The Canadian Pension Plan (CPP) is public program that requires all employed Canadians to contribute a percentage of their earnings, with their employer matching the amount, to a nationally administered pension plan. Currently, the employee contribution rate is set at 4.95% up to a maximum of $2,356.
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People should not give their money to the government
My generation, and those beyond it, will likely never see any more than a fraction of what we should - at best.
It should be raised to 5%, especially for high wage earners, and employers should have the option to opt out for private
No and you should be able to opt out of it if you can prove you are financially literate. This 4.49% could be used in my stock account..
I think it should be up to the person if they would like to contribute more or not. Whatever is best for Canada and people regarding the actually rate.
Yes, if we can afford it, but reduce the deficit and debt first, also allow people to opt out and have a choice for private pensions
only if to help their individual retirement. abolish gimmick tax scams in canada and allow people to make actual money
No. Retirement age should be raised immediately. After that should be assessed and raised according to average life expectancy.
No, and any Canadian get to retire at any desired age and repeal the Canadian Pension Plan so it would become private pension plan instead.
Yes, the CPP employee contribution should be adjusted at pre-determined intervals to ensure there are sufficient funds to meet current and projected needs.
If this rises that creates an inflation, making a person pay more. They still would be receiving more but it would cancel out because of the inflation rate. Therefore, you would be receiving less on your paycheck.
There should be an option to allow a person to opt out or add more if their income is higher. To allow early retirement.
No, but allow employees the option to opt out of the CPP in order to in order to invest in a private pension plan as well as the option for employees to increase their contribution to a maximum of 15%
The current contribution rate is 5.95%, not 4.49%. Anyways, yes we should be trying to increase the amount we all pay into CPP over time to force savings, reduce the need for OAS in retirement.
No, lower taxes and allow Canadians to choose how they fund their pension.
No, and there should be an option to opt out
abolish the CPP and replace it with a privet fund
Regardless, allow employees the option to opt-out of the CPP and invest in a private pension plan, allow employees the option to contribute an additional 5%-10%, especially higher wage earners
Regardless, allow employees the option to contribute an additional 5%-10% Regardless, raise the maximum rate so high wage earners can contribute more.
No, and encourage private retirement investment
Yes, and Alberta should separate and form it's own pension.
No, the current CPP is very successful. Access to it should be expanded for the self-employed.
No, only employers should be required to pay into it.
should be a dynamic situation with the person being able to choose how much they want to put in with a country wide minimum amount they must put in.
Yes, as long as the contributor actually gets the benefit of the increase, and the Govt does not give it away to another company as a bail out
should be used for CPP only, should have the opt out option,
Yes, we should raise it at and additional 25%-30%, allow wage earners to contribute more.
Yes, we should raise it to 9.43%
I dont think about old age pension enough
No, it should be abolished and education on self-investing for your future retirement should be promoted.
It should be the choice of the businesses
No, but maybe give employees the choose a higher rate if they wish
No, instate UBI and abolish pensions
Incorporate CPP into a UBI system
No. Eliminate the CPP and return funds back to employees. People should be free to invest their own money and not thru CPP.
Adjust it to the cost of the living
No, but raise the maximum rate so high wage earners can contribute more
yes but that money should be directly tied to the individual that earned it
No, CPP contributions should be stopped by implementing a universal basic income for all citizens instead.
No. Make CPP contributions optional for most workers/companies. Raise maximum for high income earners.
Nobody is gonna benefit from this in 30 years. You’re making people pay money for repayment they’ll never receive.
Increase Canadian pension Plan payouts: but remove the employee contribution rate.
CPP contribution rates should increase proportional to income, similar to income taxes.
No, and the CPP should be abolished.
The Canadian pension plan should be capped for small business but large corporations should pay a larger percentage.
@8V8LQD4New Democratic4yrs4Y
No, most of the younger generation just starting to work or starting post secondary education won’t even see a pension. Why should they have to pay more into it?
I'm happy with the current amount
Stop taking it and let Canadians decide how to invest that money for there futures.
Regardless, allow employees to contribute more or opt-out.
Less government dependence is a good thing.
Multi-employer Pension Plan (MEPP)
Regardless, allow employees the option to contribute an additional 5%-10% or opt-out of the CCP and invest in a private pension plan.
Only if they have enough to spare
Employees should have the option to contribute an additional amount. However higher premiums would encourage businesses to hire fewer workers, at a time when fewer workers are how businesses do it now
No, it is already being mismanaged as it is.
Regardless, allow employees the option to contribute an additional 5%-10%, raise the maximum rate so high wage earners can contribute more, and allow employees the option to opt-out of the CPP and invest in a private pension plan
The CPP should be phased out/eliminated.
No, employers should contribute more via a progressive tax system. Poor people cannot afford to pay more.
CPP contributions should never be put into general revenue it should be invested in the in the best way possible for the greatest return on investment and should be done at arms length from the government with no more than twenty percent of the board being government officials
If there is a concern that funds for CPP is going to run out due to the baby boomers, employees should have the option to contribute additional and employees should also have the option to opt-out and invest in a private pension plan.
4.49% of what? Will the employee have enough left over to live on during the season? It is a slippery slope between not-quite enough, especially in seasonal employment areas, and a-little-more-than enough, May just depend on whether you buy tobacco or alcohol.(tax-free or not)
No, higher premiums would encourage businesses to hire fewer workers and negatively affect the economy. It also reduces the spending money left to the employees.
If any insurance company charged a premium for say 30 years and the client dies prior to collecting any benefits, the the company doesn't pay out at least the amount paid in the said company would be charged with fraud. CPP should be forced to pay the estate at least the amount paid in at a competitive rate of interest.
Yes higher premiums would help for reinvestments but their has to be controls on making sure companies are not hiring less do to the hike.
No. It would only give the government more money to steal. It.s our money. The government treats us like criminals for wanting it.
Regardless, allow employees the option to opt-out of the CPP and invest in a private pension plan, andallow employees the option to contribute an additional 5%-10%.
Abolish the CPP but allow workers to opt into a pension plan and contribute as much as they want that their employer must match.
High income earners should contribute more. Low income earners should not have to contribute more—especially if they're barely making a living wage. Percentages are not a fair way to go.
Tell the government to not use that money for their use.
Oil royalties should be raised to fund CPP
Raise the annual maximum so high wage earners contribute more.
Higher premiums with higher contributions from government and thus better benefits
does any thing we pay for go down in price? wake up and tax the rich...throw people who make under 50,000 a rope here.
Yes, with a commensurate raise in the minimum wage so lower income earners are not penalized financially.
No CPP should be protected from the government so it can not spend the money that belongs to pensioners and not the government.
Keep a default limit set and allow employees to either opt-in to an increase or opt-out into a private plan. Give the employee the choice.
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