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 @ISIDEWITHverlinkt…2 Wochen2W

Mehrere Festnahmen nach umstrittenem Suizid-Pod-Einsatz in der Schweiz

In a statement, The Last Resort assisted dying group said the person who died was a 64-year-old woman from the midwestern United States.

 @ISIDEWITHverlinkt…2 Wochen2W

Mehrere Personen nach Tod einer Frau in „Selbstmordkapsel“ festgenommen

Police in Switzerland made multiple arrests after someone reportedly ended their life using a so-called suicide pod, in apparently the first case of its kind.

 @ISIDEWITHverlinkt…2 Wochen2W

Mehrere Festnahmen nachdem US-Frau in der Schweiz maschinenunterstützten Suizid verwendet hat

Swiss police said Tuesday they arrested several people after a US woman used a controversial suicide pod to end her life.