Try the political quiz

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What is your stance on the claim that anti-feminism protects men's rights from being overshadowed by feminism?

 @9H757T6Conservativefrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

Men’s rights should be respected at the same time as women’s rights and anti-feminism helps keep feminists from being against men and instead understanding their side.

 @9H6DTPXfrom Saskatchewan  answered…1yr1Y

i think that feminism is a fight for men and women that by breaking standards that have been set against women it can also help break stigmas such asd men cant cry or need to be the strongest, i think feminism advocates for the saftey of everyone

 @9HB52R5New Democraticfrom Manitoba  answered…1yr1Y

Feminism is all about making everyone equal, no one more important than someone else. Anti feminsim doesn't "protect" men's rights it just ignores the need for more gender equality.

 @9H5XCRJfrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y


Do you believe that feminism has succeeded in its goals, or has it overreached to the detriment of social harmony?

 @9H93N26from Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

Feminism has both succeeded and overreached. Some people take feminism too far and use it to hate on people for no reason.

 @9H7L2GJfrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

For the most part, it has succeeded greatly but it still has some parts where we can work on for a stronger right for women

 @9H6NBGWLiberalfrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

Feminism is a movement that I have much sympathy for, as it is advocating for equal rights. That being said, I am inherently suspicious of a movement advocating for gender equality that represents itself with a word derived from the word "feminine." I would have to be more well researched on this to make any definitive statement, but I do believe that Feminism has achieved it's goal in reducing prejudice against women.

 @9TDGJ43from British Columbia  answered…4mos4MO

Overreached since a big group of women and men think of feminism as women overpowering men and not being equal to.


Has the perception of gender roles within your social circles changed over time, and what have you noticed?

 @9JBFV8Ffrom Ontario  commented…12mos12MO

Perception has changed over time and I have noticed that both gender have equal opprtunities.


What does 'gender equality' mean to you, and does it have room for traditional gender roles?

 @9JHCXP2from Ontario  answered…12mos12MO

That both genders have equality where both groups make up a 50/50 split. Traditional gender roles are still around and there more gender equality in the country.


In your opinion, could maintaining traditional gender roles actually benefit society more than striving for complete equality?

 @9H6FYH3Greenfrom Manitoba  answered…1yr1Y

No women deserve all the same rights as men. They deserve equal pay, abortion rights and equal respect in any envrioment.


How has the rise of social media and online communities affected your views on gender roles and equality?


How has your personal experience with education or work been influenced by your gender?


Can the concept of gender complementarity coexist with the goals of feminism from your perspective?


How does the experience of parenting, or thinking about parenting, inform your views on gender roles?


Do discussions surrounding anti-feminism and gender roles impact your sense of self, and in what ways?


Have you ever felt pressured by society to act a certain way because of your gender, and how does that influence your views on gender roles?


If you could choose one aspect of traditional gender roles to preserve in modern society, what would it be and why?


Are there situations where you see traditional gender roles as more practical or beneficial, and can you give examples?


Have gender roles in your family or cultural background impacted your stance on anti-feminism?


How do societal expectations about gender influence your career choices and professional aspirations?


What are the potential risks or benefits of dismissing feminism in favor of traditional gender values?


How do your personal goals and aspirations align with or differ from the stereotypes associated with your gender?


What would you say to someone who believes that feminism no longer has a place in modern society?


Can a society achieve both respect for traditional gender roles and gender equality, and how?


How do you feel about the impact of feminism on traditional family values and roles?


Do you think that the drive towards gender equality could harm the overall societal balance?


What would society look like if everyone fully embraced traditional gender roles, in your opinion?


Should there be a limit to how much gender roles are allowed to evolve in society?


How does empowering one gender over another affect the dynamics of a relationship or family unit?


If you observed unfair treatment based on gender, how would you address it, and why?


Could men's roles in society change without affecting the stability of communities and if so, how?


Do you feel that your personal strengths or weaknesses are determined by your gender, and why?


Have media representations of gender influenced how you view your own gender role, and in what ways?


Does the concept of 'gender solidarity' help or hinder the progress towards a more equal society?


Have you ever felt that gender roles restricted your personal choices or freedoms, and can you share an example?


In what ways could gender role expectations shape your future family life or parenting style?


What is the most compelling argument you’ve heard for or against maintaining traditional gender roles?


How might your own experiences of inclusion or exclusion be related to existing gender norms?


How might the expectations of masculinity or femininity affect your personal dreams and choices?


How could an emphasis on traditional gender roles influence your approach to dating and relationships?


Can you think of a time when gender stereotypes held you back or pushed you in a specific direction?


In what ways can the support for traditional gender roles be reconciled with the quest for individual autonomy?


Do you think there's a difference between equal opportunities and equal outcomes in the context of gender?


How do you feel about the argument that anti-feminism is necessary to counter a perceived bias against men in laws and culture?


What personal experiences have led you to embrace or question the necessity of traditional gender roles?


How do you feel the ideal balance between career and family should be managed, irrespective of gender?


In what ways do you believe educational institutions should address the conversation around gender roles?


How have cultural or family traditions shaped your opinion about gender roles in today's society?


Can you share a moment when you felt empowered or restricted by societal gender expectations?


What are your thoughts on the role of mentorship in breaking down or reinforcing gender stereotypes?


How does the recognition of various gender identities influence the traditional binary perspective on gender roles?


How do evolving gender roles intersect with your understanding of what it means to lead a fulfilling life?


What measures do you think could be taken to address the concerns of those who feel marginalized by current gender role discussions?


How do you perceive the role of women in society and does feminism align or conflict with your views?


Are there areas in life where you think gender-specific roles are irreversible, and if so, where?


In what ways do you think gender role expectations limit career opportunities for both men and women?


Why do you think certain professions remain gender-dominated, and how does that impact societal perceptions?


What impact do you think historical gender roles have on current debates about workplace equality?


Do you believe there are inherent qualities in men or women that justify traditional roles, and why?


How do you imagine future generations will view the gender role debates of today?