Should homeless individuals, that have refused available shelter or housing, be allowed to sleep or…
@9WVMXV3 4mos4MO
If I were in a situation where I've lost my home I would hope to have a good support system to fall back on. Staying with friends or other family would hopefully be an option for me but it is not for a lot of people. They would need more support from the community with food banks, safe places to sleep, opportunities to make some money, ect.
Some sympathy and understanding as well as some basic supplies to be able to last a week.
I would hope to have rehabilitation programs that maybe help get you back on your feet, but i wouldn't want everything handed out to me because then it would be very easy to be homeless.
Support from the government and the help for opportunities to get back into a house
I would want to be able to camp out in a safe area.
I find that they would be very supportive, but there would be the few who wouldnt care at all.
I would receive very little in terms of support because I am a male. We don't even have a men's shelter in my community. As such, the odds of me getting any kind of assistance would have to come from personal connections and friends.
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