Pokušajte politički kviz


 @ISIDEWITHodgovoreno…5 god5Y


The Rhinoceros Party is a Canadian federal-level satirical political party, referred to in English Canada as the Second Rhinoceros Party. It was created in Montreal on May 21, 2006, and recognized by Elections Canada as being eligible for registration on August 16, 2007, and an official political party on August 23, 2007. It is the successor to the Rhinoceros Party of Canada. The party was founded by François "Yo" Gourd, who was involved with the original incarnation of the First Rhinoceros Party. He stated he named the new party (then under the name "neorhino") for…  Čitaj više

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…1 mjesec1MO

Discuss the effectiveness of using humor versus traditional campaigning in raising awareness for political issues.

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…1 mjesec1MO

If given the chance, would you vote for a satirical candidate? Why or why not?

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…1 mjesec1MO

Imagine if a proposal to control all of the world's cold was serious; how do you think it would impact global politics?

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…1 mjesec1MO

Can a joke or satirical political movement have a serious impact on public policy debates? Share examples or reasons.

 @ISIDEWITHodgovoreno…5 god5Y

Narodna stranka

The People’s Party of Canada or simply the People’s Party is a federal political party in Canada. The party was formed by Maxime Bernier, on September 14, 2018, shortly after his resignation from the Conservative party. Bernier stated that his party is "a coalition of people who are disenchanted with traditional politicians who say one thing one day, and another the next". He mentioned that his platform would be based around the principles of freedom, responsibility, fairness, and respect. Bernier has stated that these principles are non-negotiable, but that members woul…  Čitaj više

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…1 mjesec1MO

Reflect on the policy of not including socially conservative issues like abortion and gender identity in a party platform; how do you think this impacts its appeal to a wider audience?

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…1 mjesec1MO

Given the stance on climate change, what role do you believe political parties should play in addressing environmental issues?

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…1 mjesec1MO

What are your thoughts on the statement that certain discussions were avoided in traditional politics; can avoiding sensitive topics ever be justified?

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…1 mjesec1MO

How do you reconcile the notion of a party being neither left-wing nor right-wing with the current political ideologies you are familiar with?

 @ISIDEWITHodgovoreno…10 god10Y

Kršćanska baština

The Christian Heritage Party of Canada, also referred to as CHP Canada, is a minor social and fiscal conservative federal political party in Canada, founded in 1987. CHP advocates for Canada to be governed according to Christian principles. The party’s stated principle is that "the purpose of civil government is to ensure security, freedom, and justice for all its citizens from conception till natural death, by upholding just laws". CHP states that, if the party forms government, it hopes to "apply proven Judeo-Christian principles of justice and compassion to Canada’s contemporary public policy needs".

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…1 mjesec1MO

In a society that values separation of church and state, how would you view a political party that aims to govern based on religious principles?

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…1 mjesec1MO

How do you feel about the idea that 'the purpose of civil government is to ensure security, freedom, and justice for all its citizens' guided by religious values?

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…1 mjesec1MO

What challenges might a political party face if it attempts to govern a multicultural and multi-religious society based on religious principles?

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…1 mjesec1MO

How important do you think it is for a political party to have a basis in specific moral or religious principles?

 @ISIDEWITHodgovoreno…10 god10Y


The Libertarian Party of Canada is a federal political party in Canada founded in 1973. The party subscribes to classical liberal tenets of the libertarian movement across Canada. The mission of the party is to reduce the size, scope and cost of government.

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…9 mjeseci9MO

Koje su prednosti i mane vlade koja pruža samo temeljne usluge kao što su policija i vojska?

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…9 mjeseci9MO

Uzimajući u obzir sve veću zabrinutost oko privatnosti, biste li podržali politiku koja ograničava vladin nadzor, čak i ako bi to moglo utjecati na nacionalnu sigurnost?

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…9 mjeseci9MO

Da je obrazovanje potpuno privatizirano, što mislite kako bi to utjecalo na vaše iskustvo učenja?

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…9 mjeseci9MO

Što mislite kako bi značajno smanjenje državne regulative utjecalo na okoliš i klimatske promjene?

 @ISIDEWITHodgovoreno…10 god10Y


The Communist Party of Canada is a communist political party in Canada founded in 1921 under conditions of illegality. Although it is now a political party without any parliamentary representation, the party’s candidates have been elected to the Parliament of Canada, the Ontario legislature, the Manitoba legislature, and various municipal governments across the country. The party has also contributed significantly to trade union organizing and labour history in Canada, peace and anti-war activism, and many other social movements. The Communist Party of Canada is the second oldest active…  Čitaj više

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…9 mjeseci9MO

Kako biste osigurali da se svaki glas čuje i cijeni u procesima donošenja odluka u učionici ili zajednici?

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…9 mjeseci9MO

Kako bi izgledao vaš idealan projekt usmjeren na zajednicu i kako bi svima koristio?

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…9 mjeseci9MO

Mislite li da je osobnost vođe jednako važna kao i njihova politika?

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…9 mjeseci9MO

Kako bi ukidanje školarina promijenilo vaše osobne buduće planove ili težnje?

