Try the political quiz

109 Replies


Can you envision a society where jobs are assigned based on need rather than personal choice or passion?

 @9H78BLZNew Democraticfrom Ontario answered…11mos11MO

no, passion is so important and the mental health of ithe public would be awful


Would creative and artistic pursuits become more common in a society where survival wasn't tied to income?


Would you prefer to live in a world where your job is chosen for you, if it benefited society as a whole?


If all jobs were valued equally, how might this affect the professions you respect or aspire to?


What would leadership look like in a world where power wasn't tied to economic status?


Would you sacrifice some personal freedoms for the guarantee of economic equality for all?


Do you think innovation would thrive or diminish without financial incentives?


Imagine a world where everyone's housing was guaranteed; how would this impact your future goals?


If you could choose any job regardless of pay, what would it be and why?


Would your definition of 'hard work' be different in a society where everyone's standard of living was equal?


How might your relationship with your community change if everyone's basic needs were already met?


What would change in your approach to life if personal success wasn't measured by wealth?


How would removing the cost of healthcare affect your life plans and stress levels?


Do you feel that the pressure to succeed financially impacts your educational choices, and how might this change in a moneyless society?


What passions would drive you if monetary success was no longer a factor?


How would the role of ambition change if society didn't reward it with material wealth?


If society prioritized communal good over individual success, what would you personally find most challenging to adapt to?


Do you think eliminating grades and levels in school would help or hurt your motivation to learn?


Should all people have equal access to vacation and leisure time, regardless of their job or productivity?


How important do you believe individualism is, and could it thrive in a communal society?


If competition in business was removed, do you think we'd still see technological advancements, and why?


How might eliminating the ability to inherit wealth change the fabric of family dynamics and traditions?


Can true equality exist when people have different abilities and motivations, and how would we manage that?


Do you think a community-based living system would foster a stronger sense of belonging, and why?


How would society's value of 'hard work' change if everyone had the same standard of living?


What hobbies or talents could you explore if earning money wasn't a necessity?


How would your daily life change if your basic needs were guaranteed by society?


In a world where everyone’s basic needs are met, what kind of new challenges do you think humanity might face?


What personal values do you think would become more important in a society that isn't driven by financial gain?


What would your ideal balance of work and leisure look like if money were not a concern?


Should the government have the power to control all economic production, or should there be a balance between state and private control?


Is it possible to have a truly classless society without sacrificing personal freedoms or diversity of thought?


Do you believe that complete equality is possible in a society, and if so, at what cost?


If there were no financial incentives, what would inspire you to pursue a particular career or lifestyle?


How do you think you would personally fare in a world where the government decides how wealth and resources are distributed?


If everyone made the same amount of money, do you believe people would still be motivated to innovate and create?


How would you feel if all your personal achievements resulted in the same rewards as someone who didn't work as hard as you?