The CSA Group (formerly the Canadian Standards Association), is a not-for-profit standards organization whose primary activities are producing technical standards that are intended to address the needs of a group of affected adopters. Among the fifty-seven different areas of specialization are climate change, business management and safety and performance standards, including those for electrical and electronic equipment, industrial equipment, boilers and pressure vessels, compressed gas handling appliances, environmental protection, and construction materials.
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I don't understand what this is about but if it's for a good cause and it's environmentally friendly, then go ahead and fund.
Leave the funding on how it is.
@9P8NRFMNew Democratic 9mos9MO
No, leave the funding at its current rate, unless there is an event of emergency where current funding is not enough to control the situation.
No, it has shown to be unfair and biased. I would support replacing it.
Yes, this is peoples safety were talking about. Certainly CSA approved PPE would be better than risk of injury or loss of life.
No, and abolish it as it is liberal propaganda.
As long as it has fairness in the process, it's fine. If it doesn't we will audit and re-evaluate it's role.
Would need to know more about this
Review for redundancies and streamline to ensure the organization is not top heavy.
Not knowledgeable enough to answer.
No, there are many flaws that need to be addressed instead of increasing funding
@8W4BGQ5New Democratic3yrs3Y
Never heard of them, abolish and make relevant in individual industry
There need to be stricter guidelines and increasing the budget isn't going to do that.
Depends on how much fund they need to sustain the technical standards.
No Decrease but keep what's in place now
Keep the funding at the same level.
@8VBDV4SNew Democratic4yrs4Y
No, I am satisfied with the current amount of funding
If this has bearing on safety and health of citizens, then yes.
Yes, the standards developed by the CSA support environmental, household, and worker safety.
I am unsure at this moment/ don’t have enough information to formulate an opinion
Keep it up to date with cost
Yes! Researching and learning about space is important!
yes only for non worker co-op and non credit unions
Depends on how important it is.
No, but don't decrease it either
They don’t need additional funding from the Canadian Government, however the companies that apply should pay a percentage to help fund.
Yes as long as the government can provide evidence that the funding is actually going to this
@8QFCQGTNew Democratic4yrs4Y
Yes, but we should conduct a review on the morality and effectiveness of the CSA and standards should be set before funding increases can happen.
@8QDRPS8New Democratic4yrs4Y
Yes, CSA funding should be increased but in return it must play its role accurately on monitoring internal and external products and much press on monitoring the industries and restaurants.
I dont understand the question
Yes, but only if a healthy economy can justify additional spending.
no change, and make the manufactures legally responsible for their products, to the point of assisting in the cost of lawsuits which would be passed on to the manufacturers. Tax payers should not be responsible for devices that malfunction.
Yes, especially for areas like information technology
What will increased funding even do? where are the funds going?
I don’t understand the question
Have a healthy amount of funding.
No, unless if they made it for a good cause
Yes, but first streamline its operations
Yes, but they should put stricter regulations and guidelines to protect the environment
Yes, as long as they put stricter regulations on fossil feuls, and prioritze renewables
Decrease Protections. Keep funding the Same
Yes. Criminalize companies that knowingly produce unsafe products.
Idk about this situation
Yes, but publications should be freely available
Yes, it should be increased but in return, it should play its role well in society
Again, case by case scenario. Some probably need an increase, while other areas a decrease.
Depends on how the increase the funding
Have a stable amount of funding.
This is a good cause but we should focus on getting Canada out of debt and then pump money into organization
funding is good where it is
i do not have an opinon on this qustion
Yes, but the money cannot go toward labour or bonuses.
Yes, and ensure that a greater number of products imported from other countries, especially via online purchase, are inspected to ensure they meet CSA standards.
Yes, but ensure it is nonpartisan and encourages more Canadian media to be shown
Ask the CSA hoe much funding is needed and determine accordingly
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