A sanctuary city is a city that adopts local policies designed to not prosecute people solely for being an undocumented individual in the country in which they are currently living.
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dont think this applies to canada?
Yes, but have these cities closely monitored, screen the people before entering, and limit the number of sanctuary cities.
No. Those cities should use the people for some jobs to maintain those cities. Start assimilating them in to the culture sooner than later.
Yes, but it should be on the lower end of funding so we can use more money on things such as healthcare and the environment
@Canadianpunk89 4wks4W
No, except for the immigrants who have legal status or if they fled from their home country due to an active war or a legit life and death situation. Also the one's that did their paperwork and are currently awaiting citizenship should be an exception as well. If they are here and put absolutely no effort AT ALL to become a legal citizen and abuse the system, then tax payer's money should not be wasted on them. Fund it for the ones who are doing it all right.
Depending on the situation of an individual, there may be circumstances where they must live undocumented. So funding should be the same throughout each city.
There should not be sanctuary cities. We wouldn't need them if the government would slow down on letting so many people into the Canada.
yes but more so, they should have the right to create fund raising opportunities to sustain their necessities and empower their members.
No. Instead, sanctuary cities should only be used for immigrants transitioning to become Canadian citizens and housing refugees in times of emergency. They should be given basic needs such as; access to housing, integration into Canadian way of life, and education. As such, they should receive funding from the provincial government. The federal government may only intervene in certain cases and if necessary, action to enforce immigration law.
@Canadianpunk89 3mos3MO
No, except for the ones who have legal status or if they fled from their home country due to an active war or a legit life and death situation.
I don’t want federal funding if it comes with control—let cities do their own thing without strings attached.
Yes, however make a clause that the municipality is responsible for any issues related to illegal immigrants they are sheltering
Sanctuary cities should not exist, but we should push for the documentation of illegal immigrants instead of deporting them.
Yes, but not because they are sanctuary cities. They should receive the federal funding due to them for simply being a city in Canada.
They should receive less funding for harboring ILLEGAL immigrants, but it should not be cut entirely, as larger problems will arise.
This seems like a very US based question. The division of powers should guide law enforcement and conflicts between jurisdictions or levels of government or departments should not impact funding at the municipal, provincial, or federal level.
Yes but to a provincial level as it’s up to the province wether or not they are a sanctuary city and they should find there own funding
Sanctuary cities create a unique environment of lawlessness and poverty which can be dangerous/worse for undocumented individuals.
The question of whether sanctuary cities should receive federal funding is a matter of ongoing debate. Some argue that withholding funds punishes local communities, while others believe it is a way to enforce immigration policies. It's like discussing whether a school that follows different rules should still receive support. The decision often reflects broader perspectives on immigration policies and the relationship between local and federal authorities.
I believe that they should re-implement the rule that requires immigrants to bring a skill to the country instead of just showing up an having everything handed to them.
I believe that sanctuary cities should receive federal funding so long as the immigrants are not permanently residing there, it should be somewhere to live temporarily while the find jobs and a place to live
Somewhat yes but the people should find a way to get a job and pay for their own things after a whil
If they need protection and safety then yes, but if they want to live here forever then they should do the paperwork eventually.
Yes anyone fleeing danger from their own country can find Canada as a haven but if you want to live here for life then start the paperwork.
Yes, but only to provide vetting on individuals who may be in the country for nefarious reasons, not to find a better life.
Give them federal funding for there situations and try to regulate it and to help them become more people of society
Yes, but to a certain point, where it is enough to do further research on the indivieul's past to encore any of their records interme of criminal offenses.
No. We should ban Sanctuary Cities, and Municipalities are under Provincial jurisdiction - the Federal government should not be infringing on Provincial matters.
Yes, but the people living in these sanctuaries should have access to make themselves a documented individual.
Undocumented people shouldn't be punished and des deserve a place to live.
Canada doesn't really have sanctuary cities, to my knowledge. That's more of a US thing.
I say yes as a sanctuary cities can create an environment of lawlessness and poverty which can be dangerous for undocumented individuals
We should rather invest in immigration and social centres that help and support immigrants in establishing themselves and adapting to their new country
only if they have approval from provincial authorities and it reflects on their current policy needs/issues
Yes but they shouldn't be against federal immigration policies. If they are that's when it's time to cut funding
The immigrants should find a source of income with their help in order to be able to support themselves.
if the peoples have $10,000 coming into the country the government should not have to give money to the peoples for a healthy life in Canada. if the peoples don't have $10,000 the government will give the money needed to get to $10,000
No. People in sanctuary cities should be put to work to make the cities function. This will help the people to assimilate to the Canadian culture and it's not burdening the economy.
