Narrow down the conversation to these participants:
No. And if the private company wants to leave, then government should offer funding to the employees to create a workers co-operative to replace the leaving business.
Nationalise all private, for-profit entities.
@B27PJGNNew Democratic2mos2MO
Depends on the business profits a company is accumulating. If their profits are in copious proportions then the government may slightly increase taxes and tariffs; however, if a companies profits are low there should be no increased taxes or tariffs and tax incentives may be added if the service is in high demand.
Yes, And only if at minimum 70% of the business is in Canada.
Provide other means than tax incentives to keep businesses in Canada
No, companies shouldn't require a donation they should favor non-immigrant people regardless.
There shouldn’t be private companies.
Yes, but claw back if it is no longer necessary.
Restructure Revenue Sourcing, we need to eliminate all taxes on Individuals. Keep tariffs on foreign goods, and a royalty to sales of Goods, Services, Franchise Fees, and Stock Sales by non-Sole Owned Companies. Even look at crowd funding on a voluntary level.`
Only for industries of strategic importance or for investments of strategic importance to Canada.
in a true free market most businesses would be small, allowing the rich to fet richer would only cause more monopoly, we should prioritise small business and their freedom. and with larger businesses allowing workers to make their own descisions would be better
No, just force the corporations to stay in the country
No, but the government should block companies from leaving the country
Yes with time line guarantees. Tax incentives should start small and increase annually
No, more of a focus should be given to smaller and local businesses rather than multinational conglomerates or corporations
They shouldnt mess arround in the economy, but they can offer extra stuff to companies as a whole to exist in canada. A industry wide tax incentive, not a company specific one.
Yes, but we should still increase taxes and tariffs on all businesses regardless of origin to ensure they Buy Canadian Hire Canadian.
Yes, but only incentives that correlate directly to number of quality jobs
Only if the company is reinvesting in our country and citizens., rather than taking natural resources that cannot be replaced and leaving when they have been stripped.
No, the government should lock companies into the country by law
No, instead penalize companies offshoring labour through taxes on labour conditions.
no, but the government should block companies from leaving the country
Doesn't really matter to me
this question also sucks
For small businesses or chains, but not for large corporations
All public utility and resources should be run and manage by government
@8VVPX8LNew Democratic3yrs3Y
No but ensure suitable rational for increased taxes and tariffs.
No, however they can pursue those opportunities if expressly desired by the government or a private company.
No, but modestly increase taxes and import tariffs on outsourcing businesses.
Only as a last resort to boost jobs in the country.
Yes, but only for smaller businesses and corporations
Yes, but in a bond that is void if they pull out
Provided there are job guarantees for a specific number of years
Yes, but only to those companies who provide good working conditions and pay taxes
no, Companies are just taking advantage of trade deals that the government brought in because they said it would make us all richer. We have less jobs upgrading raw materials and less goods are made in canada as a result. The capital investment has greatly been diminished in these areas and barriers to export/import would lead to investment in facilities of manufacturing.
No. Let them go, Canada is a strong country with enough resources. We are too nice to other countries, it is time to take care of ourselves for a change.
Yes, but only in strategic industries
Only in strategic industries
no - however they should have a way of making sure that they are outsourcing to places with better wages and working conditions
No, the government should not enforce taxes on corporations at all, because I believe that taxing corporations and then taxing shareholders on their dividends on their personal tax returns is double taxation.
I do not have enough information to honestly answer this question.
I don't have enough knowledge on this topic
Yes, as long as that's deemed constitutional
Yes, and drastically increase taxes (but no import tariffs) on outsourcing businesses
Yes, some people having their taxes lowered is better than nobody getting their taxes lowered.
Yes, but not to keep jobs in the U.S. but because taxation is immoral and should be cut/eliminated anywhere and everywhere possible. Across the board tax cuts would be preferable.
Only small businesses should be allowed to have tax breaks
Yes, but negotiate on each circumstance and smaller businesses should receive a higher tax break than large ones, depending on the income of the individual company and the amount of workers within it. Also, add fines to companies that don't pass those savings down to their employees' wages.
Not tax breaks but we need to keep businesses here.
No, but offer other incentives
Yes, but negotiate on each circumstance and small and medium-sized businesses should receive a higher tax break, not large ones. However, it should be left up to Congress and they should have to approve the president should not just to select.
