A state-owned enterprise is a business enterprise where the government or state has significant control through full, majority, or significant minority ownership. During the 2020 Coronavirus outbreak Larry Kudlow, the White House’s top economic advisor, said the Trump administration would consider asking for an equity stake in corporations that needed taxpayer aid. “One of the ideas is, if we provide assistance, we might take an equity position,” Kudlow said Wednesday at the White House, adding that the 2008 bailout of [the automaker General Motors] had been a good deal…
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Yes, the government should receive equity for any bail outs as well as dividends or interest on assistance until the capital is paid back.
@9FV8FSFConservative 1yr1Y
The government should not bail out companies during recession since it causes companies to avoid the consequences of their actions.
All companies should be publicly owned
@8J9BRWLNew Democratic4yrs4Y
Yes, but just fully nationalize most large corporations anyway
No companies should be nationalized
@B38K4D7Independent 2wks2W
No. They should be required to payback the bail out, yes. But the government should essentially have a reserve bank for bail outs, and use any payments to only fill up that reserve. If it drops to a low percentage, adjust regulations for temp matters. When above a percentage adjust again. If 0% reserve, no bail outs. If 100% reserve, charities.
Not at all, because the only companies the government would ever bail out are the ones that align with their agendas.
If government is forced to bail out or subsidize a company/corporation, the government should then become a shareholder of the company/corporation.
The government shouldn't bail out failing companies. Let the free market handle whether a company is successful or fails.
No, it should be Illegal to bale out private companies, let the free market go under. and simply provide welfare for those who have been hurt if they are in need
No, the government should limit market interventions and any bailouts should be treated as a loan to be paid back.
No. The government should not be involved in picking winners/losers. Tax dollars should not be misappropriated from citizens to bail out failing companies.
No Bailouts in capitalism.
No, the government should never bail out businesses. Nationalize them if they need a bailout.
Yes, or make it necessary to repay the bail out once they have recovered.
Considered a low interest loan repaid within 15 years
@9DRYGB6 2yrs2Y
bail out the citizens before corporations
Large companies being constantly bailed out.
The government should not be bailing-out companies.
Yes ... MOST important question for sure. That bombardier hand out was ridiculous 3-4 years ago. They took the Gov hand out and gave themselves bonuses. This would make them atleast think about it.
No, but the company has to repay the government.
should only provide stimulus if necessary and stimulus should be repaid
No, but Bailout money should be paid back slowly over time
Yes, but only for a short amount of time
Governments should not be bailing out companies and should instead tax their citizens less
No, the government should let those companies fail as a result of their mismanagement
Don't bail out the companies
No, why are we bailing out companies?
I don't have a proper idea on this.
Not knowledgeable enough
Companys should not be bailed out
I dont understand the question
No, government should invest in public services during recession, not bail-outs for corporations
The government should never Bail out companies
Yes, but only a portion of the funds given should be received as equity
Yes, but if the stakes ever gain value The government should be forced to sell and the company should be offered first refusal
@8HXLL9XNew Democratic4yrs4Y
The government should stop bailing private companies
Yes and it should get a good deal on it too, like 2-1
Bailouts due to mismanagement should be repayable
No, and the government should not be able to bail out corporations
No, I do not support corporatism and the government should never bailout companies.
Don't bail out ANY companies, if they die they die.
It should only give bailouts to people, not corporations.
@8KLCJ9TNew Democratic4yrs4Y
The government should not bail out large, multinational corporations, and any corporation that is "too big to fail" should be broken up. If the government is bailing out a small business or mom & pop shop, it should not gain a stake.
The government should be bail out companies.
No the government should never bail out any company.
No, and government should never bail out any companies
No, the government should never own shares of private companies or bail out companies
NO, and the government should not bail out private businesses
No but the government should go after a recoup of those bail-out loans to corporations as vigorously as they go after student loan debt.
No, and no company should ever be bailed out
No, but when deadly like 1930s is exception.
No, the government should not be involved in corporate bailouts
they should get repayment plans
The government should not bail out failing companies.
No, the government should never own shares of private companies, but should require the money to be more of a loan which should be paid back eventually
No, they shouldn't bail out companies
Yes, but equity stakes should be returned to the company if/when the company pays back an agreed-upon amount of the bailout.
No, the government should never bail out any private company or own their shares
No, The government should not bail out corporations. There is no such thing as “too big to fail.”
No, the government should be bailing out companies.
Yes, but the company should be able to buy back their equity at the price of the original value.
Yes but they should be non-voting stakes and be able to be diluted.
No, the government should never bail out companies. Further, it should never own shares of private companies.
It is not the government's place to bail out failing companies,.
I do not have enough knowledge to have an opinion on this topic.
Yes, depending on the company
No, the government should never own shares of private companies, and should never provide bail outs
The government should never bail out a business.
No. While I do not like how much freedom the private sector has, I do not believe the government has any right to own a share of private companies.
The government shouldn't bail out anyone
Yes, but only until the equity is equal to the amount the company received.
Equity, yes, but the company must be able to buy back that equity.
No, the government really shouldn't be bailing out companies in the first place.
Yes, under the stipulation that the bailed out company re-acquire that equity within a given time or the company is wholly sold to the highest bidder to buy out the government stake. This program should administered by an independent entity which would be audited by congress
No, and it should not bail out failed businesses
The government should not bail out corporations and instead give money to the people themselves
Companies receiving "bailouts" should be fully nationalized
No, the government should never bail out any private entity.
No, the government shouldn't bail companies out at all.
No, and it should bail out companies. If a company has not prepared themselves to weather a recession then it was not a well-run company to begin with
The government should not be bailing out any company large enough to offer equity stakes.
I don't understand the question well enough to provide an educated response.
No, the Government shouldn't bail out companies during a recession.
No, the government should not be engaged in any corporate bailouts unless they will prevent the severity and depth of a recession, or keep a recession from turning into a full-fledged depression
No, the government should not be engaged in any corporate bailouts unless they will prevent the severity and depth of a recession, or keep a recession from turning into a full-fledged depression. In either case, the government should not own shares of a private company
No, any assistance should be in the form of a Federal government loan that is repaid with interest once the company is back on firm financial footing. Such assistance should only be done in special circumstances, such as a way of lessening the depth and length of a recession
Yes, but those funds should go to programs for all such as Social security, or public schools, or healthcare for all.
The government shouldn't bail out companies, every!
Yes, corporations should repay the government with interest.
THe government shouldn't be bailing out companies during a recession.
No, the gouvernment should not be bailing out companies. It should allow natural selection to do it's job.
The government should not bail out any private companies during a recession unless it directly affects public welfare.
They should never bail out companies.
Yes until the company is back on it's feet and returns all proceeds from bailout. All high level bonuses should be eliminated until such time as well.
I don't have enough knowledge to have a stance on this topic
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