census but the government shouldnt gather information that isn't needed and should be transparent.
if the next government ran in today and was less corrupted and vindicative about people, i'd say yes for every set of years and online.
Yes, but it should exclude information about identity (ie. sexual orientation and gender identity)
The census shouldn't be mandatory. The census should be optional for all canadians. A person shouldn't have to share any information they don't want with government. The census is helpful in understanding the country and its citizens. A long form census would be more helpful but short form would do. Privacy matters.
Yes, but it should include questions that are beneficial for progressing our society and what direction we are headed
No, but the short form census should be mandatory and only have basic questions that cover most areas the government should know about to make important policy decisions such as population, basic demographics, and citizenship status
Yes, if it was easier to complete online, required every 5 years, the information is vital for economists, scientists, statisticians, and the government to accurately make important policy decisions
implement a voluntary national social media/search engine platform that collects such data for such a purpose as do the large tech companies do. sell data but give profits to citizens who participate
Yes, but make sure that all information will be used by the government in a legal, safe, confidential, private, medical, etc., and for the goodwill of the Canadians.
Niether, I don't need to complete it at my age.
add long form, not mandatory
Yes, but to a percentage of citizens, not 100%.
Yes, but it shouldn't be mandatory and should be easier to access online instead of people invading your home.
I don't have all the information needed to have an opinion on this matter
I don’t even know what it is.
Bring back long form census but make it optional
no- and remove any questions regarding your nationality after stating that I was BORNED in Canada and have always been a Canadian (FULL STOP). My ancestry is none of the Gov business.
Yes, Only if it’s cost effective and provides insight how to better help Canadians and financial puts us ahead as a country. If not, no
yes, but the option for online and only every 5 or so years
yes i dont like alot of paper work
@aaliyahvNew Democratic4yrs4Y
Yes, but make it optional with incentives for completing it. Also, explain on the form why completing it is helpful.
@8PD7DQJNew Democratic4yrs4Y
Neutral. I am not educated enough on this issue to make a reasonably informed decision.
Yes but only to be completed with an added incentive and to know have consent of where data goes to,
It depends whether or not they are selling the data. Will I be discriminated against for my disability status? Will I be targeted for being gay? I need to know the information is private before I give it, or at least knowing the sources it is going to.
Yes, if that's what the citizen in question desires.
Bring it back, make it optional with incentives for completing. As always you need to have an education component so ppl have buy-in as to why participating is helpful.
No, it should be automated
Its pretty inaccurate considering the amount of the population that will not complete it
It should be optional, but still easily available.
Yes, but it should only be required once every 20 years
Yes and make the raw data public upon acquisition.
Yes, but question response should be optional
Ask more questions like what is on this website
I would prefer an incentive to filling out the census, and it should not be mandatory.
Yes, but modernize the census given the technology available for better data collection in 2021
It should exist but not be mandatory
i am uneducated on this topic.
middle not against and not all for it
The government needs to know how to serve its constituents . So a survey is needed in only this respect.
Yes, but it should only be required every 5 years, easier to complete online, the information is vital for economists, scientists, statisticians, and the government to accurately make important policy decisions, but also ensure privacy
A census does not warrent effort and should be less commen
No, abolish the census, privacy is more important than statistics
The government should re introduce the long form mandatory cencus but it should be made optional
I have never done one so I am neutral on this position
Yes, once every 5 years but better training for census takers( they don't need to be rude, or let our livestock out)
Yes, but the census shouldn't be mandatory.
Eliminate government census period.
Maybe I’m weird but I like filling out the long one.
it should not be mandatory to do the census.
No, it was flawed and got people in trouble too many times.
No, they shouldn’t. This is too oppressive to people who live free lives not be told what to do by governments.
Yes, the information is vital for economists, scientists, statisticians and the government to accurately make important policy decisions, but it should only be required every 5 years and easier to complete online.
Not having the long form is a disgrace to Canadian citizens. It must be reinstated. We can not collect or find out information about the basic demographics of this country.
Yes. Citing "privacy concerns" as the reason for its removal served as a distraction to allow other forms of privacy invasion to be instated.
Now that bill c-51 passed, the government gets all the information they could want through spying on us via internet and telephone as well as satellite surveillance and video monitoring. The government has way more information about Canadians now than ever before so reinstating the long form in the census is a non issue I feel is used by the candidates to distract from other more difficult to talk about issues like getting rid of bill c-51!
provide an online option
No, privacy outweighs statistics
No, Census should just be enumerating citizens for deciding how many MP Constituencies are needed.
Have meaningful questions to non-invasively track immigrant job outcome, income inequality and etc.
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