Try the political quiz

31 Replies

 @9TT56PCfrom Alberta answered…4wks4W

Yes free speech should be allowed to a certain point to not being discriminatory and mean however there should be protections on privacy settings.

 @9TQTQCWConservativefrom New Brunswick answered…4wks4W

Yes, but only under conditions of the strictest secrecy to ensure businesses can retain their competitive advantage.

 @9T35CHWfrom British Columbia answered…1mo1MO

No; I suspect that if we ask for this, companies will simply block Canadian use like they did for news content.

 @9SZHZL3from Alberta answered…1mo1MO

Tech companies are allowed to share generalized algorithms with regulators but not individual/personal ones

 @9SSRG9Hfrom Manitoba answered…2mos2MO

Yes but only if it is in the best interest of the public to do so. For things such as healthcare and financial education.

 @9VGR4J9from British Columbia answered…2wks2W

They shouldn't share it but allow regulators to get a better understanding and a look over it to stop abuse of the people.

 @9TYP8M4Liberalfrom British Columbia answered…4wks4W

The government should ensure that large tech companies follow a strict set of regulations but do not need to be shared with the public.

 @9TXCKPHfrom Quebec answered…4wks4W

I Think at only for some instances and circumstances regulators should be allowed to speculate the algorithms. A full control on rugalators would also be bad for the economy.

 @9RZPX67from Alberta answered…2mos2MO

no that is an abuse of proprietary process/resources, but the extreme legal limit should be allowed and dis/misinformation be outlawed against it

 @9RVGGSKConservativefrom Saskatchewan answered…2mos2MO

The government should promote a free market approach to culture and make sure that Canadians are free to use and consume what ever they want to consume.

 @9RDGMWSfrom Nova Scotia answered…3mos3MO

What kind of abuse is happening if a tech company doesnt share their algorithm? I don't feel aware enough to place an opinion on this issue

 @9RCBSYBfrom Ontario answered…3mos3MO

Transparency should be expected but only so far as to ensure fair practices and the prevention of abuse. The government "watchdogs" would have to be regulated and all information considered classified and not for public viewing.

 @9RBRL2Qfrom Nova Scotia answered…3mos3MO

If by "tech" you"re talking about social media, then yes. That should absolutely be regulated. If you're talking about private manufacturing algorithms or communications infrastructure then I don't see the need for it.

 @9QQVM6Kfrom Ontario answered…3mos3MO

Np, I don't think it's fair. They don't owe anyone an explanation of how they developed their algorithm. Unless it poses a threat or they want to. It's their creation, and they shouldn't be forced to share with regulators.

 @9MLT56Xfrom Ontario answered…5mos5MO

 @9MLK4C6from Ontario answered…5mos5MO

 @9MJWSCSfrom British Columbia answered…5mos5MO

Algorithms should be made to be more transparent. When something is directed to someone due to an algorithm, the exact route and reason for that direction should be shown to the viewer.

 @9MW9BY2 from Ontario answered…5mos5MO

if the company has data from/about the local population then it should be mandatory for ensuring public safety and rights.

 @9MLXWMNfrom Ontario answered…5mos5MO

There can be non-governmental third party auditors that can do this. NOT the government. It leads to only one thing, state directly interfering and curtailing freedom of speech.


Imagine a world where every piece of content recommended to you online comes with a 'why this is shown' explanation. Would this make your online experience more trustworthy or just more cluttered?


Have you ever felt misled or unfairly influenced by content recommended to you online; how would knowing the behind-the-scenes of these recommendations change that?


Should there be a universal standard for how social media platforms use algorithms to ensure they're not manipulating emotions or spreading misinformation?


Consider the balance between a company's right to keep their algorithms secret and the public's right to know how their data is being used; where do you stand, and why?


How would your online behavior change if you knew exactly how and why certain posts were being recommended to you?


Think of a time when you found yourself going down a rabbit hole of videos or articles online; do you believe there should be regulations to prevent this, or is it a matter of personal responsibility?


If you had the power to change how online platforms decide what news or content to show you, what would you change, and why?


What happens when the digital spaces we visit daily know more about our preferences than our closest friends do?


Imagine if your favorite online platform suddenly had to share exactly how they decide what shows up on your feed - would that make you trust them more or less, and why?


How would you feel if every piece of content you see was decided by a hidden computer recipe, influencing what you see and think every day?


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