No, fix policies that lead to outsourcing instead
No, nationalise all multinational corporate holdings in Canada
Yes, but negotiate on each circumstance and micro, small and medium-sized businesses should receive a higher tax break than large ones, depending on the income of the individual company and the amount of workers within it. Also, add fines to companies that don't pass those savings down to their employees' wages.
Taxation is theft and should be abolished for all American corporations that do not use foreign labor nor have offices abroad.
Yes, but smaller businesses should receive higher tax breaks than large ones, depending on the income of the individual company and the amount of workers within it. Also, add fines to companies that don't pass those savings down to their employees' wages.
Yes, but micro, small and medium-sized businesses should receive higher tax breaks than large ones, depending on the income of the individual company and the amount of workers within it. Also, add fines to companies that don't pass those savings down to their employees' wages.
Yes but not for individual companies, eliminate the corporate tax and replace it with a VAT
No, tax should be reformed to benefit all companies instead of individuals
Not in this form but we should still emphasize keeping jobs at home.
Not tax breaks but we should still support our businesses.
Not in the form of tax breaks but we should support our companies.
No, eliminate the corporate tax and replace is with a VAT
Yes, but negotiate on each circumstance and small and medium-sized businesses should receive a higher tax break than large ones. However, Congress should implement this legislation instead of the President and they should have to approve the president should not just to select.
Yes, but congress should implement this legislation instead of the president. Negotiate on each circumstance and small and medium-sized businesses should receive a higher tax break than large ones.
Yes, but negotiate on each circumstance and small and medium-sized businesses should receive a higher tax break than large ones, depending on the income of the individual company and the amount of workers within it. Also, add fines to companies that don't pass those savings down to their employees' wages.
Yes, but negotiate on each circumstance and small businesses should receive a higher tax break than large ones, depending on the income of the individual company and the amount of workers within it. Also, add fines to companies that don't pass those savings down to their employees' wages.
Yes, but negotiate on each circumstance and small and medium-sized businesses should receive a higher tax break, not large ones; however, it should be left up to Congress and they should've approve the president should not just to select.
Yes, but Congress should implement this instead of the president. Negotiate on each circumstance and small and medium-sized businesses should receive a higher tax break than large ones, depending on the income of the individual company and the amount of workers within it. Also, add fines to companies that don't pass those savings down to their employees' wages.
Yes, but negotiate on each circumstance and small and medium-sized businesses should receive a higher tax break than large ones. However, it should be left up to Congress instead of the president and they should have to approve the president should not just to select.
Yes, but negotiate on each circumstance and small/medium-sized businesses should receive a higher tax break than large ones, depending on the income of the individual company and the amount of workers within it. Also, add fines to companies that don't pass those savings down to their employees' wages.
No, this should be decided by both the President and Congress.
Yes, and eliminate the corporate tax
No, with the exception of small businesses as they already struggle to stay afloat amid the monopolization of large corporations.
No, decrease taxes in general
Only small businesses should be offered tax breaks under any circumstance
Yes, an initial 5 year tax break and then gradually enter into regular taxation without a retroactive collection, allowing businesses the time to grow and become profitable.
Yes, but ensure companies don't abuse it.
Yes, and there should be no tax at all
Yes, tax incentives should exist but the President should not make those decisions.
No, because once this occurs, other companies will threaten outsourcing of jobs as bribery to obtain corporate tax breaks.
No, because once this occurs, it will encourage more private companies to make threats of job losses in order to obtain tax breaks. Drastically increase taxes and import tariffs on job outsourcing businesses
No, make a competitive tax code instead of playing favorites to individual companies.
No, because once this is allowed, other individual companies will threaten outsourcing of jobs as a form of bribery to obtain tax breaks. Government should drastically increase taxes and import tariffs on outsourcing businesses.
No, because once this occurs, other companies will threaten outsourcing of jobs as bribery to obtain corporate tax breaks. Drastically increase taxes and import tariffs on outsourcing businesses.
No, because once this occurs, other companies will threaten outsourcing of jobs as bribery to obtain corporate tax breaks
No, because once this occurs other companies will threaten outsourcing of jobs as bribery to obtain corporate tax breaks
No, because once this has occurred, other companies will threaten outsourcing of jobs as bribery in order to obtain corporate tax breaks.
The president shouldn't have the power to do that.
No, businesses who promise to keep jobs in the states too often go back on their promise.
No, however may choose an entire sector rather than 1 specific company.
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