Yes, but there has to be more done to accommodate immigrants and refugees who are struggling to find a place to live.
If their are immigrants that got to the country illegally then no,but if they got to the country legally then yes.
@8J64JW6New Democratic4yrs4Y
I'm unclear as to how these cities are governed. do those residing there fall under the same laws and regulations as bonified citizens of that country? If they recieve funding, do they also pay taxes and are responsible to ensure the proper education of their children, etc.?
Usually sanctuary city’s just don’t really enforce immigration laws to an extent. In Toronto like hospitals and police won’t go out of their way to check if you’re an illegal immigrant. So they don’t really deport illegal immigrants. Undocumented mean illegal so you can’t pay taxes if you’re not even supposed to be here.
Yes, if they have contributed to pay the taxes.
You can’t pay taxes if you’re undocumented. How could you?
I dont kn ow hwat tha tis
Yes, but have audits to see where the funds are being allocated
In some cases, yes. like if they immigrated because of refuge
No, not if they do not abide by federal laws
If we are diligent and let in immigrants who haven't committed violent crimes, then the need for sanctuary cities shoulder be needed.
Yes, if we are going to take the responsibility of letting people into our country, we should try our best to set them up for success and help out where we can.
Yes, and immigrants should be heavily encouraged to integrate themselves into Canadian society and culture
Yes, and we should either rotate the current sanctuary cities to others in Canada or faze it out cause we obviously can’t house our own citizens and sanctuary cities are becoming overpopulated and dire housing crisis
Yes, because without funding they will become even more criminal.
Sanctuary cities shouldn't even exist
Sanctuary cities should be encouraged to do the same social background checks and protocols as they would any other person looking to enter Canada for any reason.
I am unsure of what this question mean s
Sanctuary cities should have equal rights
No opinion. Did not even know this was a thing in Canada.
Yes only if the people are working on getting the correct paperwork
Yes, but know who they are
@8V7C4Z7Bloc Québécois4yrs4Y
No, but we should allow sanctuary cities
@8TVYWZ6New Democratic4yrs4Y
We should provide these individuals with a path to immigrate properly rather then punish them however we shouldn’t just allow people to enter without being properly vetted and not have a process to deal with them.
Municipal budget should cover the expenses.
I think instead of prosecuting people who are undocumented or protecting them we should provide a way did them to get their documents
No Human Being Is Illegal
Question if this is a big issue in Canada. Seems an issue more for US due to more illegal migration.
Yes, but the people seeking sanctuary must be contributing members of society
Abolish sanctuary cities
No they should not receive more funding the government but they should also not be penalized by the government.
Yes but after a background check and they become legal immigrants.
in the middle of yes and no
No, there shouldn't be a need for them to exist in the first place. The government should be a lot less harsh on immigration policies.
@8PPRN77New Democratic4yrs4Y
If they receive federal funding, they would no longer be sanctuary cities.
At this moment I'm unfamiliar with what one is.
Yes as long as it’s not too much
No. No city should get federal funding.
No, but sanctuary cities should be allowed to exist in their own right.
If federal government can afford it
Make all cities 'sanctuaries'.
@98SL5S5New Democratic2yrs2Y
Yes but first try to solve the problem
No, but they should recieve a protection policy
Yes, just like every city.
If the funding is used to make sure that these illegal immigrants have no criminal records and are not a threat to our society then I can tolerate it.
Yes, but they shouldn't need to exist
Federal funding should help these individuals get out of sanctuary cities
No, ban sanctuary cities, and distribute immigrants more evenly across the nation.
Yes, but the cities should determine how best to spend it and do their best to control costs.
No federal funding should be given for 'sanctuary cities' however under no circumstances should a undocumented individual be prosecuted if they are seeking refuge in Canada. That said, those who flagrantly ingnor visa rules (ie. working on a tourist visa, over stay their visa expiration date, etc.) should be deported.
I think that provincial funding makes more sense.
No just end the war on drugs and focus on rehabilitation instead
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