
29 Replies


Do you feel there's a moral obligation for corporations to pay a certain level of taxes, or is their primary duty to maximize profits for shareholders?


In your view, should the tax system be adjusted to ensure more fairness between individuals and corporations?


How important is it for big companies to contribute to the society and community they operate in?


If a company avoids paying taxes, does that influence your opinion or willingness to buy from them?


What impact do you think corporate taxes have on the price of products we buy every day?


How would you feel if you knew a giant tech company paid zero dollars in federal taxes some years?


Do you think it's fair for a company to move its headquarters to another country to pay less tax?


Can raising taxes on large corporations lead to better public services, or will it just push companies away?


If a company making billions in profit pays less tax than your family, how does that make you feel?


How do you feel about the idea that big corporations should pay more taxes than small businesses?

 @M5K9LSfrom Ontario answered…4yrs4Y

Increase somewhat, allow dividends to be deducted before taxes, withholding tax on dividends refundable to Canadian taxpayers, eliminate dividend tax credit, index capital cost allowance, defer taxation on new equity investment.

 @M49LV8from Alberta answered…4yrs4Y

Flat tax rate for individuals and corporations. No loopholes, no exemptions.

 @M383G6from Ontario answered…4yrs4Y

 @M36Y88from Ontario answered…4yrs4Y

Tax those who ship overseas more. Get rid of loopholes and evasion. Be more transparent to the public.

 @M2M6MJfrom Ontario answered…4yrs4Y

Implement heavy taxes at times of prosperity, a peak where taxes would minimally impact corporations.

 @LXC5MNfrom British Columbia answered…4yrs4Y

 @LNY3RFfrom British Columbia answered…4yrs4Y

Government should prevent Corporations from hiding proofs in tax shelters

 @LNV2VZfrom Alberta answered…4yrs4Y

Remove tax deduction and haven capabilities, while at same time monitoring and enforcing taxation, especially with the Big Banks.

 @LNMJGNfrom Ontario answered…4yrs4Y

 @LNKQGXfrom Alberta answered…4yrs4Y

It really depends on many factors such as the type of industry and whether they are local and foreign.

 @LNDCNGfrom British Columbia answered…4yrs4Y

Only raise the tax if companies are not willing to reinvest in training or hiring

 @LN6XCVfrom Ontario answered…4yrs4Y

 @LN5QLPfrom Ontario answered…4yrs4Y

balance based on employee benefits, Canadian based, money staying in Canada

 @LMXYHWfrom Alberta answered…4yrs4Y

Lower taxes, but increase taxes on funds not spent by companies. Large savings of corporations should be taxed at a higher rate.

 @LMQCHBfrom British Columbia answered…4yrs4Y

Corporate Taxes should be abolished. Tax the dividends received by the shareholders, and if the shareholders are non-Canadians a foreign tax of 25% should be imposed, unless the country they are from has a similar tax rule as we do.

 @LMN2D3from British Columbia answered…4yrs4Y

Increase for companies based on their pollution and human rights transgressions

 @LMLVC8from Ontario answered…4yrs4Y

Canada should raise minimum wage and create other incentives for companies to pay their workers well

 @LMCTJXfrom British Columbia answered…4yrs4Y

 @LKY3CLfrom Ontario answered…4yrs4Y

Tax rate directly influenced by number of full time jobs in the corp in canada