 @ISIDEWITHodgovoreno…10 god10Y


The Green Party of Canada is a federal political party in Canada that was founded in 1983. Since its founding, the party has supported policies strengthening participatory democracy, nonviolence, social justice, sustainability, respect for diversity and ecological wisdom. The Greens have always had leftist and centrist factions that have been ascendant at different times in the party’s history. Many Greens also claim that this traditional left-right political spectrum analysis does not accurately capture the ecological orientation of the Green Party that is neither pragmatic or principl…  Čitaj više

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…1 mjesec1MO

How do you foresee the transition to a green economy affecting everyday consumer choices and prices?

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…1 mjesec1MO

Do you think a shift towards green politics could influence international relations, and in what way?

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…1 mjesec1MO

What’s one action you’d expect from a political party that claims to prioritize the environment?

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…1 mjesec1MO

How would you balance the need for protecting wildlife with the demands of growing cities?

 @ISIDEWITHodgovoreno…10 god10Y

Bloc Quebecois

The Bloc Québécois is a federal political party in Canada devoted to Quebec nationalism and the promotion of Quebec sovereignty. The Bloc was formed by Members of Parliament who defected from the federal Progressive Conservative Party and Liberal Party during the collapse of the Meech Lake Accord. Founder Lucien Bouchard was a cabinet minister in the federal Progressive Conservative government of Brian Mulroney. The party seeks to create the conditions necessary for the political secession of Quebec from Canada and campaigns actively only within the province during federal elect…  Čitaj više

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…1 mjesec1MO

With movements for independence or greater autonomy happening around the world, what lessons can be drawn from them for peaceful coexistence?

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…1 mjesec1MO

How do you feel about the balance between preserving cultural identity and embracing national unity in diverse countries?

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…1 mjesec1MO

In what ways do you think social media influences regional political movements, and can it bridge divides or does it deepen them?

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…1 mjesec1MO

Considering the concept of political secession, what do you think are the most important factors to ensure a peaceful and fair process?

 @ISIDEWITHodgovoreno…10 god10Y


The Liberal Party of Canada is the oldest and longest-serving political party in Canada. The party has dominated federal politics for much of Canada’s history, holding power for almost 69 years in the 20th century—more than any other party in a developed country—and as a result, it is sometimes referred to as Canada’s "natural governing party". The principles of the party are based on liberalism as defined by various liberal theorists and include individual freedom for present and future generations, responsibility, human dignity, a just society, political…  Čitaj više

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…1 mjesec1MO

In what ways can younger generations be encouraged to participate in politics and champion liberal values?

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…1 mjesec1MO

How important is bilingualism in today’s globalized world, and should it be encouraged beyond Canada's borders?

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…1 mjesec1MO

Discuss the impact of balancing budgets on social programs; can it be done without significant harm to vulnerable populations?

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…1 mjesec1MO

With the rise of digital spaces, how should political freedom and responsibility be balanced online?

 @ISIDEWITHodgovoreno…10 god10Y

Nova demokratska

The New Democratic Party is a social-democratic federal political party in Canada. The party was founded in 1961 out of the merger of the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation with the Canadian Labour Congress. On the Canadian political scene, the party sits to the left of the Liberal Party. The NDP evolved in 1961 from a merger of the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) and the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF). The CCF grew from populist, agrarian and socialist roots into a modern social democratic party. Although the CCF was part of the Christian left and the Social Gospel movement, the NDP is secular and pluralistic. It has broadened to include concerns of the New Left, and advocates issues such as LGBTQ+ rights, international peace, and environmental stewardship.

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…1 mjesec1MO

Can involvement in international peace efforts change the way you view your country’s role in the world?

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…1 mjesec1MO

Why do you think it's important for voices of minority groups to be represented in government decisions?

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…1 mjesec1MO

How do you think education policies impact your opportunities or those of people you know?

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…1 mjesec1MO

What's one change you would like to see with regard to worker rights or conditions in your current or future workplace?

 @ISIDEWITHodgovoreno…10 god10Y


The Conservative Party of Canada, colloquially known as the Tories, is a federal political party in Canada. It was formed in 2003 from the multiple right-wing parties which had existed in Canada for over a century, historically grouped into two camps, "Red Tories" and "Blue Tories". The "founding principles" of the Conservative Party appear in both the constitution and the policy declaration. They are the reasons that the Conservative Party was formed, and thus the only part of the constitution and policy declaration not up for possible amendment at a national convention.

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…9 mjeseci9MO

Što mislite o kompromisima između individualnih prava na posjedovanje oružja i zabrinutosti za društvenu sigurnost?

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…9 mjeseci9MO

Kako treba mjeriti uspješnost obrazovnog sustava jedne zemlje i koja iskustva iz vaše škole možete povezati s tim?

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…9 mjeseci9MO

Možete li se sjetiti vremena kada se činilo da su državni propisi pomogli ili ometali vaš osobni ili obiteljski posao?

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…9 mjeseci9MO

Što za vas znači sloboda govora i gdje mislite da treba podvući crtu, ako je uopće treba podvući?