
200 Replies


What's one environmental issue you feel passionate about, and how could your community better address it?


How has a library or other public space played a meaningful role in your education or personal growth?


If you had to choose one area for government investment to improve the quality of life, what would it be?


How do you think increasing taxes on the wealthy to fund public services would impact society?


If a family member needed elder care, what type of support do you think should be available?


Why do you think having accessible mental health services is important for young people today?


How would the presence of more affordable housing options affect your town or city?


Can you think of a time when government intervention made a positive impact in your life or the lives of those around you?


How would your community benefit from a 'living wage' law?


How would your life be different if every job came with the same basic benefits, like health care and vacation time?


How would your future plans change if higher education was universally accessible?


What would be the most effective way for your school or community to address and reduce instances of bullying?


Can you imagine a scenario where workers' rights are perfectly balanced with corporate profitability?


How would you feel if your local community took significant steps to become more environmentally friendly?


Why might ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to own a home contribute to a more stable society?


How would equal access to sports and arts programs in schools influence young people's development?


What is one action that you believe could bridge the gap between the rich and the poor in your community?


How would the world look if every job offered a livable wage and humane working conditions?


What are your thoughts on the idea that everyone, regardless of background, should receive a basic standard of living?


How might the quality of life in your community improve with the establishment of more public parks?


What changes would you make in your local area to promote equality and fairness?


Can you recall an encounter that illustrated the benefits of cultural diversity in your life?


How would a minimum income for all citizens impact your plans for the future?


How has a personal achievement been influenced by government-funded programs or initiatives?


How might your life change if every young person had a guaranteed internship to learn job skills?


How might regular exposure to varied cultural perspectives through school exchange programs benefit students?


Why might someone be for or against a higher tax rate on the extremely wealthy to fund public services?


Imagine a local business that also serves as a community center; what services would it provide to address local social needs?


How has an experience with healthcare—good or bad—shaped your opinions on universal healthcare?


What would a world without student loan debt mean for you or your classmates' futures?


How do you think your day-to-day life would be affected by a significant increase in the minimum wage?


What's one thing you wish you could change about the way we address homelessness in your area?


How could equal access to high-speed internet transform educational opportunities in your community?


How would you feel if there was a cap on how much more a CEO can earn compared to their employees?


If you could implement one policy to make society more equitable, what would it be?


How might your future be different if education were completely free up to the college level?


Why is exposure to diverse cultures and perspectives in media vital to you and your peers?


How does a sense of community within educational institutions benefit learning, and how can we strengthen it?


Why do you think there are such drastic differences in wealth and living standards among individuals?


How does ensuring workplace rights and protections benefit society, from your perspective?


What small daily steps do you think an individual can take to fight income inequality?


Discuss how income disparity may influence a youth’s decision-making regarding education or career.


What actions might you take if you witness injustice based on someone’s identity, and why?


How important to you is cultural diversity in the media you consume, such as books, movies, and TV shows?


What's an example of a current event that highlights the need for social justice, and what lessons can be learned from it?


Do you believe that it is possible for economic policies to address both poverty and climate change, and if so, how?


If you were tasked with designing a fair tax system, what is one feature you would include?


How would you describe the importance of voting to a peer who thinks their vote doesn't make a difference?


What steps can individuals take to contribute to reducing income inequality, or is it solely the government's responsibility?


If you witnessed an environmental issue in your area, like pollution, how would you like to see it addressed?