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 @8CYCP9Vfrom Alberta  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but money should be focused to the families that have a low 'combined' income

 @B3486ZTfrom Ontario  answered…3wks3W

No, but the government should limit the number of homes thy can be bought by a single person or corporation

 @9RW6ZLWConservativefrom Ontario  answered…7mos7MO

no, but we should implement more programs, such as lower interest rates on mortgages for low-income homes.

 @9TPPX3Qfrom Alberta  answered…6mos6MO

No, but massively increase home building, make it illegal for corporations to buy residential properties and tax individuals owning >1 residential property at 50% the value of every non-residence property annually.

 @9RC6QJKfrom Ontario  answered…8mos8MO

No, the government should limit the number of homes that can be bought by a single person or corporation

 @9KBFTYW from British Columbia  answered…1yr1Y

No, but the system of home building and purchasing needs to be regulated or reformed so that the current inflationary, predatory lending, and artificial pricing needs to stop.

 @8TVYS42from Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

No, government should encourage denser housing construction, penalize multiple ownership, and ban foreign buyers.

 @8NYJNV3from Alberta  answered…4yrs4Y

The government should limit the number of homes that can be bought by a single person or group

 @B3K9X78from Ontario  answered…6 days6D

It depends, but if it is done unfairly by other means, then the government can't but if it is done through the right means, then they could but there would have to be stipulations as to not create problems or loopholes that make no sense because there should be transparency in this case.

 @B3J8PMGfrom Quebec  answered…1wk1W

No, the government should focus on making housing more affordable through subsidizing national, provincial and municipal building projects, temporarily removing red tape on building permits and zoning restrictions, and adding national rent controls

 @B3HFH75from Ontario  answered…1wk1W

Limit the amount of homes foreign buyers and corporations can buy but not hard working Canadians using it as another source of income

 @B3DKFHCfrom Ontario  answered…2wks2W

No, and the government should provide affordable housing with targeted assistance for first time home buyers

 @B3CSF7Ffrom Ontario  answered…2wks2W

No and the government should limit or exponentially tax based on the number of homes that can be bought by a single person or corporation

 @B39D2FTfrom Ontario  answered…2wks2W

No, the government should instead do a better job regulating the real estate industry. They need to make open bidding illegal

 @B395RFRfrom Ontario  answered…2wks2W

No, it should suck it up and pop the bubble, and learn the lesson from alowing exploiting income properties.

 @B36H52Dfrom Ontario  answered…2wks2W

Housing rates should be lowered and subsiding should be for those of lower then 60 k yearly and those new to the countries

 @B35YY8Pfrom Ontario  answered…3wks3W

The government should create a system based on a person's financial status and salary, and use that to create proper subsidizes (I am disabled, I have debt, I am the sole provider in a family of 4, I am only providing for myself, I have investments, etc)

 @B34YX9Nfrom Alberta  answered…3wks3W

Yes, but only if individuals are financially supporting unemployed members of their family as small as 3 individuals.

 @B32CD5RGreenfrom Ontario  answered…3wks3W

No, but prices should be controlled and offers should be made available to other buyers. Bidding should be allowed only if the starting price is much lower than the market (bank) value

 @B324X4Ffrom Ontario  answered…3wks3W

Yes, because house prices have skyrocketed and it's become extremely hard to pay your mortgage in this economy.

 @B2WR9DTfrom Ontario  answered…4wks4W

Subsidy should not be needed, the government should address root issues of the housing inaffordability crises

 @B2VV8TBfrom Nova Scotia  answered…1mo1MO

No, but build at public expense many starter homes of various kinds of sufficient quality to allow low income owners to buy and build equity. Also, support co-ops

 @B2VDNWTNew Democraticfrom Alberta  answered…1mo1MO

depends on the price of utilities, groceries, the state of the economy, and the amount of people living in the home.

 @B2RHKVSfrom British Columbia  answered…1mo1MO

Subsidize buyers who have a household income of less than $80,000 pa & limit the number of homes that can be bought by a single person or corporation

 @B2QVV6HConservativefrom Alberta  answered…1mo1MO

if you're a citizen of Canada then no, all people should be able have somewhere to live, but taking away Holmes for foreigners isn't right

 @B2LW7QGfrom Alberta  answered…1mo1MO

Government shouldn’t be involved it telling people what to do with their money. If they lowered income taxes for people who make under 100,000 as well as stopped causing mass immigration & the housing crisis the incompetent government created, people would be able to afford to buy their homes as they have in the past without government subsidies. Government subsidies only lead to increased taxes.

