5 U.S. states have passed laws requiring welfare recipients to be tested for drugs. Canada does not currently test welfare recipients for drugs. Proponents argue that testing will prevent public funds from being used to subsidize drugs habits and help get treatment for those that are addicted to drugs. Opponents argue that it is a waste of money since the tests will cost more money than they save.
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Stop treating drug abuse as a crime and treat it as a disease. Provide therapy that does NOT profit big pharmaceutical companies.
The test should be ultimately up to the person, but it should not affect welfare as it is basic and inhumane to revoke such rights especially if a person is abusing harmful substances. A test should be recommended and the government could lower taxing on homeopathic medicine if they should need to reduce welfare funding due to it costing excessive amounts.
Absolutely not. Irrevalent in any circumstances. Welfare IS ALREADY a prison sentence almost impossible to get out of.
All rents are more than what welfare gives in a month.
And stop criminalizing prostitution and low income drug dealers while we're at it as well.
This is what "This is a free country" means.
And our water is gold to other countries by the way. Need I have to remind you of what life in canada after ww3 will look like?
Those on welfare should be tested for the use of illegal drugs and terminate benefits when tested positive for illegal drugs in their system. I work as a security officer and have witnessed this benefit system abused time and time again by active drug users. They get their welfare checks and it goes straight to drugs. In a sense, it is enabling them to continue their habits if left unregulated.
Many people take advantage of welfare systems to not work or contribute to society. We need a better vetting system and more incentive to work
Test everyone who receives money from the government, except EI and pension recipients. Also welfare should have a limit of 2-3 years.
Yes but provide treatment if tested positive and tests government employees and politicians for illegal drugs
No because that seems tyrannical, however the program should have a lower acceptance rate and eventually be abolished only for very limited cases.
@9ZKZVNLNew Democratic4mos4MO
everyone should be tested. those who test positive should be transitioned to a medical assistance program for inpatient rehab or support systems (sober living, transitional housing etc.) which would be managed by a social worker within the home.
Only for hard drugs such as meth ,crack etc stuff like alcohol, marijuana should be fine since studies show that minimal amounts of alcohol does nothing to the abilities of doing anything and same goes for marijuana it’s more of a mediocre drug, but things such as crack meth fentanyl etc makes you do things out of control of consumer , and aren’t as productive to society.
Yes, but only those under reasonable suspicion. Those testing positive for chronic drug use should then receive support and psychiatric evaluation.
No, but welfare should only last for a certain amount of time ( say 2 years) and then they have to go get jobs
a poor welfare recipient shouldnt be scanned for legalized/decriminalized drugs, government employees including parliamentarians should be tested and given the death penalty if voting for drug policy
They should be tested beforehand to see if they actually need welfare and if it's their own fault or not. If it is their fault then put them into some recovery program (if they're willing) and out of welfare
Yes, but only the people who have a drug record or people who are claiming certain kinds of welfare and who might be a risk.
No, unless they have a history of drug use or are suspected of using drugs.
No welfare users being drug users is a harmful stereotype. Welfare shouldn't involve drug testing.and be easier to get on.
@9F5FC8S 1yr1Y
Yes, terminate benefits but also redirect to treatment. If they successfully complete treatment and remain sober for an appreciable period of time then they can resume benefits. All welfare recipients should be actively working to improve their situation with proof of effort and should not be on welfare for prolonged time frames. There should be more done to deter welfare recipients from having children while on social assistance, instead of incentivizing it. When applicable, welfare recipients should be mandated to engage in regular community service until their situation improves to continue involvement in society and to give the person a sense of purpose.
No, only test if it is a requirement of a court.
Yes and if it is a prescribed medication they should prove it and not have more than prescribed in their body. If they overuse they should have a reduction of welfare, if it persists cut off all together and required to be in a detox facility and re-education program to eventually gain employment.
If large influxes of money relates to the drug spending, they should be cut off and recieve treatment to overcome addiction
Yes, but only for those with a history of substance abuse. Further, their funding ought to be tied to government provided treatment program participation.
No, only if they have a history related to drug abuse or admit to drug abuse, and provide treatment if they test positive.
No but dont give them money, give them food stamps clothes stamps, a place to live and if they dont find a job in six months we find one for them get rid of migrant workers and if they do well we give them better jobs
Again, we don't really have 'welfare' in Canada - there are many different social assistance programs, both provincially and federally managed; this question is US based and too general.
@9L8JRVWBloc Québécois11mos11MO
Yes, then provide treatment for those testing positive, then terminate benefits if they continue to use after treatment.
Welfare should be discouraged and only provided to those who are in real need regardless of drug use and programs should be in place to get people working
Regardless, we should abolish most social welfare programs (except disability benefit, childcare provision, child benefit) and also enact social care.
Yes, because it will be a large matter if they use drugs.
I don't really get bothered by this one.
no and end the war on drugs
Yes, but a different financial program should be given to those who test positive.
