Should Canadian citizens be allowed to save or invest their money in offshore bank accounts?
An offshore (or foreign) bank account is a bank account you have outside of your country of residence. The benefits of an offshore bank account include tax reduction, privacy, currency diversification, asset protection from lawsuits, and reducing your political risk. In April 2016, Wikileaks released 11.5 million confidential documents, known as the Panama Papers, which provided detailed information on 214,000 offshore companies serviced by the Panamanian Law Firm, Mossack Fonesca. The document exposed how world leaders and wealthy individuals hide money in secret offshore tax shelters. The…
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its a person's money, and the goverment shouldn't have a say about any thing a person does with their money
Yes, but there should be penalties and the income should be taxed at a higher rate than income earned from Canadian investments.
Yes, but it must be a trusted offshore bank and all income must be reported in order to avoid loopholes by corporations and the wealthy
Only for the lower class people, rich people depend but some should be good as long as they're not over millionaries or billionaries and as such.
Yes, long as the income is reported and taxes are paid accordingly. Corporations and businesses should not be able to do so to evade taxes or audits of their financial dealings.
Yes, as long as it is properly reported and taxed and only when existing loopholes are effectively closed
Yes, only if the intention/cause is acceptable.
i don't have an opinion on this.
No, scummy rich people do it to evade taxes.
yes, why does it matter to Canada where money is located, as long as when it was earned taxes were payed on it.
No, neither should corporations and business organizations and too many wealthy citizens are abusing loopholes in offshore banking laws to evade taxes.
Yes, but should be decentivized from doing so
If the original income is taxed what difference does it make
Doesn't really matter unless it's in a bank where they can hide their money either because of criminal activity or to avoid paying taxes. It would only matter if we had a public bank.
Yes, but only if you have dual citizenship
Yes, but it has to be properly reported and enforced. Penalties for improper use or declaration should be extremely heavy. Something like forfeiture of 50% of the value of the off shore account, 25% to be donated to the provincial healthcare system of their choice and the remaining 25% can be released.
No neither should government officials or corporations or businesses
Yes, to a limited amount
They should be able to as far as they disclose all the income earned from that money.
Yes but make sure it’s not corrupt
Yes, for private citizens as long as we close loopholes that assist in tax evasion. No for corporations
No, we should ban this practice for corporations, business organizations and people and too many wealthy people are abusing loopholes in offshore bank accounts to evade taxes
My stance is no, but I’d be worried about wealth leaving the country with such restrictions which would be damaging.
Yes for citizen as long as offshore income is reported and considered, so that they can't qualify for benefits if they don't actually need them and corporations and business organizations should NOT be able to save or invest their money in offshore bank accounts.
Yes, and saving and investing money in offshore bank accounts should be made easier as doing so wouldn’t be necessary if taxes were decreased significantly.
Yes, but only in safe countries such as the US and UK, and monitor it so that it is not abused by the wealthy.
Yes but there should be bonuses to moving the money back into Canada for investments and higher taxes when the money is removed from investments without being put into canadian investment
Yes, as long as offshore income is reported, but don’t allow corporations and business organizations
Yes, as long as there are regulations so this is not abused
Depends on what their net worth is, if not a millionaire or billionaire, yes, but if you are making more than $1,000,000, absolutely not.
Yes, if they have dual citizenship in that country
No too many rich people are abusing loopholes in offshore banking laws to evade taxes. Laws should be implemented for those that abuse these loopholes to charge them with tax evasion and fine them accordingly, we may not like to pay taxes but it’s a civic responsibility.
Yes, as long as offshore income is reported, however corporations and business organizations should not.
It doesnt really matter to me
Yes, and report it and increase taxes on those that do to 75%
Money that is earned offshore can be in offshore accounts. After tax is paid on Canadian earned money it can be moved offshore. There needs to be valid reports done on this to ensure no tax evasion is present.
Their money, not my problem.
Yes, but for only low income familles
Yes, but only citizens under a certain income threshold in order to prevent wealthy elites from abusing tax loopholes or taking advantage of tax shelters.
Yes, as long as the offshore bank income is reported then it should be fine
Yes, but a wealth tax should be put in place to account for using loopholes
No, criminalize this practice and neither should corporations or business organizations.
No, make this illegal and establish a watchdog ageny to ensure compliance, all offshore income will be frozen and sent back to Canada for taxing.
Yes, but only foreign money
Yes, as long as there are precautions in place to stop people from abusing loopholes in offshore banking laws to evade taxes
Taxation in any form is theft
Yes the government should be all up in our money like they are
Yes, as long as tax dollars are still paid.
Yes if the income is reported and loopholes are eliminated.
No, and neither should corporations and business organizations because too many wealthy citizens are abusing loopholes in offshore banking laws to evade taxes
Yes, we should allow citizens to handle their investments however and wherever they want, but the offshore income should be reported and taxed.
Only allow those within a certain range of money utilize the offshore bank accounts. Those who have abused it don't deserve them, but that shouldn't take them away from everyone unless there is too much corruption in it.
Yes, but close all loopholes for both citizens and corporations associated with offshore accounts, and mandate the reporting of offshore income to prevent abuse and tax evasion.
Yes if they are a citizen of that country
Yes, but eliminate all tax loopholes associated with offshore accounts and mandate the reporting of offshore income to prevent abuse and tax evasion. Also, hold political officials more accountable for their own immoral actions.
as long as offshore income is reported
Only in freer part of the world. Not communist or fascist states.
Yes, but they should have to declare it and pay a fee on all offshore money
Yes, as long as it is reported but I will tax you by 7.5% more.
Yes, but eliminate all loopholes associated with offshore accounts and mandate the reporting of offshore income to prevent abuse and tax evasion. Also, hold political officials more accountable for their own immoral actions.
Yes, as long as offshore income is reported, though remove all loopholes to stop abuse of this
I feel that I do not have enough information to agree or disagree
Yes, and that income should be taxed at the difference between the country's rate and the U.S. rate, encouraging U.S. citizens to just keep the money here because it won't decrease tax burden.
Yes, but ban the wealthy and corporations from doing so
Yes, as long as offshore income is reported and there are laws passed to stop offshore tax loopholes
Yes, as long as offshore income is reported, and as long as they are under a certain income
Yes, but strict laws and stiff penalties for failure to report.
Yes, as long as offshore income is reported, and close loopholes in off-shore banking laws
No, both wealthy citizens and corporations are abusing loopholes to evade taxes.
Yes but they should be incentivized to invest in the country they live in.
No, unless they also hold citizenship in said country.
Yes, but because the wealthy will always find loopholes in the system increase tax audits for people in the highest tax bracket
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