Proponents argue that this strategy would bolster national security by minimizing the risk of potential terrorists entering the country. Enhanced screening processes, once implemented, would provide a more thorough assessment of applicants, reducing the likelihood of malicious actors gaining entry. Critics argue that such a policy might inadvertently promote discrimination by broadly categorizing individuals based on their nation of origin rather than specific, credible threat intelligence. It may strain diplomatic relations with the affected countries and potentially harm the perception of the nation enacting the ban, being seen as hostile or prejudiced towards certain international communities. Additionally, genuine refugees fleeing terrorism or persecution in their home countries might be unjustly denied safe haven.
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No. There hasn't been a terrorist attack in a long time and personally using the term terrorists as an argument to keep Muslims out of the country is quite stereotypical.
no. muslims are not terrorists, and they never will be. some terrorists may claim to be 'muslims', but terrorism and killing is forbidden in islam. therefore, muslim immigrants shouldn't be banned from entering the country. this question is very irrelevant and only fuels the stereotypes against muslims, remove it.
exactly. this is associating muslims with being terrorists and many people are agreeing with the fact muslims should be banned from entering canada. im very ashamed of educational systems here in canada
It is known that Islam is a religion against women it has been proven and from someone who has read the Quran it is despicable it specifically states in multiple sections to kill the infidels to trick us, In case someone from the government is reading this from a infidel, your all a bunch of pansies!!!
are you muslim? the Qu'ran doesnt say such bs.
The screening process should be increased & strengthened for ALL immigration applicants.
I think all immigrants should be equally questioned.
Depends, they have to come legally and we must set a limit on how many immigrants we accept as a whole Muslim, Ukrainian, Asian, exc
islam is just a relogen. it doesn't mean if you are a muslim means you are a terrorist.
No because Canada should be a Muslim empire
There should definitely be more screaming and less people entering our country
No, because terrorism isn't only limited to one religion, and goes against Canada's beleifs system. In general, any dangerous persons should be barred from entering the country until the government improves its ability to screen out terrorists.
No, banning immigrants based on their religion is unconstitutional, and even considering banning someone for who they are is racist.
This is a derogatory question which synonymies terrorism with Muslims. Disgusting. Terrorists are not from one religion or faith, every faith has terrorist.
No, banning immigrants based on their religion is constitutional but immoral
Not just Muslims that’s racist
Screening for all immigrants that could be terrorists or criminals should be top priority. Keeping all Canadians safe regardless of religion or gender.
If they show the signs of being a terrorist then don't let them in but you can't just ban muslims because of their race/religion.
“If they show the signs of being a terrorist”
you are saying to not ban muslims but associate them with being terrorists. they are not terrorists.
yes, unless they are at high risk of death or severe injury.
Increase screening regulations for all immigrants but not to an extent that it becomes difficult for immigrants to enter the country at all
I have mixed opinions on this because on one hand if we did that it would be like we are grouping Muslims together and accusing them of being terrorists. But on the other hand if it is for the safety of our community than maybe it is a good idea just in case.
No but we should screen and have background checks
Everyone should be screened for terrorism.
No, but i do think they should run background checks and other things in order to decrease terrorist attacks.
No, but we should ban immigrants from “high risk” countries and Yes, and ban all immigration until the government improves its screening process.
We should banned muslems forever
just cause their muslim dosent mean their terrorists.
No, don't be racist. Even if they are they are probably nice terrorists.
just because their muslim dosent mean their terroists.
They should let them in but check there criminal records
do a background check before letting potential terrorists inside Canada.
Heavily restrict, not ban. Until screening improves
They should NOT be banned from Canada because of their religion. Just because many terrorists have this religion does not make them all bad. Screeing should happen to keep potential danger out.
This question doesnt make any sense
No, but more steps should be taken to verify their identity
Yes! We don't want no more Osama bin laden's in here
Everyone should be getting screened to enter the country.
