Narrow down the conversation to these participants:
This isn't an important issue.
As long as they take their share of the debt, do not rely on Canada for any kind of payment, and be forced to rejoin Canada as a decreased obligation in five to ten years if they fail politically, economically, and socially.
No Canada was found by three nations (first nations, English and French) it is our identity without Quebec we are no longer Canada
No, sovereignty is dead, & require a 2/3 supermajority (with invalid ballots included in the total tabulation), for all secession referendums regardless of the area it's being held in.
No, but if a referendum succeded, Quebec would have to take its fair share of debt and return all military equipment to Canada.
Yes, as long as Canada's territory remains contiguous, they leave with no more territory than they had in 1867, and they take a proportional share of the national debt.
Sure, if they take their share of debt, as well as cut all economic and military support from Canada. If they want independence, then be independent.
Yes, as long as they take their share of debt and it is voted on by both the citizens of Quebec and the rest of Canada
Yes, so long as they take 50% of the national debt, continue to pay the same taxes to the federal government for 10 years, hand over all their military equipment and surplus, half their funds for federal social programs and give us complete access in and out of quebec to keep the supply chain running from the atlantic to western canada.
If the want to completely separate and take their share of the debt with them, good bye. They’ve been threatening to leave for decades. They’re just spoiled and entitled.
No and if they seperate they should only get what we origanlly gave them a small strip along the st lawrence river.
Let them go They complain much Pull out federal property such as military hardware and day good bye
Increase relations with Quebec and focus on issues they want to solve
Let Quebec go away who cares about that mistake of a province full of French communists.
I believe it should be left to the citizens of Quebec to decide, but that we should not provide any supports to them should they become a sovereign state
Quebec will never be the same without Canada and vice-versa. We need to work on equality between French and English Canadians.
Let the citizens of Quebec vote on it. It would be an astoundingly stupid move on their part, though.
Goodbye! Take your debt with you, AND remember that removes your access to our military and you lose a huge chunk of your land.
Quebec citizens should make that decision, however the terms of separation should be clear beforehand so they are making an informed decision.
yes, if they are willing to take their debt, give up their equalization payments, and Canadian Passports
No, but in the case of a referendum, any Yes victory must require at least a 2/3 supermajority, with invalid ballots also included in the count.
Yes, but have the common agreement that if the U.S.A. attacks Quebec Canada will help defend it. And that if you are a Canadian citizen you wouldn't need the check at the boarder
Yes, but it has to be voted on and confirmed that Quebec gan grow and survive long-term. They also have to be willing to take on their own debt.
If Quebec democratically decides it, however Canada should then no longer provide them economic or military support beyond what they would other allied nation, as well as all debt from the Quebec provincial government being transferred to the free Quebec.
no, because it would set a blockade on the Atlantic provinces
No, but it could be granted more autonomy from the government and country.
@9DRYGB6 2yrs2Y
No, because it sets a blockade to the Atlantic provinces.
No, but if the people of Quebec voted for sovereignty under the terms of the Clarity Act, then their right to self-determine must be recognized.
Land back - indigenous sovereignty first
Use military force to neutralize the people who want a different nation.
No, as Quebecois people have been considered a nation within Canada, and their rights are protected by the Constitution and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms
No, it would actually harm many French communities
They should have to vote with 51% agreeing to leave Canada. They would have to pay for their share of the debt, pay for any buildings or land currently owned by the federal government, and pay market costs for the houses of anyone who wishes to move (or first and last month rent and moving expenses of anyone wishing to leave, before separation. They would also have to implement their own currency.
Not properly informed on topic
They should not have a political party at the federal level.
Let them have it, until the indigenous reclaim it
Let Canadians vote on the issue as we will all be affected
No, this is seditious and to enact upon it in Parliament would be an act of treason
No, they are part of the union, and should pay their own taxes.
As long as they take their share of the debt and have no economic or military ties to Canada
Québec should seek as much autonomy as possible, but remain a part of Canada
@8W4BGQ5New Democratic3yrs3Y
Yes! Get rid of Quebec and remove French as our second language. Also remove all economic and military ties with them and make them pay for their share of debt!
No, it would cause problems for people travelling between Atlantic Canada and the Mainland
No, diversity is a strength, not a problem.
It won’t solve their problems and would make things more difficult for them. If they leave, they should not get any benefits to being in close proximity to this country. If they leave, they will make things harder for the East coast which isn’t good (since they thrive on tourism and that would likely make tourism harder) I don’t think it’s necessary for them and instead they should try to enjoy being apart of Canada and lessen their focus on leaving
yes but they run as their own country with zero funding/aid and take their share of debt
Yes as long as they take their share of the debt and sever all economic and military support from Canada plus repay the billions in equalization payments provided to keep them afloat.
