Versuchen Sie, die politische Quiz


 @P2BKWBaus Alberta antwortete…4 Jahre4Y

 @NXGJL8aus British Columbia antwortete…4 Jahre4Y

Remove partisanship and allow the senate to function without influence of political party affiliations. More than ever, we need the senate to be a sober thought.

 @NWDX44aus Ontario antwortete…4 Jahre4Y

Change appointment mechanism to ensure senators provide a sober second look but are not beholden to the political apparatus

 @NTMJHVaus Ontario antwortete…4 Jahre4Y

Remove party affiliations so the senators may vote their conscience rather than along party lines.

 @M65KVSaus Alberta antwortete…4 Jahre4Y

Give Jail Time to those that abuse and heavy fines and don't allow write offs or pay back schemes.

 @M63YGNaus Ontario antwortete…4 Jahre4Y

Elect and the government of the day should not be able to appoint only those people who follow its party line. If the senate is to function properly, it should be non-partisan.

 @M5K6BDaus Ontario antwortete…4 Jahre4Y

Either abolish or dramatically change its mandate, composition, and selection process so as to not simply be a reflection of the governing party of the day.