The amount of sewage and wastewater Canada discharges into its waterways is increasing. This is despite regulations introduced in 2012 to curb the problem. Concern is growing among those who fear for the health of Canadians and the environment. Each year, Canada discharges 200 billion liters of raw sewage into its waterways, rivers and oceans.
Narrow down the conversation to these participants:
Yes, and pursue those directly responsible for damage to lakes and rivers
They don't need to spend any money on the research. They already know where most of it comes from (animal agriculture).
Yes, but the $1 billion budget is too high, and the government should also actively pursue those directly responsible for damage to lakes and rivers so that they can cut the problem off at the roots and prevent future repeats of this spending.
Yes but significantly reduce the budget and also pursue those who are directly responsible for damage to lakes and rivers
Yes, , but the price is too high for government funding. Have those responsible for the damage pay as well to exceed the $1 billion
no because if they do that they wont have neough money fi something like covid 19 comes again then tehy will amke nromal peolle pay alot of taxes.
Yes but 1 billion sounds high. I'd have to compare to the budget and the allocation of the other funds.
Spend the $1 billion directly on restoring and protecting ... no more time and money on research when we know what needs to be done. For crying out loud. AND nail those responsible for damage to lakes and rivers.
Government should help fund such projects with extreme transparency to the public and funding should be restricted to research done by Universities and or non-profit organizations
No, and the government should permit corporations to dump toxic and/or harmful materials into large lakes and rivers.
Yes. But, we should consult with provinces to tighten environmental protection and oversight to also protect our waters, as industry runoff and pollution cause a lot of problems.
@8VKS4XFNew Democratic3yrs3Y
Regulation shouldn't cost a billion dollars.
I would like to know how the $1 billion dollars is going to be spent. Otherwise I support protection for our water.
Not until a more specific idea than stated is formulated.
As long as money goes times restoration and research
Would need more info and to compare how that $1 billion might otherwise be spent.
Both yes and no, I believe it is important to protect our lakes but that is a large amount of money to spend on large bodies of water.
I feel that amount is a bit high, but generally I feel that we should go after those directly responsible for damaging the environment. Taxing them, and or giving them incentive to reduce the amount of damage they do to the things around them.
No, but they should spend some amount of money, not a billion.
This question is too broad and open ended
@8VL243NNew Democratic3yrs3Y
They should spend some money to restore and protect large lakes and rivers but not $1 billion dollars
Less money but still work to restore the environment.
I am satisfied with the state they are in
I think I would use less of our money
Yes, and there needs to be research and an audit into why 1 Billion dollars is the budget and investigate the responsability of the damage to freshwater sources and habitats
yes, however funding should come from those responsible for damaging the lakes and rivers
Yes, and we should spend as much as we need to.
Yes, and prioritize getting fresh, running water on Reservations
Yes, but also pursue those directly responsible for damage to lakes and rivers
Yes, as long as personal property can still extend out into the waterfront.
The budget is a bit high it needs to be researched on to find enough evidence to find who directly is responsible for the damage and fine them and use that money to find ways on protecting and maybe if possible repairing the state of the water
no, the one billion should be directed to enviromental rehabilitation
Yes, and also care for clean water for the indigenous.
Yes, but the government should spend $5 billion dollars and prosecute those who pollute freshwater supply in Canada.
Let provinces or Municipalities decide, lower the budget.
Only if the money goes to the outlined cause
No, just find a way to get the public to treat bodies of water with respect
Rather a broad ambiguous question and a billion dollars is a lot of money! I think we need to protect all of Canada including our lakes and rivers but what projects is this referring to?
Yes, but only after the national budget deficit is decreased.
but that's a lot of money
Normally I would say yes, but our economy is too fragile to spend extra at the moment
half that amount would be accurate
@8VKZBKVNew Democratic3yrs3Y
i think that they should protect rivers, but use a different amount of money
They should spend some money but not that much
I believe they should provide simple up take responsibilities and provide more protection.
Yes, but spend less money
Yes and no it should be more like 500 million than 1 billion so half the price
Yes but not for a billion cause this money can be used for other things.
No they should hold the people that did it responsible the farmers.
For animal and clean environment
Maybe not $1 billion but at least a large amount of fees
Yes, with first priority for improvement in communities that currently do not have consistently clean water.
Less money but should spend on it
Yes, but not that much money
Spend money to restore and protect the large lakes, but perhaps $500 million and spread out over a longer period of time.
Would need to understand what suffers if $1billion is invested here. Difficult to make a decision without knowing the bigger picture.
Yes but not 1 billion, less than that
I dont think there should be a set limit of restoration of water resources. Whatever is required should be spent
No, spend less to protect lakes and rivers
This questions is so vague it’s hard to answer it
Yes, but only if we have the funds to resolve more important issues first
They should provide more funding but $1 billion is too much.
No, stop spending money.
Yes, but only within a balanced budget.
Spend a lot of money on lakes, rivers, and solving water pollution. However, money is to be spent sporadically.
yes but probably not 1 billion
Focus on the big lakes and rivers
This question is too vague.
Yes, they should budget more than just $1 billion.
Yes, I don’t think one billion is needed. Less spending in this area.
The Government should spend money on lakes and rivers, but less than $1 billion
Should spend over 1 billion.
Should be done but at a lower cost
Only where required to meet existing environmental laws
@8VHT2GHNew Democratic3yrs3Y
They should spend money on restoring the leaking and rivers and protect them but not spend 1 billion dollars on it
To restore is correct, but how much is not definitly predicided, should be up to a max amount as needed.
yes but not 1 billon more like 100 million
1 billion is a lot. Maybe not that much money but I agree that they should spend some money on the lakes and rivers
They should put money into it but not $1 billion
I don’t think we need to do anything for our lakes and rivers.
Yes, but the 1$ billion budget is too low
Regardless, clean air and water is needed and we need to keep it that way.
NO place extreme restrictions and penalties for polluting any water source on Canadian soil
We can spend more than 1 billion, and not just for lakes and rivers, but forests, mountains, etc.
We can spend more than 1 billion CAD, and not just on lakes and rivers, but forests, mountains, etc.
yes and directly go after the ones responsible!
The government should seize the land in order to protect it.
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