The question of Quebec independence should be voted on by Quebecers and by the rest of Canada, as it will affect the entire country. A two-third majority should be required for a vote to pass.
If they take on their share of the national debt, and relinquish all military & economic support, yes. Let them become their own country IF they are willing to handle all that entails.
Let the citizens of Quebec vote on it, and if yes then they take on their share of debt
Yes, as long as they cut all economic and military support from Canada, but then take them over through military force and abolish all of their french rights they used to have and reclaim the land for Canada
Absolutely NOT. Quebec is a part of Canada, period. No political party should exist that is attempting to sever it from Canada. This is ridiculous really, seeing as our elections are for Canada as a nation. They need to accept that they are forever Canadian. (I was born there btw)
Yes, but only with vast majority voting in favour, and with the cutting of all economic, military, health care support, etc
Build a 20’ high wall around Quebec and flood it with raw sewage
if seperatists want to leave let them, if not we should fight them for qubec, and stop putting up with this. and they simply cannot have a federal seperation party.
Let Quebec’s government decide on it
Yes as long as they take their share of Canada’s debt as-well as cut all economic and military support from Canada and become truly independent
As long as other provinces have the option as well
No, the only sovereign nation are the aboriginal period.
Yes, only as long the rest of Canadians have a vote on the decision
Quebec does nothing for the rest of Canada, let them leave and take all their debt but they don't get ANY support from Canada
As long as we get maple syrup and French girls
no Quebec should stay with Canada having sovereignty could cause more problems for Canada and Quebec
Yes, as long as they take their own debt and are cut from all economic and military support and pay out to Canada a yearly fee to pay back what the rest of Canada has paid into Quebec infrastructure. Most Quebecers do not concider themselves Canadians and we support them monetarily. Does the rest of Canada really need Quebec to survive?
Ya know.. if Quebec wants to be on their own, so be it. However I don't believe that Canada should then be responsible for providing any kind of support
@8F52GC7New Democratic4yrs4Y
As long as we still get maple syrup and hockey players
Quebec is dumb Canadians don’t want them
No, but grant Quebec special status in the constitution by renegotiating the Meech Lake Accords.
yes, as long as they take their share of debt AND cut all economic and military support from Canada
No. Quebec has used the threat of secession as a means to bully the rest of the country and should be required to engage on an equal field.
If they want to leave or stay, then it's none of my business.
No, synthesise both French and English peoples of Canada into one nationality
Yes, but all economic, military, infrastructural, energy, land ownership, and anything else belonging to Canada stays Canadian. And major cities like Montreal, should be able to separate from Quebec if desired.
Yes if they vote on it and all transfer payments from the west be stopped.
last i checked legally their is no mechanism in the canadian constitution for separation, but if they must have it high turn out (80-90%) election with over 60% voting yes and no questions asked. otherwise the complaint of separatists always leaves out other french canadian communities of canada ignoring them in a self centered bid for power and relevance
No, the Maritimes would not survive
No, but this is a complex matter. Asymmetric Federalism is the better option, but it should also be extended to other jurisdictions like Western Canada.
Yes. Pay their debt first and then they are cut off completely from us. No aid No anything from us.
Only if Alberta is allowed its sovereignty as well
They can have their sovereignty so long as Alberta can have theirs as well
Yes but take their portion of the debt and cut all ties.
Quebec is in the middle of multiple provinces and therefor they technically can not be their own country or leave Canada properly.
I am for the dissolution of the state but First Nations land back should be a prerequisite of Quebec departing Canada.
**** tous ceux qui dise non
Yes, only if they separate.
Let them be sovereign, however they must be removed from all economic, military and other support from Canada, as well as reconciling their amount of debt owed to all other provinces and territories.
I don't think they should seperate but if they do they get to take their share of debt and don't get our military
@9BJ887SNew Democratic2yrs2Y
No, but do allow more freedom to express their culture and establish individuality from the predominantly English sections of Canada.
The citizens of Quebec should vote on it and take their share of the debt.
If they don't want to be Canadian then leave the country
No. If they don't like Canada they should leave
@Tbird704New Democratic4yrs4Y
No, independence will destabilize the nation and divide our nation’s people for generations
i say remove Quebec from canada.
Kick them out and give them their share of national debt. Make them have to create their own country with their own courts, laws and money. Once the flow of cash from alberta is cut off, how loud will they howl and how quickly will they become accommodating with the rest of the country?
Let them go...see how long they last.
sovereignity association needs clarification and the terms should be arrived at through negotiation with both federal and provincial governments
No, quit treating them as a guest of Canada or a special group like the Indians if you live in Canada be a Canadian and pull your weight.
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