No, banning immigrants based on their religion is unconstitutional beside that should be done on each immigration applicant regardless of religion.
Maybe not ban but definitely pay attention to watch lists
Have a thorough background check and have the right to refuse anyone.
No, but a thorough background check would be ideal
The government should let them enter a safe house in the country until they provide a background check and ensure they are willing to accept the laws of the country as well as work once they are able to in order to support themselves and leave the government funded houses.
Just because they’re Muslim doesn’t make them terrorists, however the number of them coming is unacceptable while Canada’s own citizens suffer
No, but we should be cautious about immigrants who are allowed into the country. Maybe do a background check on potential terrorists.
I feel like it doesnt matter if your muslim, russian, swiss canada souldnt be allowing all these people especially not during stupid situations like covid or any pandemic.
No, because there isn't any connection between terrorism and Islam.
no, but we should take in less immigrants a year.
Anybody can be a terrorist. Your religion doesn't make you a terrorist.
no our population has growen enough from them immigrants , we should have jobs for us that work hard not fro the ones who are pitied
Regardless of race colour or religion, immigrants should be screened for potential links to crime, terrorism, hate.
it depends on the circumstances.
We do need to be careful of who we let in, but we cannot discriminate the whole religion because of a few people
@9G4FL6Z 1yr1Y
neither, people from "high risk" countries should be banned ONLY UNTIL the government improves its ability to screen out potential terrorists.
I think they should screen anyone they feel is a risk of being involved in terrorism, not just specifically one group of people.
If any immigrant commits a serious crime they should be banned from entering the country, we shouldn't just
@9FVZJ8GConservative 1yr1Y
Ban immigrants who have history in participating in terrorist attacks, strict background checks and check fro fake ID
Ban all immigration and kick out the vast amount of illegals and students staying here without being enrolled
There should be objective screening to determine high risk views including harbouring hate for ethnic groups like Jews
No, but heavily screen those with criminal backgrounds or links to terrorist organizations. Do not say everyone from the country is a terrorist though.
The government should stop importing foreign dissidents and rabble rousers who are likely to trigger international hostilities.
Checks on everybody who wants to immigrate to Canada
No, but enforce a zero tolerance policy and immediate imprisonment or deportation if a history of ties to terrorism is uncovered
No, but put a higher standard of screening from High Risk countries.
No, but we should give a background check on people from high-risk countries.
yes, if they have had criminal activity in the past
yes but you have to find out if there are suspicious
It should not be banned from high risk countries, but it should screen out potential terrorists from those high risk countries.
They should not be banned but they should go through screening if the government believes they may be a terrorist
No but we shouldn't ban people based off religion
No but the deportation should be immediate if terrorist connections or activities are found. NO appeals
no. but if its not safe for us
If they come to the country eligaliy then yes they should.
No, as long as they possess no harm.
i mean that's socital racism on a specific race based on another person of that races actions
no, but I think the immigration process in general should be more secure.
Anybody could be a terrorist. Proper vet checks shoyld be done
Are you assuming all Muslims are terrorists?
no, not all muslims should be punished because of the actions of a few
This question is not relevant and was never relevant because muslims are not terrorists. This question should be removed as soon as possible.
We should be slowing down immigration PERIOD until ALL of them regardless of where they came from can be checked.
The person who wrote this question should be banned.
not everyone is trying to fly planes into some twin towers
Having a strict check on every immigration family, but not completely banning them from immigrating
if they have a high risk of comitting terroism
This question is straight racism no they should not
I think it's racist to judge somebody like that based on race. I think we should be careful anyways when letting anybody into the country.
No but all immigrants should have their vetting GREATLY increased.
Proper screening and detailed background checks along with contribution room to the economy.
Being Muslim should not be a deciding factor. The proper screening should apply equally to all people looking to immigrate to Canada
Most terriost attacks are because of oppression, I dont believe that a whole comunity should be turned away due to countries reputations or groups. Canada should increase screening to protect all citizens.
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