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 @3FDMRXQaus Ontario antwortete…4 Jahre4Y

Depending on the use of the drone and the location of the drone while being used. Shouldn't be used in or around private property and the public should be allowed to have a salon if their houses, cars, etc are able to be photographed or filmed.

 @3FD6HGLaus Ontario antwortete…4 Jahre4Y

No, no, no! Too dangerous, interference with commercial and other flights at some point would occur because not all people would follow rules. Birds are bad enough!

 @3FD46BBaus British Columbia antwortete…4 Jahre4Y

Yes, as long as there is no audio or video recording of any kind or any weapons to protect canadian citezens privacy

 @3FCHJ74aus British Columbia antwortete…4 Jahre4Y

Yes, but every drone must be registered and its activity back logged incase of being used for criminal use.

 @3FCDR28aus British Columbia antwortete…4 Jahre4Y

Yes, but it needs to be strictly regulated and reviewed regularly. If it is means of delivery, yes. If it is means of spying and collecting data for the use in marketing campaigns, NO.

 @3FC3C9HLiberalaus Ontario antwortete…4 Jahre4Y

If it is means of delivery, yes. If it is means of spying and collecting data for the use in marketing campaigns, NO. (Referenced from another user). And issue, special permit for users.

 @3FBK4X9aus Alberta antwortete…4 Jahre4Y

For delivery, research of difficult geographical areas, making movies etc. yes. For spying and collecting data for the use in marketing campaigns, NO. So I guess yes but very strictly regulated.

 @3FB3CVJaus Ontario antwortete…4 Jahre4Y

With the current privacy act in Canada, I believe that there needs to be some regulations on drones. Like aircraft all units should have an Identification number visible and be registered with the CTSB providing details of usage. This will protect the citizens from privacy invasion as well as our country from spies, or other foreign intelligence.

 @3FB229Yaus British Columbia antwortete…4 Jahre4Y

Yes, but there need to be strict laws about when one can fly. With the recent fires in BC, we saw how dangerous limited rules can be.

 @3F9WGB4aus Ontario antwortete…4 Jahre4Y

Only with a registered flight plan, accountability to fly only where approved or else lose the privilege to do so.

 @2D8K475aus Saskatchewan antwortete…4 Jahre4Y

 @2D7P6Y7aus British Columbia antwortete…4 Jahre4Y

If it is means of delivery, yes. If it is means of spying and collecting data for the use in marketing campaigns, NO

 @2D7L8JRaus Ontario antwortete…4 Jahre4Y

Not to spy on the public, no to individuals to ensure privacy Yes to make movies and to view geographic areas that are difficult to access, for research purposes.

 @2D6T69Saus British Columbia antwortete…4 Jahre4Y

I know a rancher who is going to be testing a drone to check his miles of fencing. Sounds pretty good. I'm not into having them invade privacy.

 @2D5S6Y5aus British Columbia antwortete…4 Jahre4Y

 @2D4W3ZKaus British Columbia antwortete…4 Jahre4Y

i think there should be boundaries put in place when it comes to using drones in urban areas.

 @2D4K7F7aus Alberta antwortete…4 Jahre4Y

Yes - but only with a high level of controls in place to prevent misuse, and strict regulations over the type, time of use, and method of use.

 @2D34J3Vaus Alberta antwortete…4 Jahre4Y

Yes, but with specific regulations regarding privacy, the permissable uses of collected information, and harassment laws.

 @gsarahsaus British Columbia antwortete…4 Jahre4Y

Legislation in regards to drones needs to be updated to catch up with the upgrades in the technology, for both private citizens and commercial users.

 @2CXD6H6aus Alberta antwortete…4 Jahre4Y

Not sure, i wouldn't want my privacy spied upon by such a device if they had the ability to do so.