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 @9W7HR93from British Columbia  answered…9hrs9H

Yes but with strict regulations on political marketing to teens and requirements for education that is as unbiased as possible

 @9W7GNYVfrom British Columbia  answered…10hrs10H

Yes, so long as these international students will work and pay taxes in Canada for a minimum period.

 @9W7GNYVfrom British Columbia  answered…10hrs10H

I would support this is some cases. However, the structure of a four day workweek would have to be better outlined for me to make a decision. As long as product…

 @ISIDEWITH linked…14hrs14H

Trudeau to shuffle cabinet as four ministers say they won't seek re-election

 @ISIDEWITH linked…14hrs14H

Four more Liberal cabinet ministers won’t seek re-election, shuffle expected in weeks, say sources