Yes, but only look for drugs that can cause you to not be a productive member of society
No, not only is this a waste of time and money, but it ignores the biopsychosocial reasons for substance use.
invest in social services that help with rehabilitation and still provide treatments without testing
No, allow this to be voluntary testing. Not all welfare recipients are drug users or abusers.
Yes, but cease benefits for positive testing individuals and provide treatment.
Yes, but only if they have a history of drug abuse and provide treatment if they test positive
Only if previous violations include drug or alcohol - through police, children's services, mental health documents that warrant the necessity. Otherwise violation of right, attempt to marginalize community
Nope, just end the war on drugs
Yes. Giving welfare only enables drug addicts to stay on drugs.
That is a question too political for me to answer.
Yes, if they test positive recommend a treatment plan and program to make them eligible to receive it again, assuming the drugs found are not serious opioids or major illegal substances.
@8VW89C9New Democratic3yrs3Y
Yes, test for drugs but allow them to be reconsidered for welfare if they remain clean for a full year and a half. They should also be offered treatment and non monetary assistance to help them recover and stay healthy.
Welfare should be temporary tutoring and training for a better life.
Yes but only if they have a history of drug abuse and if they test positive temporarily terminate benefits until they provide proof they are clean out are enrolled in a program
Yes, but only for illegal/non-medical drugs
Yes but not for legalized marijuana
Illegal drugs yes, But alcohol, tobacco, marijuana and proper medication use should be allowed. If addicted do the aforementioned illegal drugs then treatmemt should be offered/provided
Yes, but instead of cutting someone off from benefits for failing a drug test, the money should go to third party agency to manage and allocate the funds for necessities only.
No, but only provide welfare to those willing to work
Yes, if testing positive for drug use, it decreases the amount they would qualify for
depends ont the state they are in if it looks to be they are in possesion of drugs or you have a suspition they are not sober
No, for now. When the economy recovers
Yes, and arrest them if they use drugs.
Yes, provide treatment if denied like all they should be contributing to society in other ways if society is supporting them.
Yes, if they have been receiving the money for then 3 years
Yes, all drugs other than marijuana
Should politicians be tested for drugs?
No, end welfare programs and replace them with UBI
Only test for illegal drugs. Must have a previous history etc
Welfare should be eliminated through Universal Basic Income
No. Means tested social supports have been shown to negatively impact anyone on them, actually creating a viscious circle of continued use due to devalued self-worth and expectations.
Yes and terminate if drug in use is illegal
@8V8LQD4New Democratic4yrs4Y
No but welfare in general should be have a cap on how long someone can use that assistance. Too many people are living their whole lives on welfare.
Yes for everything other then marijuana.
Yes, and terminate benefits for drugs harder than marijuana unless prescribed for health reasons
No, but instead review how they spend that money
Yes, because employers are allowed to test employees for drugs
Not unless we're also testing all politicians and federal employees. People on welfare are not second class citizens and should not be treated as such.
I am unsure at this moment/ don’t have enough information to formulate an opinion
Yes. That way, other drugs will not conflict with each other.
No, only if they have criminal history related to drug abuse, and if they test positive, then provide treatment.
Yes, only if they have a criminal history related to drug abuse, are a government employee, or are a politician
Hell no that is cruel to citizens
Yes but, allow legal substances such as weed.
Yes, and institutionalize those that test positive.
yes, give treatment to those who test positive depending on their situation (medical purposes).
Yes, and then give them 6 months to test drug free before losing their welfare benefits
No, this is none of anyone's business, and it's a waste of time and money. Decriminalize drug use instead.
Yes, test anyone who receives this money (including employees and politicians) but offer resources to those who test positive.
Yes, provide treatment and in they test positive again then terminate their benefits
Yes, test anyone receiving money from the government including employees and politicians and provide rehabilitation for hard drugs.
Welfare should be distributed and capped on a case by case basis, evidence of government money spent on drugs should be reclaimed... ideally.
Yes but only for certain drugs such as opiates
No, this prevents potential recipients from accessing vital programs
If their trying to get a job they can do what they want
Yes, and welfare shouldn't be abolished but cut so that only people who REALLY need it can get it. Welfare is not to be lived on but to help you get back out there
Yes, and institutionalize those testing positive
Yes, and they should get treatment but they should not get welfare if they test positive again.
Yes, if under suspicion.
No, welfare and disability funding should both be replaced with minimum was income, and subsidies.
Only if they have a history of drug abuse and they should get treatment if the results are positive, not be kicked off the program
No, unless they have a criminal history related to drug abuse; if testing positive, then providing treatment, either by psychologists or rehab or etc
Yes, and immediately institutionalize anyone testing positive
Welfare should be eliminated with few exceptions.
Only if drugs are related to criminal activity or domestic harm but, continue services with interventions for treatment of addict and related trauma to the family.
No, only if they have connections to someone who is suspected of drug use and/or dealing with prohibited materials, a previous history of drug use specifically related to banned substances, or another reason that can beyond any reasonable doubt suspect them of using a banned material.
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