


What personal values influence your opinion on the balance between public safety and humanitarian treatment of non-violent prisoners?


Could the resources saved from not incarcerating non-violent offenders lead to overall benefits for society, and if so, how?


How might the integration of rehabilitation programs over imprisonment for non-violent crimes affect re-offense rates?


What are the potential benefits and drawbacks of utilizing electronic monitoring for non-violent offenders?


If you had the power to change the prison system, what alternatives to incarceration would you consider for non-violent offenses?


How could alternative sentences for non-violent crimes change your community and the justice system?


Imagine a society without prison overcrowding; what changes do you think would be necessary to achieve this?


How might the release of non-violent prisoners affect the community and its sense of safety?


What are your thoughts on the impact of prison overcrowding on the mental health of inmates?


How would you feel if someone you cared about was in a crowded prison for a non-violent offense?