
128 Replies


How do gender expectations affect your online presence and interactions on social media?


What challenges do you foresee for the next generation when it comes to gender equality, and how might they overcome them?


How do you handle situations where you feel like your gender is being used to define your abilities or potential?


When you hear the word 'feminism,' what's the first personal memory or thought that comes to your mind?


How can awareness of gender issues be increased in industries that are traditionally male or female-dominated?


What would an ideal gender-equal educational system look like to you?


How could potential changes in family dynamics lead to more gender-equitable societies?


What's one gender stereotype that you wish would disappear, and why?


In what ways have you seen gender equality improve in your lifetime, and what hopes do you have for its future?


How can we contribute to a culture that celebrates gender diversity in our everyday lives?


Reflect on a time when you supported a friend or peer in overcoming a gender-based challenge; what was the outcome?


How would worldwide gender equality alter the current state of global politics and leadership?


Can you share an instance where someone's gender expectations of you felt limiting or empowering?


When choosing your future career, how does gender play a role in your decision-making process?


How has a personal experience influenced your understanding of why gender equality is important?


Have you ever questioned a tradition or custom because it seemed to favor one gender over another?


What's one change you'd like to see in your lifetime regarding gender equality?


If you had the power to change one thing to make the world more gender-equal, what would it be and why?


When have you seen women represented in ways that challenge traditional stereotypes, and how did it affect you?


How does the expectation to fit into a gender role impact your choices of hobbies or interests?


What's one thing that schools could do better to foster an understanding of feminism?


How can we, as a society, challenge and overcome gender biases in our daily interactions?


How do gender roles in your family compare with those around the world, and what's your take on that?


What's one act of gender-based injustice that you feel needs more attention?


If given the chance, what message about gender equality would you want to broadcast to the world?


What's one story from your own life that illustrates the need for gender equality?


In discussions about equality, what's a question you wish people would ask more often to better understand diverse perspectives?


If you were to teach someone about the importance of gender equality, what personal story or example would you share?


What's a moment that made you critically think about gender roles in your life or in the lives of those around you?


Have you ever witnessed or experienced gender inequality, and how did it make you feel?


Can you imagine a society fully shaped by feminist principles, and if so, what would it look like to you?


What role do you think men should play in the feminist movement?


What is your opinion on the gender wage gap, and what impact do you think it has on society?


Do you think feminism is still relevant today, and why or why not?


In what ways do you believe men can also benefit from feminism?


How do you think gender stereotypes affect your own life and the choices you make?


What changes would you make in your school or community to promote feminism?