The Canadian Citizenship test contains 20 questions which must be completed in 30 minutes or less. To pass the test applicants must answer 15 questions correctly. 80% of test takers currently pass the test.
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that is a stupid question what are you going to do deport a citizen if they fail the test
No. This is a stupid question. What happens if they are born in Canada and they fail? We shoot them on the spot? Stupid.
Yes and it should be taught more adamantly in schools
Yes, and the government should provide optional subsidized courses for individuals to learn more about Canada's language, history, and government in a structured format
Yes, the test should be a sub form of the IELTS test on the English language, and they should score at least a 70%.
Immigrants (and naturalized citizens) should be required to pass a citizenship test to demonstrate a basic understanding of ethics and morality.
Yes, but only for language wherever they are going in the country, whether that be English or French.
Yes, But the focus should be on Language and Laws rather then history and government.
Yes, but it should cover basic, simple topics, so they can research deeper on their own time.
Yes, only if they are applying for citizenship.
yes, but it should be a test with insightfull questions that any citizen could answer
language, manners, ethics, and intelligence
Yes, but take out the historical component. Language, laws, culture, done.
Immigrants already have to pass a citizenship test when they become citizens. This question is retarded.
they need to have a stable job and respect our countrys heritage in order to come to this country or else go back to where you come from
Citizenship should test language and an understanding of the laws and basic history, also provide proof that they contribute to the country in work and/or community
No, they should only be required to show that they are valuable to Canada and care about the country.
@9ZQ6XQXNew Democratic4mos4MO
No, we should implement yearly volunteer hours required and ways they can help Canada as well as being introduced to Canada.
No, but we should require a test to determine if someone shares the same values as we do in regards to minority rights, lgbt rights and womens rights, who know that rape and pedophilia is wrong. if they cant grasp our values we should send them right back from where they came.
yes, but they should do a basic knowledge and skill test not about knowledge of the countries history.
Yes but more importantly, they should have to pass a test regarding our values and culture. They should want to embrace the Canadian way of life and not bring their troubles or anti woman beliefs from another country to our country.
Yes also teach social norms like large personal space, and if 5 people are in a room and 1 only speaks english or french then the rest should speak english or french if they can
The only time a person should have to pass a citizenship test is if they are trying to become a citizen.
they need to know how to speak english, conserve the outdoors as a sportsmans environment, and be progressively minded on things like drug and alcohol prohibition policy, also understanding the difference of their civil rights in canada vs their home country
@9L8JRVWBloc Québécois11mos11MO
Yes, but it should also ask questions which would speak about the individual and their perspectives, if they will be a functioning citizen, etc.
Citizenship tests should include questions on values, stances and beliefs of people which could prove detrimental to the interests of Canada in the long run.
No, but offer educating for immigrants for the language, history and government arent very important.
Yes, but the test should come 1 year after living in Canad to prove that they are a contributing member of society.
Yes; language, government, driving/traffic law, social/societal norms, and basic responsibilities of citizenship - each province or district can have an amendment to the federal test
@Joshua-Thoreson 1yr1Y
All Canadian citizens should be required once every 10-20 years to conduct a citizenship test as many of our own citizens are completely unaware about important things in our country.
Yes, but it should be on the safety requirements of our country, and if they don't pass on the other things, offer them help in the form of a guide to get them used to the country.
Yes, but should also be in their home language (English with their language under it) this would help with comprehension.
Only language testing, and no barring entry if they fail as long as they're willing to participate in a government funded language training program
It's important new Canadian citizens have at least an elementary school knowledge on Canadian history and government.
@9DSKY3QNew Democratic2yrs2Y
A rigorous test outlining the freedoms and secularization of the state, history, traditions, and customs of Canada.
Yes, but it should also cover topics about morals and values
Yes, but only if the federal government provides funding for education for them to pass.
Yes, I also think we need follow-ups, investigations on people claiming their sexuality as a reason refugee status who have families and are married to other sexed partners. We also need to be sure that immigration becomes a more supported process with audits, follow ups and assistance in integrating with our culture and laws. I relieve that they should also understand and be tested on our charter of rights, anti-discriminations laws, hateful speech and rhetoric, have criminal record checks, and ultimately be set up properly, to become contributing members of society.
Yes but it should have a strong emphasis on our colonial history and the experience of Indigenous bands.
It is essential for every immigrant to qualify, the government's required criteria for getting citizenship. As in recent years conflict around the globe has brought diverse refugee and their traditions. To keep law and order in the country to prevent future conflicts.
