Try the political quiz

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What would be different about social norms and dating if society didn't assign roles based on gender?


Why is it crucial for men to engage in discussions about women’s rights and help drive change?


How does the lack of female historical figures in textbooks affect students' views on gender and potential?


What kind of innovations might arise from a start-up scene dominated by female entrepreneurs?


What would a city designed by women prioritize and look like?


How can stories from women's perspectives enrich the understanding of our history and culture?


What's one stereotype about women or girls you want to see broken in the next decade?


How has a female role model in your life impacted your ambitions or beliefs?


How might the dynamics of the workplace shift if women’s ideas and leadership styles were universally respected?


Do you think your family traditions would be different if they were shaped by a matriarchal society?


How could equal representation of genders in video game characters impact the gaming culture?


Imagine if news coverage of women focused on intellect and achievements rather than appearance; what would be the benefits?


If history books emphasized women's contributions equally to men's, how might that influence students' ambitions?


Do you believe that the inclusion of more women in science and technology fields would alter these industries, and if so, how?


In what ways might school sports programs be affected if female teams received equal funding and coaching as male teams?


Why do you think there's less focus on male allies in the women's rights movement, and how important are they?


How does the portrayal of women in superhero movies and comics influence your idea of strength?


Imagine if social media platforms were designed with the aim of promoting gender equality; what would be different?


Can you envision a future where jobs aren't gendered and how would that affect career choices for everyone?


Do you think the music industry portrays women fairly, and what effects does this have on young listeners?


How would the expectations for men and boys change in a world where women's achievements are celebrated as the norm?


What would be the impact on society if parental responsibilities were completely shared from day one?


Do you think the language we use every day includes subtle biases against women, and can you give examples?


What could the average workplace do to make daily life fairer for women in your opinion?


How do you think the discussions and policies around parenthood would shift if fathers were encouraged to take equal parental leave as mothers?


What changes might you expect in workplace culture if work-life balance and family support were prioritized for all genders?


How would the stories we grow up with read differently if they primarily featured strong female protagonists?


How do you think the dynamics of relationships would change if both partners had exactly the same opportunities and societal expectations?


If you could create a new subject in school to address gender equality, what would it focus on and why?


What personal experiences have shaped your views on the importance of women's representation in decision-making positions?


How might your day-to-day life be different if women had led our society for the past century?


Why might the idea of feminism be misunderstood or rejected, even if it seeks equality for all genders?


Can you think of ways that traditional gender roles limit both men and women's personal freedoms and choices?


In a society that truly values gender equality, what changes would you expect to see in education and career opportunities for girls?


What kind of messages do media and advertising send about women’s roles, and how do they shape our perceptions?


Would professional sports be viewed differently if female athletes received the same attention and compensation as their male counterparts?


Imagine a world where household and childcare duties were shared equally by all genders; how would that impact family life?


Why do you think some people are uncomfortable with the idea of women holding positions of power?


How would society benefit from equal representation of women in political leadership roles?


What if men were the ones facing restrictions on their reproductive rights instead of women?