


If you had the power to decide, would you ban or endorse the cultivation of genetically modified crops in your community?


Do you think genetically engineered foods should be used to combat dietary deficiencies, and why or why not?


How might your food choices change if all genetically engineered foods were clearly labeled at the supermarket?


If scientists could engineer a food to enhance its nutritional value, would you be more likely to eat it?


Would you support GMOs if they had the potential to solve hunger in impoverished areas?


Have you ever actively chosen or avoided foods because they were labeled as GMO, and what drove your decision?


Can you imagine a world where all our food is genetically modified, and what would that look like to you?


If you had to choose between a genetically engineered crop that uses less pesticides or a natural one that uses more, which would you pick and why?


What concerns might you have about genetically modified foods, and are they outweighed by the potential benefits?


How would you feel if you found out your favorite snack contains genetically modified ingredients?