Immigrants should not be a thing
If they are planning on staying a while
@95J3CD8New Democratic2yrs2Y
No, just the basics like who the prime minister is and the basic laws.
@9464BX6New Democratic3yrs3Y
yes, wait several years to learn our culture and then take it
Yes, but they should get some time to be educated on Canada first.
Yes and ensure that they understand the basic law in the Netherlands
Yes, but I believe a test should only cover crucial subjects such as language and laws that make sure that said immigrant fully understands the content, this would prevent new coming foreigners from taking advantage of aid from the country due to how easily residency was granted from a 'simple knowledge test'
As long as not fleeing war.
the should be able to speak decent english, learn about laws and goverment
I think the current test should be modified. Anyone can pass it with little studying.
I don’t think it should be a requirement to become a citizen but it should be highly recommended
Aryan immigrants of an "ethnic" attitude should go through a testing of the countrys language history, and government and should assimilate to the point where even if they are as noble Germanic as can be they have to act like a White Canadian and become a Protestant if a catholic.
Depending on the circumstance, if it's an emergency or dire situation with individuals who lack basic knowledge, should be investigated before consideration. Otherwise, acceptance should be allowed for those who willingly put time into thinking about immigrating and passed the test.
Should be tested on language and government so they know their rights and freedom
@8YTMH69New Democratic3yrs3Y
Only to acquire citizenship
It should be adjusted to the level that the average citizen could pass as well.
Yes but not the current test, it should be easier, a test that normal canadien citizens actually know
Immigrants should be provided with the tools required to succeed rather than a test
Yes, and for citizens too
Yes, but minimal understanding of language and basic laws only.
They should show and interest in the change between there country and Canada, not try to change Canada to be like the fourth the moved from
Should only be for language and government, history should not be included (should also be required for the citizens themselves.)
they should be fluent in english - and except all laws that may impede on their old ways.. there’s a reason you left your country keep you ideals there
It should be revised to reflect today, and should be given to all not just immigrants
Eventually not right away
Just a test to show they understand our government and laws.
I think immigrants should be required to pass a citizenship test but before that happens I think it should be on citizens to answer the questions, so we know that citizens could do it. We don’t want to give immigrants a citizenship test that people living in Canada can’t answer.
Yes and adopt to our way of life
@8VCYZ58New Democratic4yrs4Y
Yes, and must be completed within 10 years. The test should also be reflective of the age of the person taking the test
Yes, As long as the truth of Canada's History is being taught
Yes but this test would be biased so not valid in the eyes of true Canadians. Quit dumbing down our country and removing our core values and customs to bring in those from foreign countries.
@8TYYJTRNew Democratic4yrs4Y
No this is a waste of money and time. Citizenship should be given with objective reading about what our history looks like.
Yes, and thw government should provide free courses for immigrants to learn the information that's in the test
This is a stupid question, as there's already a citizenship test. Are you asking if immigrants should have to take a test to become permanent residents? In which case, my answer is no.
Yes, this is the status quo.
Yes, but for language only - solely so that they can actually get by independently and be able to obtain employment
How can they be educated properly about our colonialist history when citizens don’t even know our true history?
More so guidied about laws culture etc.
Yes, it should be easy, simple and cover the history of genocide towards the indigenous peoples of the land.
Yes with this test the new immigrants should also embrace and be involved with the Aborigines Canadian community (reservations) to where they live.
Yes with this test the new immigrants should also embrace the Native Canadian community (reservations) to where they live.
no but they should be educated once they have entered the country
Yes, and so should the citizens
Yes, but only testing the language proficiency.
A test should include psychological well-being, beliefs about health and safety, hate, and basic human rights
I think this citizenship test should be an option to the new immigrants since it just things on history and government. The important thing we should do is make sure the immigrants are finding the support they need and adjusting well.
No, but it should be recommended.
No, just educate them and invite them to engage freely with the culture of their new home without having to be tested.
They should just have to know basic rules, government, regulations.
No, it should be a recommendation though.
Yes, pertaining Canada's values and beliefs that uphold the societal social contract.
Not unless they're becoming citizens.
Yes, but it should cover the basic topics all Canadians need to know, not obscure details only relevant to part of the country. The study guide and test should be at a CLB 3-4 language level, and they should be allowed to do an oral test (more than once if necessary) if literacy is not required for citizenship.
Yes, but not the history of the country. It's also needed to learn English and government.
Immigrants should be required to pass a citizenship test that demonstrates a basic understanding of Canadian identity and nationalism; however, immigrants may be allowed in anyway provided they consider taking a government-funded program that teaches language and Canadian identity in an effective way to ensure they have the best experience in the country.
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