 @B2GYS3Cfrom Minnesota  answered…2mos2MO

The government should build public social housing at below-market rates to guarantee a right to housing for all.

 @B2DQSLR from Alberta  answered…2mos2MO

No, instead housing should be more regulated to slow down inflation and cut high prices on houses not to guarantee housing for all but rather to give everyone a better opportunity to own a house

 @B2DHJ8T from Arizona  answered…2mos2MO

We are now in 2025 so 120K per year is just barely able to pay the mortgage, car payment and daily spends.


pop the housing bubble. Houses are not worth what they are advertised on the market. People making 120k should be able to afford a single-family home in Canada. The inflated prices of houses in Canada are ridiculous.

 @B2C4372from Alberta  answered…2mos2MO

I believe that the government should subsidize peoples housing under the liveable wage to get to the liveable wage.

 @B29CZY8Liberalfrom Ontario  answered…2mos2MO

We should be letting the market decide. It went up because of speculation, let it come down because of that too. Just make sure it's not abused again

 @B292M3Pfrom British Columbia  answered…2mos2MO

We should have zero corporate ownership of homes, zero foreign buyers, and increase the empty homes tax to over 100%

 @B24CB2Jfrom Alberta  answered…3mos3MO

Maybe. Needs more thought and proper policy but this could be a good idea. Qualification is important.

 @9ZJG777from Ontario  answered…4mos4MO

Subsidization should be applicable to a larger group. The threshold is too low, given the current economy. The threshold should be $220K

 @9ZHCGXDfrom Manitoba  answered…4mos4MO

Yes, although it depends. It absolutely without a doubt can help people afford homes, groceries, vehicles, and more.

 @9YMQZBKfrom Saskatchewan  answered…4mos4MO

Yes, there should be a set amount to support home buyers who make less than $120k if the home buyers need it and will eventually be able to pay it back, without interest cost

 @9YDGG9Xfrom Alberta  answered…4mos4MO

If it was an investigated troubled family I would subsidize give them compensation, however if its a junky, or genuine lazy person I do not believe in subsidization.

 @9TG95F8from Ontario  answered…6mos6MO

There shouldn't be a subsidy, there should be situations in place for couples, to earn money and not rely on the government for everything. The government has the responsibility to ensure homes are being created for people to afford on a 120k or less a year salary, depending on the locations. This means boosting the quality of life so that there is more jobs and homes than the population.

 @9T7XY37from Alberta  answered…6mos6MO

Yes but not increase interest or taxes because the reason for why housing prices have doubled was Trudeau letting too many immigrants in and there not being enough houses for'em.

 @9T3R3V9from Alberta  answered…6mos6MO

the cost of homes shouldn't be so expensive to the point where the government has to subsidize in the first place

 @9SSRG9Hfrom Manitoba  answered…6mos6MO

120 K a year is plenty of enough money for a person to buy their own home. I would set the threshold lower. The government should limit the number of homes that can be bought by a single person or corporation. In theory that should decrease competition for home buyers, and make buying homes a more fair and affordable process.

 @9SLJBJVfrom British Columbia  answered…7mos7MO

Yes…since governments are doing zero to deter profiteering in this area they need to start subsidizing housing until such time as housing prices drop to 33% of the average income in any geographical area.

 @9S9R2T4from British Columbia  answered…7mos7MO

This is a free economy and as soon as you start subsidizing this of that, every other damn thing you no longer have a free economy.

 @9RXF7FTfrom Ontario  answered…7mos7MO

No, the government should get involved in the housing market and create supply in order to deflate the housing bubble.

 @9RQNPMRfrom Nova Scotia  answered…7mos7MO

No because it will not help control inflation of property prices. Increasing supply will reduce rentshouse prices back to affordable

 @9RBY87Rfrom Ontario  answered…8mos8MO

No, but the government should regulate the number of homes that can be purchased by a single person/corporation

 @9RBVGVQfrom Manitoba  answered…8mos8MO

How is this considered the answer to the housing crisis. Whoever you have creating these polls is so sadly disassociated with reality that they should actually be held civilly responsible for the upcoming collapse of the Canadian economy.

