In 1997 the Conservative government passed a 'three strikes' policy which imposed a minimum sentence of seven years for those convicted for a third time of drug trafficking involving class A drugs. Soon after, the Labour party passed legislation that enabled Judges to reduce the sentences in cases they find to be unjust.
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"Yes, they should be removed from society" By this I mean that drug addicts should be allowed to OD and die, and drug dealers should be shot if found guilty. Drugs are bad, kids.
It depends entirely on the drug used and its effects on the mind and potential to turn the user into a violent drug offender. Mandatory rehabilitation programs should also be considered.
No, offenders should have mandatory educational classes on drug use and attend an autopsy of a person who died of drug use.
Yes, but on a case by case basis dependent upon specifics like amounts and type of substances being dispensed or consumed.
Since we have legalized drug use, such as; Tobacco, Marijuana and Alcohol, I believe fines for distribution and trafficking would make more sense. For non-controlled illegal substances, such as; Cocaine, Heroin, Meth, etc., I believe sentences should be mandatory.
No, we should decriminalize all drugs and release all prisoners serving time on drug offences.
Most drugs should be decriminalized, but adequate rehabilitation should be provided instead of incarceration.
I believe they should be given the help and support needed. Giving jail time would only make their mental health worse.
No, especially if it's a first offence. If it's a second offence, issue a warning of some sort. If it's a third offence or further offence, jailtime plus some other sentence determined by both the offender and authority (the more heinous the crime, the more power authority has)
Move towards an institutional model which provides both counseling and training.
Depends on the drug. Anything that is considered a narcotic and is not decriminalized result in jail time.
I don’t think they need to be removed from society bu they do need a for of punishment.
It depends on a lot of factors, and mandatory minimums aren't the solution necessarily.
No, only if they were arrested for trafficking and the drugs they sold can be proven to have resulted in a death
No! All drug traffickers should receive 30 years hard labor
It depends on the seriousness of the drug
Yes, and they should be given mandatory treatment in a secure facility if not guilty of any other offence
No, all drugs should be decriminalized
No, decriminalize drugs, and rehabilitation is a far better option than jail for drug offenders, then fines, then jail if they trafficked the drugs. Let them go.
It depends on what type of drug
No, they should be given mandatory 90 meetings in 90 days inpatient rehab sentences
It’s situational and depends on what and how much they’re selling
Anything to do with marijuana no. Any other drug yes like hard drugs yes
Yes, but give them to help to get rid of the drugs
No. Rehabilitation should be the focus instead of punishment
Decriminalize all drugs and treat it as a health issue redistribute costs of jailing and policing these people towards programs that work can be religious or non but the choices should be there.
No, decriminalize most drugs and provide rehabilitation centres for people suffering addiction.
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