Try the political quiz

200 Replies


How would you feel if someone judged you based solely on your religious beliefs or lack thereof?

 @9H9RF3HNew Democraticfrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

ALL people should be treated equally no matter their race, looks, culture, ethnicity, or religion!

 @9H5Z2D3from Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

 @9H8XYNJConservativefrom Alberta  answered…1yr1Y

I believe that nobody should be judged solely off of their religion or lack of one.

 @9H9WKBXfrom New Brunswick  answered…1yr1Y


In what ways can individuals foster an environment of respect toward all religions in their daily lives?

 @9HHCVZ6from Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

I think people should just be more open minded and accept different people with different background.

 @9HHCT7CLiberalfrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

Respect everyone and live life in peace. Look into new things with a positive attitude and listen to future


How would your day-to-day life be different if all religious discrimination ceased tomorrow?

 @9KHKQTVfrom Ontario  answered…12mos12MO


How does religion influence your understanding of right and wrong, and how do you respect others' moral frameworks?

 @9JB3FHVfrom Ontario  commented…1yr1Y

Of course, by attending church regularly, you can learn many things about how to respect the beliefs of others.


How has a friendship changed your perspective on what religious freedom truly means?

 @9KZM97SConservativefrom Ontario  answered…11mos11MO

Religious freedom has always meant the same to me. It’s the freedom to believe and practice any religion in a peaceful way. I’ve had many friends of different religions and we are all in harmony.


What kind of world do you envision if religious discrimination was completely eradicated?


When someone expresses an opinion that conflicts with your religious views, how does that make you feel?


How do you handle conversations with peers who have different religious beliefs than yours?


Do you think social media has a role in promoting or reducing religious discrimination; what's your take?


What steps can young people take to prevent the spread of religious discrimination in their circles?


Why do you think respect for religious diversity is crucial in a globalized world?


How would you approach a discussion in school or at work where religious discrimination is taking place?


Can art and culture help in bridging gaps between different religious groups, and if so, how?


What could be the consequences of ignoring religious discrimination in society?


How should we respond when traditional cultural practices conflict with the principles of religious equality?


Have you ever had to defend your religious beliefs, and what did that experience teach you about tolerance?


What is one thing you wish people knew about your religion that might reduce discrimination?


How might a world without religious discrimination change the way we form communities and relationships?


How do faith-based values influence the decisions you make every day?


When has a lack of knowledge about a religion led to a misunderstanding, and how was it resolved?


How does celebrating religious diversity within your community affect the way you perceive other cultures?


Can an individual's choice of clothing express their religious beliefs, and how should society respect that choice?


What action should be taken when religious rights clash with other societal values or rights?


Have you ever felt a special connection with someone from a different faith, and what sparked it?


How can sharing personal religious experiences with friends shape your understanding of each other?


What would your ideal policy against religious discrimination in schools or workplaces look like?


What personal changes have you made to accommodate someone's religious practices, and what did you learn from it?


How do you find common ground with someone whose religious beliefs seem very different from your own?


How might learning about the religious persecution in history influence your own stand against discrimination?


What's a lesson you've learned from observing another religion's practices or rituals?


What can each of us do to ensure our social circles are free from subtle forms of religious bias?


What's the most impactful conversation you've had that broadened your perspective on religious diversity?


If you could ask one question to better understand a religion that is unfamiliar to you, what would it be?


If you could educate others about a misunderstood aspect of your faith, what would it be and why?


How do different religious practices enrich your understanding of the world?


Imagine being denied a job because of your faith; how does that scenario make you feel?


If you saw someone being treated unfairly because of their religion, what would you do?


What role do you think schools should play in combating anti-religious discrimination?


How might friendships with people of other faiths have transformed your views on religion and acceptance?


What's a gesture of respect you've made towards a different religious practice that was meaningful for you?


How could learning about the religious traditions of others strengthen a community?


How can someone's personal faith benefit a diverse team or group environment?


What's one question you would ask to better understand the struggles faced by people experiencing religious discrimination?


How could recognizing special dates on various religious calendars promote inclusivity in your community?


What is one action that could be taken to ensure equal opportunities regardless of religious affiliation?


What effect would an increased awareness of global religious festivals have on your sense of cultural appreciation?


Have personal experiences influenced how you view the rights of people to choose their religion?


How would you help a friend who feels marginalized because of their faith or secular beliefs?


How do public displays of various religious symbols during holidays affect your view of diversity?


Can understanding the basis of others' faiths enhance your own spiritual or secular perspectives?


Do you think empathy can play a role in reducing religious prejudices, and if so, how?


Have you ever been part of a conversation that changed your understanding of a certain religion?


What's your opinion on the impact of interfaith initiatives in promoting community cohesiveness?


How do you cope with conflicting feelings when your religious beliefs are challenged by others?


What impact does witnessing acts of religious discrimination have on your own belief system?


Do you think a lack of exposure to various faiths contributes to anti-religious discrimination?


How does it feel to live in a place where multiple religious communities exist side by side?


Have you ever felt enriched by learning something new from a religion other than your own?


What can be done to make sure every voice is heard in conversations about faith and belief systems?


How can we as individuals contribute to a culture of empathy and understanding across different religions?


What's an example of an act of kindness you've seen that crossed religious barriers?


Have you been part of an interfaith dialogue, and what did it teach you about coexistence?


How do stories of religious cooperation in times of crisis inspire you to act?


What is your reaction to learning about someone else's religious holidays and traditions?


How do you think acknowledging our own biases could help reduce religious discrimination?


What's the most surprising thing you've learned about another religion that challenged your assumptions?


How does learning about the injustices faced by other religious communities affect your sense of global citizenship?


What role does curiosity play in overcoming barriers between those of different faiths?


If you could introduce one change in your school or workplace to promote religious tolerance, what would it be?


How has a personal relationship with someone from a different faith impacted your spiritual growth or understanding?


How do you think interfaith friendships benefit personal development and perspectives on life?


What personal sacrifices might be necessary to stand up against religious discrimination in one's own community?


How might your perspective shift if you learned about the daily challenges of someone practicing a different faith?


How does acknowledging the faith of others enrich your own life and belief system?


How can we confront stereotypes to create a more respectful environment for all beliefs?


How would you show support for a friend facing religious discrimination?


What steps can we take to encourage curiosity rather than fear about different religious beliefs?


Have you ever found common ground with someone through a shared non-religious value or interest?


How does the principle of 'treating others as you would like to be treated' apply to religious diversity?


How can we balance free speech with the need to protect against religious discrimination?


Can you respect someone's rights without agreeing with their beliefs, and why or why not?


How do you think we can celebrate religious differences as part of our shared humanity?


How does your family's history with religion shape your views on religious discrimination?


What does religious freedom mean to you, and why is it important?


How would you describe the impact of learning about religions other than your own on your personal beliefs and attitudes?


Have you or someone you know ever been positively affected by acts of understanding or solidarity across different religious communities, and what was the outcome?


Have you ever felt misunderstood because of your religion or lack thereof, and how did you handle it?


If you could introduce a friend from a different religious background to one practice or value from your own tradition, what would it be and why?


In a world that often highlights our differences, what personal experiences have shown you the unifying power of diverse religious or non-religious beliefs?


What would you do if you overheard a conversation spreading misconceptions about a religion?


What are your thoughts on creating spaces where conversations about all faiths are welcomed and encouraged?