 @9QSH3TL from Ontario  answered…8mos8MO

stop the tax on those who make more... its not fair for those who work their butt off and then get more than half of theire income taxxed

 @9QSFSCCfrom Ontario  answered…8mos8MO

This is a waste of spending as even the bottom of localized listings could not afford the mortgage payments on less than $120k per year.

 @9NLQQF3from New Jersey  answered…9mos9MO

No, but economic stimulus should target areas that are separated from the cash flows of their city or whatever idkman im drunk

 @9N227WHfrom Ontario  answered…10mos10MO

No, but a loan should be offered instead at a very low interest rate and reduced taxes-- this also depends on the cost of the home (should be less than $1 000 000)

 @9MK284Kfrom Ontario  answered…10mos10MO

if you have lived in canada for more then 5 years you should be able to buy as many homes as you wish but if youre not from the country or have been here for less then 5 years you should only be able to own 1 house at a time

 @9MFXWQHfrom Ontario  answered…10mos10MO

Yes, but as soon they earn more, the government should stop subsidizing those who make less than $120K annually.

 @9MBPGWWfrom Ontario  answered…10mos10MO

Some people make poor choices and that’s why they aren’t as fortunate so giving them money doesn’t seem fair

 @9M9B3JLfrom Ontario  answered…10mos10MO

I think it varies how much the govenment pays. if less than 10 pecent than no, but if it is higher than probably yes.

 @9M5WCY9Conservativefrom Saskatchewan  answered…10mos10MO

I believe that the government should put in regulations so that the cost of buying a house and living is less expansive instead of giving people money

 @9LZF5FFLiberalfrom Manitoba  answered…10mos10MO

It depends if the home buyer can afford the home they're buying. This can be affected by area where the person is living in. A very good example of this is in Vancouver, where the average hose is 1,960,800$.

 @9LNL99Nfrom Ontario  answered…11mos11MO

I think it depends on the situation, the government should totally lower house prices but the person have to pay for the house. Anyone should pay for there house but the prices should be lowered

 @9LF9HLPfrom Manitoba  answered…11mos11MO

The government needs to force housing prices down, they have gotten out of control. We will need a plan that punishes those who have helped create the absurd prices.

 @9LD8F4Qfrom Alberta  answered…11mos11MO

No, and reduce inflation, stop immigration, and send everyone who’s immigrated here in the last 10 years back to their home countries so that we can have our country back for ourselves—less people is what we need, not more homes.

 @9L2NYDLfrom Ontario  answered…12mos12MO

The government should subsidize home buyers regardless of how much they make maybe through a home contribution fund from the taxes

 @9KZNNL9from Ontario  answered…12mos12MO

Focus on the economy don’t subsidize and limit the amount of home a single person/ corporation can buy

 @9KDYD2Wfrom Saskatchewan  answered…1yr1Y

No, but they should also limit the number of homes available to be bought by a person or corporation

 @9K92VNMfrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

Lower costs of homes and limit the number of housing that can be bought to prevent money laundering.

 @9JZV4G6Conservativefrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

No subsidizing. Make Canada an affordable country again. My grocery bill before "covid" was $150/week. It is now $200-300 per week now - whether we get meat or forego it. My 3 bedroom apartment that has the water off - at least once per month for the whole day - $2410/month. No backyard. No space. Rude neighbours. Owning a house, with a garage should not be $800,000+.

I should be able to get a position as an EA that is fulltime and permanent. But government restrictions. I should make more like $32/hour because I'm worth it. I shouldn't need to have over $120,000 saved, to buy a home. Our government is why I live pay to pay, and I am not the only provider here.

 @9JZDBDSfrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

Existing Home owners are greatly subsidized; there is space to help new home owners, but renters should also be put on par — renters don’t have exemptions from capital gains on any investments. Best to overturn zoning and increase supply; also make it difficult for REITs to make money on land; remove incentives to own more than one property

 @9JVPMV2from Manitoba  answered…1yr1Y

No, fix the problems regarding home affordability, overall cost of living and the artificial inflation of housing and there will no longer be a need to subsidize housing.

