A tax return is a document which states how much income an individual or entity reported to the government. In Canada these documents are considered private and are not released to the public. The Canadian Elections Commissioner does not require individuals running for public offices to release them. In Sweden, Norway and Finland citizen’s and candidate’s tax records are considered public information and are published on the internet.
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Yes, and medical records should not be mandatory but any clear sign of putting our country at risk due to medical issues should be addressed.
no, not to the public but it should be reviewed by professional as a check before being eligible to run
No, it would be a good political move to gain people's votes, but it shouldn't infringe on their abilities to do their duties. If it is, then that leads to different problems.
Yes, and they must also release their personal holdings to promote transparency and to prevent conflicts of interests.
No, but they should be audited for conflicts of interest.
no, unless there are/were previous issues identified by the CRA
No not for their personal finances, but they should require a public audit every year they are in office
Yes, and all trust, foundation and corporate tax records for 5 years prior to election and every year that they hold office.
if they are receiving funding, they should provide a legal paper trail of where that funding is being distributed.
Yes, once they run for any political office above the municipal level, like provincially or federally.
@9HSTJPK 1yr1Y
Yes and they should have to publicly release the amount their office costs the riding, (and not through running through hoops to find such information) I also think they should HAVE TO visit every town in their riding at least once per year. Dr. Kitchen has NEVER been to Montmartre!
No. But they should be routinely audited.
Yes, and their spouse as well.
No, but they should be public while they are in office.
yes only if there is speculation of fraud
Yes, and their holdings should be known to all to prevent conflict of interests.
If they are under investigation.
Yes, and a complete account of their personal holdings and investments should also be released.
No, they should be required to disclose a comprehensive financial disclosure
yes because it’s important to see what theyre getting for what their doing-but it shouldn’t be a requirement (only show it once a year)
@8QXR442New Democratic4yrs4Y
A political candidates income does not affect my stance
Not all political candidates but those who are chosen to fill government positions should be required to prove that they income isn't altered in any way and taxes are payed.
Yes, depending on the position they are in.
They should not have to, however should be required to be auditted as well as the audits should be revealed while they are in office.
No, only the party leaders, and only in the last 5 years.
No, only those which apply to their time in office in order to identify any conflicts of interest.
No. But require a yearly public audit while In office
Yes, if they have shown any disregard for ethics
Only if elected, not just candidates.
I don't think this is important, but they should be audited to ensure they are not embezzling or evading taxes. Besides, candidates are just figureheads in the grand scheme of things, the transparency needs to happen with electoral promises, and the senate, and the supreme court and with figures that are not elected who have veto power.
ill leave this for others to decide
Yes and medicals and audits should be required yearly
Only if they have committed previous tax crimes or are participating in fraudulent or questionable activities in relation to their personal or governmental finances.
No, it shouldn't be a requirement but it would be very wise to do that as a political candidate
No, but future candidates should have to, and current ones should be encouraged to
Yes that would make it transparent
Only if the people want that, just like anyone else they shouldn't be required.
No, but encourage them to do so through other means, such as a marginal increase in political funding
They should have to release to a private committee, possibly of judges
No, but they should be audited every they run in office
if the political candidate is suspected of bribes or criminal activity they should be required
All tax returns and holdings should be made public for people in public offices.
No but they should be subject to an independent audit to rule out tax evasion/fraud and a mental health review to ensure they are of sound mind.
Not to the public but this should be reviewed
Yes and audit while in office only
No, only political leaders should be required to release their recent tax returns to the public and require a public audit each year they are in office
Only if it was deemed necessary ie in a criminal case etc
No, members of government should be subject to audit, candidates should have the right to privacy
No but taxes should be audit every year
yes, and make voters aware of where they get their donations from.
The candidates for the political parties should absolutely show where their money’s going, to ensure the wealth stays among the citizens, not greedy politicians who are bought under the table.
No but to an entity that will hold them accountable
No, but aspiring political candidates should undergo a financial audit as part of a vetting process.
Yes, as well as any holdings they have in their portfolios.
No, unless they are an incumbent.
Only if requested and part of an investigation
Yes but only if there is some question about the ethics of their financial dealings
Yes and a complete list of their holdings should also be disclosed as well.
We should repeal the current tax system by implementing The FAIRtax; thus, eliminating tax returns.
Only Incumbents or candidates that already hold government positions
Yes, and also require them to release their medical records each year they are in office as well as have a public audit each year they are in office
No, but if they are in high demand from the public, they should be released.
No and Abolish democracy
After they leave office they should
Yes, but only for the purposes of learning from where they receive their income or if they are defrauding the IRS.
No. Candidates should only release such data when this becomes a legal requirement, either by Act of Congress or by subpoena; however, voluntary release of such private data would make me more comfortable and knowledgeable about the candidate's trustworthiness and to whom the candidate might be susceptible. Once the candidate is elected to office, financial review is a requirement of security clearance (along with medical records) -- and should be open to FOIA (Freedom of Information Act).
tax returns have nothing to do with their ability to perform their duties
No, but they should go through an independent audit from public and private organizations.
Not publicly, but a multi partisan Congressional committee that changes every year should be privy to yearly audits. Senators and Representatives should also be subject to audits every other year. The audits should only be made public if the president or Congressperson is legally charged with wrongdoing.
yes, it is important so that we can trust them more.
Yes, for the sake of transparency and to enhance public trust
Yes, I also believe they should be audited every year and release their medical records and their annual medical report.
I am honestly unsure, I feel that after trump it should be required but at the same time it is personal stuff
Yes because some people have been avoiding this to prove they did not commit tax fraud... that person being Donald Trump the president of the United States
Independent Annual Audits should be required for political candidates before and during their terms to insure they are not receiving illegal funds, but these do not need to be released to the public.
No, unless they are a sitting incumbent.
Yes, and also required to release their medical records and a public audit each year they are in office
No, but they would be held more accountable if they did
Yes, If they are asked too.
No, I would respect them more if they did but they shouldn’t be required to, and tax returns have nothing to do with their ability to perform their duties
Instead of the candidates, how about the people already in office. As we know their salaries already, they should tell us how they achieved their new found wealth.
Only if they wanted to release their forms to the public
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