


Does the need for more adoptive families in many parts of the world affect your perspective on who should be able to adopt?


Thinking about the idea of 'traditional family values,' how do you see these concepts adapting as society changes?


If a child can be provided a stable, loving environment, what significance, if any, do you believe the sexual orientation of the adoptive parents has?


How do you think your own upbringing would influence your view on whether gay couples should have the same adoption rights as straight couples?


What personal qualities do you think are most important for adoptive parents to have, and are these related to sexual orientation?


How do you think historical attitudes toward LGBT individuals might impact their rights to adopt today and how has this changed over time?


Can you think of any reasons why a gay couple might be more or less suited to adoption than a straight couple?


Reflect on the role a parent's gender plays in parenting; does it matter if a child has two moms, two dads, or one of each?


If the ultimate goal is to provide a loving home for a child, how do you think the sexual orientation of the parents factors into this?


How might the experience of a child raised by gay parents differ from one raised by straight parents, if at all?