 @9JVMDVDConservativefrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

Government should instead invest in building more houses and lower permit requirements for construction

 @9JT36CNfrom Alberta  answered…1yr1Y

their should be a regulation on housing bought buy foreign party's not in Canada or come to Canada using them as investments

 @9JRN9GNfrom Alberta  answered…1yr1Y

It should be given to people with fair reasons for it, but there should be a time limit on how long the government provides this

 @9JK53DWfrom Alberta  answered…1yr1Y

Housing should have a cap on how much builders and private sellers can sell for everyone deserves a warm place to sleep

 @9JHHFFYNew Democraticfrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

Corporations should not be allowed to own any single family homes. Sinlge family homes are for families.

 @9JC6BKVfrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

Banks and Lenders should be regulated in a way to discourage the bubble cycle that's contributing to the massive inflation in the housing market.

 @9JBR3N6from Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

Government should check identity of buyers since they bought multiple properties on the identity of their family members. It should be avoided.

 @9GNXXXTfrom British Columbia  answered…1yr1Y

There should be CMHC mortgage loans that provide stability to lower incomes, and help them afford a house alongside other Canadian home owners.

 @9GNFHVZLiberalfrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

I think that the government should build more homes and decrease the prices because they are too high to live.

 @9GJPKWTfrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

The government should allow for individuals making less than 120k to submit receipts for housing costs and evaluate based on household spending against housing costs to determine appropriate tax breaks.

 @9GG6WCKfrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

I do not think that the government should subside for the people making less money but maybe implicate a few homes that are more affordable for this reason

 @9GFVHJMfrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

it depends because 120k per year is still alot but if they are making very little amounts then yes the government should assist them

 @9GBGRC6from Alberta  answered…1yr1Y

Yes if the base cost of living in Canada exceeds a threshold. Currently, this would be of help to current or potential home owners

 @9G9MV2Tfrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

no but i would say yes if the income was lower. if the average income is $40,000 then $120,000 would cover too many people and we could not afford it.

 @9G9MRGSfrom Alberta  answered…1yr1Y

The govt’t should subsidize homebuyers by allowing low-interest mortgages for households who make less than 100k per year.

 @9G8W3TGfrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

If the family has only one child,I don't think it's necessary,but if there are many children,,I think subsidies are needed.

 @9FTFDYYGreenfrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

The government should subsidize those who were originally able to afford a home on their salary, but may lose it to circumstances evidently out of control.

 @9FT9JTLfrom Alberta  answered…1yr1Y

If they are making a really low income, then yes, if they are making steady income and wasting it no

 @9F5KMPVfrom Alberta  answered…1yr1Y

The government should make it easier for low income people to buy a house. Owning a house shouldn't be a luxury for the rich. Low income people need help affording homes.

 @9F4FD4Pfrom Alberta  answered…2yrs2Y

I would agree that if someone makes under a certain amount of money from their job they should get some aid when it comes to owning a house, but I feel like this could be supported in different ways. Such as slightly higher pay in certain jobs or circumstances depending on the individuals life style.

 @9DTRY3Mfrom Ontario  answered…2yrs2Y

 @9DLP8DBfrom British Columbia  answered…2yrs2Y

 @9DK3RYTfrom Alberta  answered…2yrs2Y

 @9DHRMNZfrom Ontario  answered…2yrs2Y

The government should subsidize home buyers who make less than $80K per year.

 @9DHJR72from Ontario  answered…2yrs2Y

The liberal government needs to do a better job than the last 8 years. They need to know where we stand financially (I’m sure. They do, just too embarrassed to come out and say it) we wouldn’t need to subsidize if they know what they were doing and the party kicked JT out of office.

 @9D95C4Pfrom Ontario  answered…2yrs2Y

No, but more can be done to reduce multiple speculative home buyers - increasing taxes on each additional property bought

 @9D6R7J4from Quebec  answered…2yrs2Y

depends on each case circumstances like number of family members, how many are working, health status etc..

 @9D4YF47Libertarianfrom Nova Scotia  answered…2yrs2Y

No, but make mortgage payments (for everyone, regardless of income) tax deductible to encourage home ownership. It is proven that long term renters are more prone to need welfare than home owners, therefore home ownership should be encouraged.


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