
Bloc Québécois policies on education issues

These issues below are sorted in descending order based on how important the average Canadian voter ranked them on the quiz.


教育  ›  大学学费


  Public statements是的

教育  ›  International Students

Should low income international students be provided with a free education?

  ChatGPTNo, but the cost of education should be drastically reduced for everyone

教育  ›  Student Loan Debt

Should the government forgive up to $20,000 of student loan debt?

  ChatGPTYes, but only for low income students

教育  ›  中学后教育


  Public statements省级,联邦政府不应有作用在教育

教育  ›  University Debt Accountability

Should universities be held financially accountable if graduates, with degrees leading to lower income jobs, default on their student loans?

  ChatGPTNo, we should instead focus on decreasing the cost of education

How similar are your political beliefs to Bloc Québécois policies? Take the political quiz to find out.

教育  ›  Charter Schools

Do you support independent schools?

  ChatGPTNo, we should focus on improving our public schools and increasing teacher wages instead