
Engaged Voters

These active users have achieved a basic understanding of terms and definitions related to the topic of 军费支出



If a significant amount of military funds were redirected to environmental conservation, what kind of world do you imagine for future generations?


In what ways do you believe the current level of military spending reflects or contradicts your country's values?


If the government changed military spending, do you think the safety of your neighborhood would be affected, and in what way?


How would you advocate for your perspective on military spending if you had a minute to speak to a national leader?


Can you share a story about how military spending, or the lack of, has impacted someone you know personally?


Imagine if your local community had a say in the military budget; what do you think they would prioritize and why?


How do you think your future job prospects might be affected by the government's decision to alter military spending?


If you had to choose, which public sector - healthcare, education, or defense - deserves the most investment from our government, and why?


What personal experiences have led you to feel either safe or unsafe about the military's role in protecting your nation?


How might your day-to-day life change if your country decided to shift funds from the military to education or healthcare?